
  • 网络Research of Environmental Sciences;environmental science
  1. 环境科学研究第19卷(2006)总目次

    Research of Environmental Sciences vol.19 ( 2006 ) total contents

  2. 本文简单介绍了复杂适应系统理论(CAS理论),指出这可能是导致环境科学研究取得突破的一条途径,并且综述了近年来CAS理论在环境科学中应用的一些例子。

    This paper introduces complex adaptive system theory in brief , points out that this may be a way to make a major achievement in the environmental science , and provide some examples about applying CAS theory in environmental science .

  3. MATLAB软件具有简单易学、代码短小、计算功能强大等特点,适用于环境科学研究的数据处理。

    The characteristic of MATLAB software is simple and easy to study , which has short code and powerful calculative function .

  4. 中国地质科学院(ChineseAcademyofGeologicalSciences)地球环境科学研究中心的林景星表示,即便如此,那次调查也表明污染情况“比预期更加糟糕”。

    Even so , it showed pollution was " worse than expected , " said Lin Jingxing of the Research Center of Earth Environmental Sciences , part of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences .

  5. 分析GC-MS分析技术在矿冶环境科学研究中的重要作用,并介绍具体应用成果。

    The important role of GC-MS analytical technology in investigation of environment science for mining and metallurgy is described and the practical achievements are introduced .

  6. PFOS是一种新型的持久性有机污染物(POPs),已经成为环境科学研究的热点问题。

    As a newly identified persistent organic pollutant , PFOS has become a subject of many recent investigations .

  7. rRNA为靶序列寡核苷酸或PNA探针的荧光原位杂交能提供微生物的形态学、数量、空间分布等信息,现已成为环境科学研究领域中的热点技术。

    The information about morphology , number , and spatial distribution of the microorganisms could be provided by FISH with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotides probes or PNA . Furthermore , it is a powerful tool for studying environmental microbiology .

  8. 世界农业环境科学研究动态与展望

    Researching Trends and Prospect of Agro-environment Science in the World

  9. 分析、阐述了世界农业环境科学研究发展的趋势;

    Researching and developing trends of agro-environment science were analyzed and expounded ;

  10. 环境科学研究与科研人员的智力结构

    The Research of Environment Sciences and the Intellectual Structure of the Researchers

  11. 构建资源环境科学研究多维信息处理环境的探讨

    A tentative discussion on establishment multidimensional information environment for geo-sciences

  12. 河北省土壤环境科学研究现状及发展方向

    Present Situation and Development Direction of Soil and Environment Science of Hebei Province

  13. 近年来,地表风化作用逐渐成为地球科学和环境科学研究的焦点。

    Surficial weathering is becoming the focus of Earth and Environment Science research recently .

  14. 土壤重金属污染治理是环境科学研究的热点和难点问题。

    To recover heavy metal contaminated soils was a hot topic in environmental science .

  15. 现代生物技术在环境科学研究中的应用

    Application of Modern Biotechnology in Environmental Science Research

  16. 筛网处理装置是沈阳环境科学研究所经过多年研制出的具有用途广泛、效果显著的一种新技术。

    The apparatus of screen an new technology with widely use and remarkably effect .

  17. 环境科学研究的新趋势

    New trend in the research of Environmental Science

  18. 复杂性科学思维中的环境科学研究

    Study of Environmental Science in Complexity Science Perspective

  19. 将古论今&环境科学研究中的历史地质学方法

    Past is the key to the present : method of historical geology in Environmental Sciences

  20. 因此对赤潮毒素的研究已成为海洋环境科学研究的重要内容。

    The research on the red tide toxins is very important to the marine environmental science .

  21. 地球和环境科学研究所

    Institute for Earth and Environmental Sciences

  22. 20世纪80年代以来,生态恢复逐渐成为生态学和环境科学研究的热点领域。

    Ecological restoration has become a hot topic in ecological and environmental studies since the 1980s .

  23. 所载论文的内容广泛,几乎覆盖了海洋环境科学研究的各个领域。

    The contents of the papers are wide and covered the all fields in the marine environmental sciences .

  24. 研究表明,灰色系统模型在环境科学研究中可以作为一种新的认识方法。

    It was showed that the grey system model may be used as a new tool in environmental scientific research .

  25. 为了产生同行的压力和激励,我们正在与我们的合作伙伴中国环境科学研究院合作,

    To generate peer pressure and incentives , we 're working with our partner , the Chinese Academy of Environmental Science ,

  26. 利用生物监测流动水体污染程度一直是环境科学研究领域中的热点课题之一。

    Monitoring the contamination level of flowing water system with biological monitoring techniques is one of the challenging subjects in environmental science .

  27. 地球和环境科学研究所安徽铜陵典型尾矿库地球化学和环境地球化学效应

    Institute for Earth and Environmental Sciences Research on Geochemical Characters and Environmental Geochemical Effects of Representative Tailings Impoundments in the Region of Tongling , Anhui Province , China

  28. 环境科学研究应与伦理学研究结盟,把伦理学正当行为观念扩至对环境的关心,把道德上的权利概念扩至整个环境实体和过程。

    Environmental science study should combine with ethics , extend rightful activity and idea of ethics to environment and extend right concept of virtue to whole environmental body and course .

  29. 它是一门建立在现代环境科学研究基础之上的新兴边缘性科学,其设计的范畴包括人文社会环境、自然环境、人工环境的规划与设计。

    It is a newly arisen edge of science based on the study of modern environment . Its design includes the aspects of social environment , natural environment and artificial environment .

  30. 20世纪70年代,资料同化开始引入空气质量预报领域,成为当前大气环境科学研究的一个新方向。

    Since the seventies of last century , data assimilation has been used in air quality prediction , and has become a new direction in the research on the atmospheric environmental science .