
huán jìnɡ dì zhì xué
  • environmental geology
  1. 本研究以环境地质学、灾害地质学及工程地质学等理论为指导,运用GPS及计算机技术对研究区地质灾害危险性进行调查。

    Taking theory of the environmental geology , the disasters geology 、 and engineering geology as a guide , GPS and computer technology to investigate geological hazards .

  2. 从系统观点论环境地质学的研究方法

    Research methods for environmental geology from the view-point of general system

  3. 环境地质学必须为可持续发展战略服务。

    Environmental geology must serve the strategy of sustainable development .

  4. 从环境地质学谈黄金矿山企业的安全生产

    On safety and production of gold mine from environmental geology

  5. 第四纪是环境地质学研究的重要时代

    Quaternary Period : an important epoch in environmental geology study

  6. 试论环境地质学的研究任务与内容

    Discussion on the contents and aim of environmental geology

  7. 关于环境地质学的一些基本问题探讨

    Discussion on some basic problems of environmental geology

  8. 本文概括讨论了环境地质学的形成时代背景。

    In the paper epochal background of the formation of environmental geology is discussed briefly .

  9. 海底不稳定性和灾害地质因素是目前近海环境地质学研究的主要课题,大抵可分为构造、斜坡、底型和结构4种不稳定性。

    Seafloor unstability and hazardous geologic factors are the main concern of offshore environmental geological study .

  10. 有关环境地质学某些问题的初步探讨

    Preliminary discussion on environmental geology

  11. 环境地质学概论

    Brief introduction to environmental geology

  12. 系统动态过程研究可视之为当代环境地质学的基本特征。

    Nowadays , dynamic process researches of a system should be regarded as the basic characteristics of environmental geology .

  13. 当前世界环境地质学发展特点趋向及我国主要环境地质学问题分析

    Current development characteristic and tendency of environmental geology in the world and analysis of environmental geology problems in our country

  14. 本文介绍了泰国矿产资源部在环境地质学领域的活动和目标。

    The paper describes the activities and objectives of the Department of Mineral Resources in the field of environmental geology .

  15. 环境地质学是一门应用地质学科,是地质科学和环境科学两者相互渗透、重新交叉组合而形成的一门新的边缘学科。

    Environmental geology is an applied geology , a new borderline science developed from the mutual pentration , interaction , and combination of geology and environmental science .

  16. 主要内容包括:(1)从地球系统科学、环境地质学的角度讨论了生态地质环境研究的兴起以及主要研究内容,界定了生态地质环境的内涵。

    From the point of global systematic science and environment geology , it discusses the rise of eco-geology and main research contents , and analyzes the meaning of eco-geological environment .

  17. 地质灾害孕灾机理及地质灾害综合防治研究已经成为环境地质学领域的前沿课题和学术界研究的热点,防灾减灾已经成为各级政府的重要职责。

    It has become a leading edge task on environmental geology and a hot spot of research on academic circles to study the formation mechanism and integrate control of geological disaster .

  18. 环境地质学与其他地质学科的最大区别是,把人类活动作为一种地质作用营力加以研究,这是前所未有的。

    The greatest difference between environmental geology and other branches of geological sciences lies in that environmental geology studies human activities as a geological agent , which has never been considered before .

  19. 本文提出环境地质学是指研究自然地质作用(条件、因素)及人类活动引起地质条件发生变化对人类生存环境造成影响的科学。

    This paper proposes that enviromental geology is a science studying the influence of natural geologic process ( conditions , factors ) and the change of geologic condition caused by human activities on the vivosphere of human being .

  20. 中国地质科学领域研究重点在地球化学、金属矿产和能源的经济地质学,但在环境地质学领域研究相对较少,而国际上环境地质学研究论文的发展已经大大高于传统的地质学论文。

    The number of paper in Environmental geology has a big proportion in the world , but in China it 's relatively small . Major research fields in geosciences in China focus on geochemistry , geology of metal deposits and energy resources .

  21. 本文应用环境地质学和环境学理论,从分析自然地理地质背景入手,概述了盘县特区硫氟公害,并提出了防治措施。

    Based on the theory of the environmental geology and environmental science and through analyses of backgrounds of natural geology and geography , this paper deals with the Sulphur and Fluorine environmental pollution in Pan county and puts forward some prevention and control measures .

  22. Rayleigh面波在很多领域都显示着重要的作用,比如地震学、地下水、工程、环境、地质学和材料科学。

    The importance of Rayleigh waves can be noted in several fields , as earthquake seismology , ground water , engineering , environmental , geology and material science .

  23. 环境工程地质学的研究体系和方法探讨

    Discussion on Research System and Method of Environment Engineering Geology

  24. 试论环境工程地质学的科学性质与学科发展

    On the science property and the subject advance of environmental engineering geology

  25. 试论环境工程地质学的内涵与外延

    On the intension and extension of environmental engineering geology

  26. 资源环境水文地质学若干理论问题研究

    A study on some theoretical problems of Resources-environmental hydrogeology

  27. 环境工程地质学的兴起与发展

    Rise and development of environmental engineering geology

  28. 从环境工程地质学的观点出发,针对热融滑塌这种可控的滑坡地质灾害,提出了基于保护冻土原则的具体的防治措施。

    From environmental engineering geology viewpoint , control measures based on permafrost protection principle for thaw slumping have been put forward .

  29. 环境工程地质学是工程地质学发展的新阶段,它囊括并发展了工程地质学的所有问题。

    Environmental engineering geology ( EEG ) represents a new stage in the development of engineering geology , embracing and developing all problems of engineering geology .

  30. 从环境水文地质学的角度出发,对济南市地下水污染的主要途径和方式,以及局部地下水重污染区进行了较为详细的分析。

    From environmental geology point of view , the main route and patterns of groundwater pollution , and heavy polluted area in Jinan City have been analyzed .