
  • 网络pollution meteorology
  1. 二阶闭合模式在污染气象学中的某些应用

    Applications of second-order closure model to air - pollution meteorology

  2. 第三,对神经网络预测模型的输入样本进行研究,应用大气污染气象学原理分析并确定神经网络预测模型的输入变量,采用主成分分析进行输入变量降维。

    Thirdly , the paper has studied the issue on the input samples of ANNS model . Input samples of ANNS model are analysed and determined on the basis of air pollution meteorology , and dimensionality of input variables are reducted using Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) .

  3. 紊流扩散理论是矿井空气污染防治的理论基础,这方面的进一步深入研究有可能导致新学科&矿内空气污染气象学的诞生。

    The Turbulent diffusion theory lays the theoretical foundation for prevention and control of mine air pollution . Further study in this aspect may lead to the birth of a new discipline & mine air pollution of meteorology .