
  • 网络pollution prevention;PREVENTION OF POLLUTION
  1. 实现了清洁生产和污染预防,完全达到原料药生产车间的GMP标准,取得了经济效益和环境效益的双赢。

    The cleaner production and industrial pollution prevention of chlorzoxazone have been obtained , accomplishing the GMP criterion of material medica workshop and acquiring the harmony of economy and environment .

  2. CEAC和CGEC越来越多地涉及到环境保护中,包括地方、国家及全球尺度的污染预防和环境应急准备。

    CEAC and CGEC have been increasingly involved in a full spectrum of environmental conservation and protection , including pollution prevention and environmental preparedness , respectively , at the local and national levels and at the global level .

  3. 把污染预防纳入化工过程和产品的研究开发与设计中

    Integrating Pollution Prevention into Research and Design of Chemical Processess and Chemical Products

  4. 清洁生产是基于污染预防的一种环境保护战略措施。

    Cleaner production is a tactic of environment protection based on pollution prevention .

  5. 负责工作中实行有效的污染预防和措施,消除或减少污染;

    Responsible for eliminating or reducing pollution by implementing effective pollution prevention method .

  6. 浅谈无公害蔬菜生产中的污染预防与检测

    Pollution Prevention and Examine in Harmless Vegetable Production

  7. 选择性消化道去污染预防肠源性感染的研究

    A study on selected decontamination of the digestive tract to prevent bowel - originated infection

  8. 循环经济立法模式应当采用经济循环型和污染预防型相结合的模式。

    The pattern of the legislation is a combination of economy recycling and pollution prevention .

  9. 落实污染预防,经济环保双赢。

    Pollution preventive gain economy and environment .

  10. 浅析污染预防方案

    Analysis of industrial pollution prevention project

  11. 污染预防和消除方法

    Pollution Prevention and Removal Methods

  12. 选择性肠道脱污染预防急性坏死性胰腺炎继发感染的实验研究

    An experimental study on selective decontamination of digestive tract in prevention of infections secondary to acute necrotizing pancreatitis

  13. 环境科学是世界性的战略研究新学科,其主题是污染预防和治理。

    Environmental science is a newly-developed world-wide strategic subject , which main topics are pollution prevention and harness .

  14. 雨水集流饮用水的污染预防及水质改良途径

    The Way of Preventing the Pollution and Improving the Quality of the Drinking Water from Rain Collection Cellars

  15. 本部分对环境污染预防公众参与的法理基础进行研究,以寻求法理的支持。

    This part of the legal basis of public participation in environmental research , to seek legal support .

  16. 本文研究了氯唑沙宗的清洁生产与污染预防技术。

    In this dissertation , the technology of cleaner production and industrial pollution prevention of chlorzoxazone has been studied .

  17. 而生命周期设计是实现产品环境影响最小化和污染预防的最好方式之一。

    Life cycle design is one of the most effective means for minimizing environmental impact of products and pollution preventing .

  18. 本标准之整体目的是在兼顾社会与经济需求的情况下,做好环境保护与污染预防的工作。

    The overall aim of the standard is to support environmental protection and prevention of pollution in balance with socio-economic needs .

  19. 清洁生产是环境污染预防政策的核心,在我国的推行过程中遇到了许多困难。

    Clean production is the core of prevention policy of environment , which is met with many difficulties through the implementing in China .

  20. 备考:污染预防的潜在效益包括减少不利之环境冲击、升效率及降低成本。

    NOTE - The potential benefits of prevention of pollution include the reduction of adverse environmental impacts , improved efficiency and reduced costs .

  21. 近年来,污染预防、环境整治、可再生材料和能源成为影响可持续发展的关键因素。

    Recently , pollution prevention , environmental remediation , renewable materials and energy effect have become the important factor of the sustainable development .

  22. 同时指出了消除重要环境因素的影响,保护环境是实施污染预防的有效途径。

    It points out that elimination of the impact of major environmental factors and environmental protection are the efficient approaches to prevent pollution .

  23. 通过对绍兴市清洁生产示范项目试点企业的清洁生产审计方法,程序及初步成果的剖析,说明了采用清洁生产审计,进行污染预防,是企业实现经济与环境双重效益的最佳途径。

    The article analyzed the method , procedure and results of clean production auditing on experiment at selected enterprise demonstrating in Shaoxing city .

  24. 清洁生产是一个系统工程,是对生产全过程以及产品的整个生命周期采取污染预防的综合措施。

    The cleaner production is a systematic project and synthetical measure of adopting pollution prevention in the whole production process and the whole life cycle of products .

  25. 就每个组织来说,无论是污染预防还是环境绩效的改善,都不可能一经实施这个标准就能得到完满的解决。

    Each organization , whether it is pollution prevention or improvement in environmental performance , can not be the implementation of this standard can be satisfactorily resolved .

  26. 这些途径不是相互孤立的,而是相互关联与补充的,其中最主要的是要满足产品设计的环境准则,即要在产品的生命周期中体现污染预防的思想。

    These ways are not isolated mutually but associated and supplemented mutually , in which the main point is to satisfy the environmental criteria of product design .

  27. 污染预防和治理的基础是环境暴露危险评估,而环境暴露危险评估的一个重要根据是有机污染物的环境性质。

    Consequently , the basic of pollution prevention and harness depends on the environmental exposure danger assessment which is mainly composed of the environmental properties of organic pollutants .

  28. 任何环境问题都会影响特定或普遍公众的利益,公众就会为了基本利益的保护而主动投身到环境污染预防的活动中。

    Any environmental problems will affect the specific or general public interest , the fundamental interests of the public will take the initiative to join the environmental protection activities .

  29. 清洁生产是一种以污染预防为核心,将污染防治重点由末端治理转向全过程污染削减的全新战略。

    Cleaner production is a whole new strategy that takes pollution prevention as the core , and turns the focus of pollution prevention from end treatment to a full process pollution reduction .

  30. 清洁生产是一项实现经济与环境协调持续发展的环境战略。实行工业污染预防、清洁生产已被认为是工业界实现环境改善,同时保持竞争性和可赢利性的核心手段之一。

    The cleaner production is one of the environmental strategies to realize the coordinative development of economy and environment and one of the core methods to improve the environment and keep competition .