
wū shuǐ
  • sewage;effluent;drainage;slop;foul water
污水 [wū shuǐ]
  • (1) [foul water;slop]∶指不清洁的水

  • 生活污水

  • 城市污水

  • (2) [sewage]∶由污水管道输送的废弃的液体

污水[wū shuǐ]
  1. 这管道将污水排入大海。

    The pipe disgorges sewage into the sea .

  2. 未经处理的污水要进行化学处理。

    The raw sewage is chemically treated .

  3. 工厂里的污水被抽到了附近的河里。

    Waste water is pumped from the factory into a nearby river .

  4. 池子里满是淤泥和绿色的污水。

    The pond was full of mud and green slime .

  5. 许多工厂都将污水排进了这条河里。

    Many factories emptied their waste into the river .

  6. 小镇已经安装了合理的污水处理系统。

    The town has already put in a proper sewerage system .

  7. 一百万吨未经处理的污水被倾倒进了海里。

    A million tonnes of untreated sewage is dumped into the sea

  8. 污水排放之前应该进行更充分的处理。

    There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged

  9. 海面上漂浮着一层未经处理的污水。

    The sea is coated with a film of raw sewage .

  10. 上游的城市将污水排放到河里。

    Cities upstream use the river to get rid of sewage

  11. 污水中的营养物确实会加快港口的海藻生长。

    Sewage nutrients do increase algal growth in the harbour .

  12. 之后曾尝试潜入污水坑。

    An attempt was then made to dive the sump .

  13. 垃圾与污水的清理工作还未完成。

    The clearing of rubbish and drains is still incomplete

  14. 很多年以后这个城市才开始处理污水。

    It was many years before the city began to treat its sewage .

  15. 生态学家认为用消毒剂处理污水是否有益值得怀疑。

    Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful .

  16. 将未经处理的污水排入海中了事是不够的。

    It 's not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea

  17. 急流冲散了污水。

    The intense currents disperse the sewage

  18. 污水和暴雨径流汇入下水道后被直接排入海港。

    The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it , untreated , into the harbour .

  19. 这一地区的一些海滩已被排放到爱尔兰海的污水污染了。

    A number of beaches in the region have been polluted by sewage pumped into the Irish Sea .

  20. 下水道的污水排入海里。

    The sewers discharge out at sea .

  21. 你必须先让污水排出去,然后再清洗管道。

    First you must drain the dirty water out and then clean the pipe .

  22. 一般在污水处理厂的污泥中会富集大量的磷和氨。

    Wastewater treatment plants concentrate large quantities of phosphorus and ammonia in their sludge-handling streams .

  23. 在使用污水泥浆的地区,可以不再使用昂贵的化肥。

    In cases where sewage mud is used , expensive chemical fertilizer use can be avoided .

  24. 如今,大坝不时地改变水位,从暴露的污水释放出了疾病瘴气。

    Changing water levels now at times unleash a miasma of disease from exposed sewage .

  25. 污水处理厂现在可以收集排入污泥中的大部分微纤维,这些微纤维随后会扩散到农田里或掩埋在垃圾填埋场。

    Waste water treatment works now catch most of the fibre lost in the sludge , that 's then spread on croplands or buried in landfill .

  26. 世界自然基金会指出,造成数量下降的主因是河流状况不佳,这主要归咎于污染、筑坝和污水排放。

    According to the WWF , much of the decline is driven by the poor state of rivers – mostly as a result of pollution , dams and sewage .

  27. 业化环境治理企业以市场化方式引入环境污染治理领域,特别是在污水处理和城市垃圾处理领域。”

    een major investors13 in the environmental sector , but in the future market-oriented investment will rise , especially in areas such as wastewater treatment and the disposal of trash in cities . "

  28. Lawrence&McCarty模式及θc在污水处理中的应用与意义

    Application and significance of Lawrence-Mc Carty model and θ c in wastewater treatment

  29. GIS环境下污水管网设计流量的快速计算

    Fast Computation of Designed discharge of Sewage Pipe System under GIS Environment

  30. 现场总线与PLC相结合在污水处理系统的应用

    Application of DCS and PLC in sewage treatment system