- 名environmental microbiology

Application of Modern Biotechnology to Environmental Microbiology : I.Gene Probes and Probing
In the paper , the advantages , separating and fixing of microorganisms , the process of hybridization in situ , together with the future applications of FISH in the environmental microbiology are introduced .
The progress of molecular biology and biotechnology in recent years promote the development of environmental microbiology . People can extract DNA directly from environment and study environmental microbes with molecular marks combined many new techniques .
Practice and Study on Environmental Microbiology Teaching Reformation for Enlarged Students Enrollment
FISH / MAR Technique and Its Application in Study of Environmental Microbiology
A Study on the Microbiological Surveillance Before Sterilization by Irradiation
Evaluation on the Application of Multimedia Technology to the Teaching of Environmental Microbiology
That 's according to a study in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology .
Exploration of Teaching Reform in Environmental Microbiology
The environmental microorganism theory is applied to analyze the problems of waste water recovery unit .
Tropical Centre for Industrial Environmental Microbiology
The Quick Development of Environmental Microbiology in China : " The 11 ~ ( th ) National Conference on Environmental Microbiology " Special Preface
Charles Gerba , a professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona , issued an ominous warning that teenagers were catching MRSA by sharing cell phones .
The study of methanotrophic microorganisms in landfill cover soil and their mechanisms in methane oxidation becomes one of the hot research fields in environmental science and applied microbiology .
Because of this , whenever a toilet is flushed , airborne feces particles get propelled up to 6 feet in distance , according to Chuck Gerba , PhD , professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona .
In bacteriological examination of environmental pollution , the coliform bacteria detection are indicators of fecal contamination and the number of coliform bacteria is determine the level of faecal pollution degree and the dangers sizes to human and poultry health .
Shannon index ( H ) was more sensitive than the index of microbial community richness ( S ) to show the ( microbiological ) change in contaminated environment .
Teaching Research on Environment Project Microbiology for Environment Project Majors in Vocational College
Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution on Microbial Indicators in Soil of a Mining
Application of integrated approaches to promote teaching reform of environmental engineering microbiology course and to improve innovation capacity of students
Environmental Engineering Microbiology is the main required course in Environmental Engineering Specialty and experiment teaching is its important component .
The application of bilingual teaching in environmental engineering microbiology can promote both teachers and students to know foreign teaching contents and improve English standard .
Through the explorations and practice in the experiment teaching of environmental engineering microbiology , experiences were achieved in such fields as teaching thoughts and methods .
In the material of Microbiology of Environmental Engineering teaching , the idea of the teaching material should be excavate sufficiently in order to infiltrate quality education in science education .
Based on experiences of teaching practice , reformation and regulation has been done on teaching plan , teaching contents , teaching methods , evaluation system of experimental test with adding integrated and designed experiment , developing multimedia courseware .
Soil microbe monitoring in Shawan desert eco-environment
Phytoremediation is considered as the most promising remediation approach for the remediation of soil organic pollutants . The mechanism for PAHs phytoremediation in rhizosphere is one of the research frontiers of soil , plant , environment , and microbiology .