
huán jìnɡ yī xué
  • environmental medicine
  1. 在《职业和环境医学期刊》(JournalofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine)2011年刊登的一篇论文中,研究人员对瑞典一家大型大众口腔健康集团171名加入工作时间健身项目的雇员进行了监测。

    A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2011 monitored 171 employees at a large Swedish public dental-health group who were assigned to an exercise program during work hours .

  2. 职业与环境医学中的生物材料参考值

    Reference Values for Biological Parameters in Occupational and Environmental Medicine

  3. 抑制消减杂交技术研究进展及其在环境医学上的应用

    Improvement of Suppression Subtractive Hybridization and Applications on Environmental Medicine

  4. 建设项目环境医学评价公众参与方法研究

    Study of Public Participation on Environmental Medicine Assessment for Planned Construction Item

  5. 流感的危害及防治措施探讨&关于环境医学讨论

    Studies on the Jeopardy of Influenza and Its Prevention Measures

  6. 固体核径迹技术及其在环境医学中的应用

    Nuclear tracks in solids and their applications in environmental science and medicine

  7. 本文首先对我国航天环境医学研究的框架进行了概述。

    The investigation framework of space environmental medicine in China was presented .

  8. 这项研究结果被发表在《职业和环境医学杂志》上。

    The study was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine .

  9. 上述模型在航空工程设计及环境医学方面有较高的实用价值。

    The models have high practicability in aeronautical engineering design and environmental medicine .

  10. 国际环境医学和生物学协会

    International Association for Medicine and Biology of Environment

  11. 美国环境医学科学研究院关于转基因食品的立场声明。

    The American Academy Of Environmental Medicine Calls ForImmediate Moratorium On Genetically Modified Foods .

  12. 环境医学与毒理学的研究动向

    Research trends in environmental medicine and Toxicology

  13. 营养与环境医学杂志。

    Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine .

  14. 加强对环境医学的研究;

    The study of environmental iatrology strengthened ;

  15. 目的解决环境医学研究中某些特定试验条件下正交试验的统计问题。

    Objective To resolve the problem of orthogonal program design under certain specific test condition in environmental medical study .

  16. 因此,美国科学与环境医学的非转基因处方,对于美国的食品供应,可能是一个分水岭。

    Thus , American Academy of Environmental Medicine 's non-GMO prescription may be a watershed for the US food supply .

  17. 最后对航天环境医学在我国未来载人航天工程中的发展机遇与挑战进行了展望。

    Finally , the objective and challenge of space environment medicine faced in the future research in China are presented .

  18. 从军事特殊环境医学的角度看,更要求在高温野战条件下保持战斗力。

    It was more important for soldiers to maintain battle effectiveness in the hot battle field environment from the angle of military special environmental medicine .

  19. 运用环境医学的理论和方法,对某炭黑厂扩建工程周围村民健康现状进行调查,结果表明,气型污染已经使附近村民的上呼吸道及肺部受到不良影响。

    A health investigation was carried out on population exposed to atmospheric pollution resulted from an extension of a carbon black factory with environmental medical theory and method in this paper .

  20. 论及人类在寒冷空气中的存活情况,最广泛使用的模型正是由加拿大国防与民用环境医学研究所的彼得?蒂克西斯和约翰?弗里姆提出的。

    The most widely used model for human survival in cold air was developed by Peter Tikuisis and John Frim for the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine in Ontario .

  21. 这一新研究发表在《职业和环境医学》期刊上,介绍了工作场所的清洁和刺激在长期来看对员工的认知健康起着重要的作用。

    The new study , published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine , suggests that both workplace cleanliness and stimulation plays an important role in the long-term cognitive well-being of employees .

  22. 对于任何一项大型工程的环境医学评价均应从生态环境、社会环境、人口学及人群行为特征的改变入手进行定性和定量评价。

    To any large-scale project , we should start with the changes of ecological and social environment , demographic characteristics and population behaviors to evaluate its impacts on focal diseases qualitatively and quantitatively .

  23. 生物-社会-心理-环境医学模式的建立,改变了西方生物医学模式只重视病而忽视人的问题。

    The establishment of medical science mode of " biology - society - psychology - environment " has changed the issue in Western biomedical mode that only pays attention to " diseases " and ignores " persons " .

  24. 目的通过公众参与,对拟建项目可能造成的环境医学污染及其能取得的经济与社会效益进行定性评价,为拟建项目的环境医学评价工作提供可靠的公众参与信息。

    Objective By means of public participation , the qualitative evaluation of a planned hospital construction item which possibly causes environmental medicine pollution and its economic and social benefits was carried out , and reliable information of public participation was presented for environmental medicine assessment .

  25. 格雷兹瓦兹教授说,弹性工作制最初是为了帮助人们(尤其是女性)同时兼顾工作和家庭,但有关证据表明这显然不仅仅是女性的问题。该研究报告在《职业与环境医学》期刊上发表。

    While the primary driver behind the flexibility movement was to help people , especially women , combine work and family , evidence suggests this is clearly not only a women 's issue , Grzywacz , who reported the findings in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine , said .

  26. 电化学DNA传感器及其在环境和医学检验中的应用

    DNA Biosensors and Its Application in Medicine and Environmental Monitoring

  27. PACS环境下医学编码在结构化报告模块中的应用研究

    Appliance and Research of Medical Codes in DICOM Structured Report Based on PACS

  28. 首先对与医学网络信息服务相关的概念做了界定,然后介绍了Internet在医学信息服务中的应用和网络环境下医学信息服务的特点,最后对我国网络医学信息服务的现状进行了分析。

    This section firstly , related concepts of the web-based medical information service in our country have been defined . Then the application of the Internet for medical information service and the character of the medical information service under the web-based environment have been introduced .

  29. 网络环境下医学信息服务带来的伦理学思考

    An Ethical Reflection on Medical Information Services under the Network Environment

  30. 网络环境下医学用户的信息需求与知识服务

    The Information Demands and Knowledge Services of Medical Users under Network Environment