
quán tóng lì zǐ
  • identical particle
全同粒子[quán tóng lì zǐ]
  1. 全同粒子系统的总角动量及其重复度的计算程序

    A program for the angular momenta and their multiplicities of identical particle system

  2. 全同粒子系的轨道自旋

    Orbital Spins in an Identical Particle System

  3. 这样的方法也使得有可能将Treiman-Yang判据应用到在终态中有全同粒子的那些过程。

    Such an approach makes it possible to apply the Treiman-Yang criterion also to processes in which there are identical particles in the final state .

  4. 全同粒子的不可分辨性那是无可置辨的事实。

    Indistinguishability of identical particles That is the fact beyond controversy .

  5. 全同粒子的纠缠研究是近来量子信息和量子力学基本概念研究中的一个热点。

    Recently , the entanglement in identical particles becomes a popular focus .

  6. 全同粒子在占有数表象的薛定锷方程

    Schrodinger Equation of Identical Particles in Occupation Number Representation

  7. 全同粒子系统的非共振光学控制

    Non-Reson an t Optical Control of Identical Particle System

  8. 把上述结论推广到含有多于两个全同粒子的系统中去是十分容易的。

    The extension to systems of more than two identical particles is quite straightforward .

  9. 全同粒子散射的量子效应分析

    The Quantum Effect Analysis of Identical Particles Scattering

  10. 在高能碰撞实验中,通过测量全同粒子的强度关联可以获得的粒子发射源的时空结构信息。

    In high energy collisions experiment , people study particles-emitting source by measuring the identical particles correlations .

  11. 全同粒子的不可分辨性

    Indistinguishability of identical particles

  12. 全同粒子是指质量、电荷、自旋等一些固有性质相同的粒子,它们在散射时表现出一些特别的性质。

    The identical particles are the particles with inherent identical character in mass , electric charge , spin , etc.

  13. 而在讨论分子构型时,不再是把全同粒子,放在不同的格点上了。

    When we 're talking about configurations , we 're not talking about placing the identical particles in different spots .

  14. 才会出现重复计数,只有当全同粒子放在晶格中时,因为交换两个粒子没有差别。

    The over counting only happens when you 're placing identical particles in a lattice , and you can swap them without making a difference .

  15. 量子人体全同粒子系统的波函数泡利原理;

    The main contents are the character of identical particles of quantum human body , and the wave function Pauli principle of identical particles system of quantum human body .

  16. 在很多的高能核碰撞实验中,人们通过测量在能量动量空间中两个全同粒子的强度关联,而得到源的信息。

    In many high-energy nuclear collisions experiment , people measure the connection of two identical particles intensity correlation in the space of energy and momentum to get the information of source .

  17. 利用量子化学和辐射与物质相互作用的时间量子理论研究了生物光子的全同粒子模型,所得到的结果很好地解释了多个生物光子发射的实验现象。

    We have studied the identical particle model on biophoton emission by quantum chemistry and the time quantum theory on radiation-matter interaction . The theoretical results well explain a few experimental phenomena .

  18. 对于带自旋的全同粒子系,讨论了二次量子化表象中轨道自旋的性质,给出了将它们等效为粒子自旋的条件。

    After exploring the properties of orbital spins in an identical particle system in the second quantization representation , the conditions are given for regarding the orbital spins as the particle spins .

  19. 两粒子强度干涉学恰好提供了一种技术,通过研究末态全同粒子间的玻色-爱因斯坦关联或费米-狄拉克关联,可以获得粒子发射源的时空结构和其它重要的动力学信息。

    Two particle intensity interferometry is a technique which may obtain the space-time structure of the particle emitting source and other dynamical information from Bose-Einstein or Femi-Dirac correlation of the identical particles .

  20. 结果表明,全同粒子会成相干态,其中超辐射态的光子发射几率是粒子数的平方和三次方的线性函数。

    It was shown that the identical particles could form coherent states in which the photon emission probability of the superradiant state is a liner function of N2 and N2 ( N is the particle number ) .

  21. 他发现了全同微观粒子如何以人们可观测到的方式进行凝聚,这可以用来解释超导体的工作原理。

    Einstein worked out how the right sort of microscopic particles could clump up in ways that would be visible at human scales , which is basically how superconductors work .