
quē qín lǜ
  • absence rate;rate of absence
  1. 去年春天低年级学生的高缺勤率是麻疹传染病所造成的。

    The high rate of absence in the lower grades last spring was caused by the measles epidemic .

  2. 如何降低员工流失率、减少员工缺勤率,提高员工工作满意度成为学术界及企业界共同关注的主题。

    How to reduce the employees ' turnover rate and absence rate , increase their work satisfied level has become an attention-attracting topic .

  3. 首席执行官兰迪·费瑟(RandyW.Fiser)说,该组织耗资约200万美元为办公空间配备设备,跟踪该设计的影响,并发现员工参与度有所提高,缺勤率有所降低。

    The organization , which spent about $ 2 million outfitting the space , tracked the impact of the design and found increased engagement and reduced absenteeism , Randy W. Fiser , the chief executive , said .

  4. 上课缺勤率开始下降,孩子们的捣乱行为有所缓和。

    Absences at school began to drop , and the children 's disruptive behaviors softened .

  5. 我猜您也需要我预测员工的缺勤率对吧?

    I guess you 'll need me to forecast employee absences as well , right ?

  6. 这样做不仅大大地降低了缺勤率,也帮助提高了学生们的成绩。

    This led not just to a massive decline in absenteeism , but also to better pupil performance .

  7. 保持低缺勤率和制定用于减少非工作时间开支的计划。

    Stay on top of absenteeism and institute programs designed to reduce money spent for time not worked .

  8. 萨尔瓦多采取社区管理学校的方式,家长定期到学校访问,降低了教师缺勤率,提高了学生的考试分数。

    Community-managed schools in El Salvador , where parents visited schools regularly , lowered teacher absenteeism and raised student test scores .

  9. 它发现,这些团队的员工流动率,约为得分较低团队的一半,缺勤率也低30%。

    It found staff turnover in these teams was about half that of poorly scoring teams , and absenteeism was 30 per cent lower .

  10. 那些认为自己超重的妇女—不管她们是否真的超重,会有更高的缺勤率。

    Women who think they 're overweight a again , regardless of whether they are or are not a have higher rates of absenteeism .

  11. 该调查显示,若是工作群体消极情绪比例很高,往往会导致工作效率偏低,缺勤率偏高,质量缺陷较多。

    The research shows that work groups with a high rate of negativity tend to have lower productivity and higher rates of absenteeism and quality defects .

  12. 这两个项目对员工健康的预期改善可以提高生产率,包括降低医疗保健成本、缺勤率以及提高员工绩效带来的收入。

    The expected improvements in employee wellness from either program can result in productivity gains , including lower health care costs , lower rates of absenteeism and increased revenue from better employee performance .

  13. 组织承诺就是针对员工与组织出现的新型关系而提出的一种新的管理理论,它能很好地预测员工的离职意向和缺勤率,为改善组织与员工的关系提供依据。

    Organizational commitment theory as a new theory of management , which can forecast the employee quit intention and turnover rate , can provide the evidence for improving relationship between staffs and the organization .

  14. 需要保持警惕的现象有:学校旷课率或工作缺勤率急剧上升,或呈现出更加严重的疾病特征,正如急诊科的病人出现了猛增所表明的情况那样。

    Signals to be vigilant for include spikes in rates of absenteeism from schools or workplaces , or a more severe disease pattern , as suggested by , for example , a surge in emergency department visits .

  15. 有研究表明,职业倦怠不仅直接影响教师的身心健康,而且会影响他们的工作表现,导致教师工作满意度和工作绩效下降,缺勤率和离职率上升。

    Research has shown that teacher burnout is not only a direct impact on physical and mental health , and will affect their performance , leading to teacher job satisfaction and job performance decline , increased absenteeism and turnover .