
  • 网络defect detection;Defect Inspection;Flaw Inspection
  1. 基于X射线图像印刷电路板缺陷检测和标记技术

    PCB Defect Inspection and Marking Based on X-ray Image

  2. 基于轮廓对比的PCB裸板缺陷检测算法研究

    Research of Contour Comparision-Based Defect Inspection Algorithm for Bare PCB

  3. X射线照相对平面缺陷检测能力的研究

    Study on the Ability for Detecting the Plane Defects Using X-Ray Photograph

  4. 在归纳总结现有的缺陷检测方法上,提出了基于三维CT仿真技术的缺陷检测方法。

    Through analyzing the existing methods , we proposed a testing method based on the 3D-CT .

  5. 发光二极管(LED)缺陷检测工作是确保LED产品质量的必不可少的质量检验环节,具有重要的意义。

    The deformity detection of light emitting diode is an important work for quality assurance of LED .

  6. 圆柱体表面缺陷检测的ANSYS仿真

    ANSYS Simulation of Surface Cracks in Cylinder Measurement

  7. 本文重点研究了在带钢表面缺陷检测系统中,基于BP神经网络改进算法的缺陷识别算法。

    In this paper , the algorithms for defect classification based on BP neural network are discussed .

  8. 因此,PCB定位是后续PCB位置缺陷检测的基础。

    So PCB location is the basis of position defects detection .

  9. 基于CCD的管内移动机器人管道缺陷检测系统

    The Detecting System With In-pipe Robot Based on CCD for Internal Flaw Inspection of Pipelines

  10. 结合点扩散过程,高频伪影强度的计算为评估工业CT边缘处的缺陷检测能力提供了理论依据。

    The results provide theoretic framework for the assessment of detection ability at the edges in industrial CT systems based on knowledge of the point spread .

  11. 很多企业急需能够实现在线检测的基于机器视觉的PCB缺陷检测系统。

    Many enterprises need to achieve on-line detection based on machine vision of PCB defects detection system .

  12. 基于颜色VEP的色觉缺陷检测系统的研究

    Research of Color Vision Deficiencies Testing System Based on Chromatic VEP

  13. 模糊专家系统在TFT-LCD缺陷检测中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Expert System in Defect Inspection of TFT-LCD

  14. 在工业CT断层图像缺陷检测应用中,提出了将数字高程模型DEM与伪彩色技术一起应用于二维灰度图像缺陷检测领域的算法流程。

    In this paper , Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) and pseudo color technology combined to form an algorithm for ICT section image display .

  15. 基于Compton散射的缺陷检测研究

    The Research on Defect Inspection Based on Compton Scattering

  16. 硬件部分采用高性能的DSP芯片作为图像处理的核心部分,为缺陷检测的实时性提供了保证;

    High performance DSP chip was used as the key part of imagine processing in the hardware , it assures the real time defect testing of the system .

  17. 采用welch方法估计其功率谱,利用功率谱中的数据进行缺陷检测。

    Apply Welch method estimate power spectrum and then detecting by spectrum data .

  18. TFT-LCD屏缺陷检测的研究

    Study of Defect Test for TFT-LCD Panel

  19. 工业CT图像和DR图像缺陷检测的目的,就是为了从图像中定位出工件缺陷的所在,并获得有关缺陷的几何参数等信息。

    Defect detection of ICT images and DR images is to locate the defects of workpiece in images and get defects ' geometric parameters information as accurate as possible .

  20. 在众多PCB缺陷检测方法中,自动光学检测(AOI)具有独特的优势,基于图像处理的高精度AOI测量设备具有广阔的市场前景。

    The high precision AOI measurement equipment that based on Image processing has a large market foreground .

  21. AVI缺陷检测已经成为现代工业生产与质量控制的一个重要组成部分。

    AVI ( Automated Visual Inspection ) are now playing an important role in contemporary industrial manufacturing and quality control .

  22. 本研究介绍了一种基于颜色视觉诱发电位(VEP)的色觉缺陷检测系统。

    A testing system for color vision deficiencies based on chromatic visual evoked potential ( VEP ) was described in this paper .

  23. 通过实验研究,确定了电磁超声传感器最佳励磁电流,利用ANSYS有限元软件,对用于钢管缺陷检测的电磁超声传感器的磁感应强度进行了计算,得到磁感应强度的分布规律。

    The best impelled current of the electromagnetic iron was determined by experiments , and magnetic induction intensity in electromagnetic acoustic transducer ( EMAT ) testing steel pipe 's defaults was calculated by ANSYS finite element software .

  24. 最后本文在各种FPC金面缺陷检测算法研究的基础上设计了FPC金面缺陷自动检测系统实验平台。

    Finally , an automatic inspection system for FPC gold surface is designed based on a variety of defect detection algorithms for FPC gold surface .

  25. 在工业现场磁性材料缺陷检测中,该方法在X和Y方向的分辨力达到0.1mm,Z方向的分辨力达到0.007mm。

    In the application of defect detection for magnetic work piece , the resolution in X and Y direction can reach 0.1 mm , and the resolution in Z direction can reach 0.007 mm .

  26. 本文从图像处理和模式识别的角度出发,研究了基于数字图像处理技术的电路板检测方法,构建并实现了基于HSI颜色模型的缺陷检测系统。

    This paper proposes a new method for automatic component inspection by image processing technology . A circuit board inspection system is built , which is based on HSI color model .

  27. 为了提高产品表面缺陷检测精度并降低检测成本,文章以E型磁环表面缺陷的自动检测为例,分析了产品表面图像的特征,提出了一种利用梯度直方图信息的图像自适应阈值分割算法。

    Taking for example auto-detection of surface defects of E-shape magnetic tach , this paper analyzes the characters of product surface images . An adaptive image segmentation algorithm based on information of gradient-histogram is presented to improve detection precision of product surface defects and reduce the cost .

  28. 基于现场采样管段的材料力学性能测试资料和焊缝缺陷检测资料,采用FAD方法对某含360°内表面裂纹管道的剩余强度进行了评价。

    Based on material properties of the field sampled section of pipeline and dimensions of inspected weld-ment defects , the auther analyzed the remaining strength of certain pipeline containing 360 ° circumferential internal surface crack with FAD method .

  29. FPD模组制造过程的面板点灯检测除基础的光电响应量测外,还包括寿命及画质缺陷检测,如点、线、mura、异物等缺陷。

    FPD module manufacturing process panel lighting detection based on the photoelectric response measurement , including life expectancy and quality of defect detection , such as points , line , mura and other defects .

  30. 对缺陷检测尺寸的表征方法进行了研究,提出了缺陷尺寸的模糊表征方法,然后建立了裂纹尺寸模糊表征下的含缺陷压力容器R6评定方法。

    A research into expression method of crack size according to fuzzy theory of non-destructive testing was made , and the fuzzy expression method of crack size was presented . Then R6 assessment method for the pressure vessel with defects based on the fuzzy expression of crack size was proposed .