
  • 网络ecological services value;ecosystem services value;esv
  1. 基于GIS的沿运灌区水系生态服务价值评估

    Evaluation on Ecosystem Services Value of the River Network of Yan Yun Irrigation District Based on GIS

  2. 基于3S技术的孔雀河流域平原研究区土地利用/覆盖变化及其生态服务价值的研究

    Study on the Land Use / Cover Changes and Ecosystem Services Value of the Study Area in the Plain of the Peacock River Basin

  3. 基于农业生态服务价值的农业绿色GDP核算&以安塞县为例

    Green accounting for agriculture production based on the value of agroecosystem services : a case study of Ansai County

  4. 但与全国生态服务价值与GDP比值1·25相比,还具有很大差距。说明目前顺义区生态建设的速度远远落后于经济发展速度。

    This indicates that the ecological construction of Shunyi District at present is lagged far behind the speed of economic development .

  5. 由LUCC导致的各高程等级的生态服务价值量均增加。

    The ecosystem service value had increased in all elevation levels because of LUCC .

  6. 其中主要进行了传统GDP值计算、生态服务价值计算、生态电能产值计算和生态环境代价等核算,得出了绿色GDP值。

    Green GDP value is educed though the accounting to traditional GDP value calculation 、 ecology Service Value calculation 、 ecological power output value calculation and ecological environmental costs .

  7. 以武汉市为例,利用从1996年和2001年TM数据中获取的景观数据,估算了武汉市生态服务价值并分析了景观之间的转化所引起的生态服务价值的变化。

    Based on the data of land-use / land cover change produced from the integrating Landsat TM images of Wuhan city in 1996 and 2001 , the dynamics of the ecosystem services value was evaluated .

  8. 海南省自然保护区生态服务价值评估

    Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value of Natural Reserve in Hainan Island

  9. 陕西省生态服务价值变化初探

    Primary Report of Changes of Ecological Service Value in Shanxi Province

  10. 生态服务价值评估与国民经济核算简述

    A Review of Evaluating Ecosystem Services and Accounting National Economy

  11. 其土壤相关生态服务价值从数量上是已经大大超越了采矿前原地貌的生态服务价值;而且相对于复垦的投

    Its soil relevant ecological service value to surmount ecological service

  12. 我国粮食生产的生态服务价值研究

    Study on ecosystem services value of food production in China

  13. 北京地区人工景观生态服务价值估算

    Evaluation of the Ecosystem Services of Artificial Landscapes in Beijing

  14. 北京区位土地利用与生态服务价值变化研究

    Land utilization and changes on eco-service value in different locations in Beijing

  15. 森林生态服务价值评价与补偿研究综述

    Review on the Research of Valuation and Compensation for Forest Ecological Service

  16. 辽宁省滨海湿地类型及生态服务价值研究

    Types of Coastal Wetlands and Its Value of Ecosystem Service in Liaoning Province

  17. 漳州市生态服务价值对土地利用变化的响应

    The Ecosystem Services Value Response to LUCC in Zhangzhou

  18. 陕西省榆林地区生态服务价值变化研究

    Eco-system values of services changes research in Yulin Shaanxi

  19. 天津市森林资源生态服务价值评估

    Ecological value evaluation of forest resources of Tianjin

  20. 陕西佛坪自然保护区森林生态服务价值测评

    Economic evaluation of forest eco-service value in Foping Nature Protect Area in Shaanxi Province

  21. 草原生态服务价值核算体系构建研究

    Calculation System Construction of Grassland Ecological Service Value

  22. 耕地的社会保障价值和生态服务价值没有体现。

    The social security value and ecological service value of cultivated land are not shown .

  23. 基于生态服务价值的全国土地利用变化环境影响评价

    Environmental Impact Assessment of the Land Use Change in China Based on Ecosystem Service Value

  24. 最后,提出了提高生态服务价值的土地利用对策。

    At last , this study gave some land-use countermeasures to improve ecosystem service value .

  25. 中国粮食主产区农田生态服务价值总体评价

    General evaluation on the value of farmland ecological service in major grain production regions of China

  26. 土地平衡模式的实施,有利于区域的土地景观优化和生态服务价值的提高。

    Land equilibrium model can effectively optimize the landscape layout and enhance the value of ecosystem services .

  27. 基于土地利用变化的黄河三角洲生态服务价值损益分析

    Profit and loss analysis on ecosystem services value based on land use change in Yellow River Delta

  28. 理念规划主要对湿地公园建设的目标、原则、利益群体、生态服务价值四个方面进行讨论。

    Idea planning mostly discusses objects , principles , stakeholders and ecological service values of wetland park construction .

  29. 吴起县不同退耕阶段农地资源生态服务价值评估分析

    Estimation and analysis of the ecosystem service value of agriculture land resource in Wuqi county during three de-faring periods

  30. 新疆和田河流域土地利用及其生态服务价值变化

    Study on Land Use Change and Its Effect on Ecological Service Value in the Hotan River Basin , Xinjiang