
wài xiǎn wén huà
  • overt culture
  1. 虚拟参考咨询服务的外显文化建设

    Research On the external culture construction of the virtual reference service

  2. 要采用以人为本、客户至上等有效的方法,构建自己银行企业的核心文化、动态文化、外显文化,并以此来提高银行企业的竞争力。

    Then we should take the effective way of the people first etc , construct the core culture , dynamic culture etc of the bank enterprise in order to the competition ability of the bank enterprise .

  3. 建筑与服饰这些文化因素是民族文化中最为外显的文化要素,受地理环境的影响也最大。

    These cultural factors , construction and dress , are exterior cultural factors of national culture , are influenced by environment deeply .

  4. 笔者藉文化生态学的观点,介绍了扬州食、衣、住、行、乐这些最为外显的文化要素,也是受地理环境的影响最大的元素与水之间的联系。

    I take the cultural ecology point of view , introduced Yangzhou food , clothing , housing , transportation , music the most explicit of these cultural elements , but also by the geographical environment of the largest element and water links .

  5. 萨满教文化是文本中最为外显的文化形式,在小说中体现的万物有灵的宗教观,泛神崇拜的宗教仪式都向读者展现了一种鲜明的生态伦理价值观。

    Shamanism in the text is the most explicit external presentation of Shaman culture . The religious belief that every species has spirit and the religious rituals resulted from pantheism , as reflected in the novel , demonstrates to the readers an explicit ecological and ethical value .