
  • 网络Foreign Futures Contracts;futures contract;currency futures contract
  1. 外汇期货合约是指协议双方同意在将来某一日按照约定的汇率买卖一定数量某种外币的可转让协议。

    Foreign currency futures contract is a transferable agreement by which both sides will sell or buy a certain amount of a foreign currency at the agreed interest rate on a certain date in the future .

  2. 但在1972年,梅拉米德率先启动了外汇期货合约,这是全球首个不以大宗农产品(如芝加哥商业交易所的猪肉或芝加哥期货交易所的谷物)为基础的期货合约。

    But in 1972 , Mr Melamed pioneered the launch of the world 's first futures contract that was not based on an agricultural commodity such as pork bellies at the Merc , or grains at the CBOT : a future on foreign currencies .

  3. 单日掉期外汇期货合约

    One day rolling currency futures contract

  4. 结合国际资本资产定价理论与外汇远期与期货合约定价理论,引入在承担相同风险条件下的收益率概念,探讨两国之间跨国风险套利的理论模型。

    Combining the theory of International Capital Asset Pricing Model with theory of forward and future contracts on currencies , this paper introduces a conception of different returns under the same risk condition and discusses how to build a risk arbitrage theory model between two countries .