
  1. 所谓倒价结构,是指近月合约的期货价格高于远月合约的价格。目前布伦特原油期货价格处于顺价结构,十月份交割的期货价格低于今年底和明年交割的期货价格。

    Brent is now in contango , meaning that the front-month October contract is cheaper than contracts for later this year and next .

  2. 7月份,作为全球油价基准的布伦特原油期货价格脱离了倒价结构。所谓倒价结构,是指近月合约的期货价格高于远月合约的价格。

    In July , the futures market for global benchmark Brent crude flipped out of backwardation -- when the front-month contract is more expensive that contracts for delivery in later months .