
wài huì shì chǎnɡ
  • foreign exchange market;forex market
  1. 外汇市场的意义超出了它给人的印象尺度

    The significance of the foreign exchange market outstrips its impressive size .

  2. 最后,以完善外汇市场管理制度为研究结论,对外汇市场管理制度进行了前瞻设计。

    Finally , the thesis designs the foreign exchange market managing system in forward-looking aspect .

  3. 昨天在外汇市场上英镑骤跌至新低。

    The Pound plunged to a new low on the foreign exchange markets yesterday

  4. 芬兰允许其货币自由浮动的决定在外汇市场上引起了震动。

    A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges

  5. 远离战场6年之久的日本央行(BankofJapan)连续出手干涉,在外汇市场上压低日元汇率。

    The Bank of Japan , after six years off the battlefield , has launched a fusillade of intervention to hold down the yen in foreign exchange markets .

  6. 亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)周二在其年度地区报告中警告称,亚洲发展中国家在外汇市场上的大规模干预,可能会导致经济危机再次爆发。

    Asia 's developing countries are risking a renewed economic crisis by intervening extensively in foreign exchange markets , the Asian Development Bank warned in its annual regional review on Tuesday .

  7. 论QFII制度对我国外汇市场及货币政策的影响

    My Theory Permit to the QFII System Effect the Foreign Exchange Market and the Monetary Policy

  8. 美元最新一轮跌势,正值外汇市场出现一种越来越强的看法,认为美国经济状况比美联储(FederalReserve)所声称的要糟。

    The latest bout of dollar weakness has occurred as currency markets have developed a growing belief that the US economy is in worse shape than the Federal Reserve claims .

  9. 然而在用R/S分析法对人民币对美元汇率进行分析之后我们发现:中国外汇市场噪声缺乏,根据行为金融理论的观点,我国外汇市场效率低下。

    But after the R / S analysis test we found the noise of our exchange market is too small which means that market isn 't efficient according to the behavioral finance theory .

  10. 在周末国际货币基金组织(imf)会议缓解全球汇率问题紧张态势努力失败后,外汇市场出现了短暂的美元抛售。

    After the weekend meeting of the International Monetary Fund failed to resolve tensions between global exchange rates , there was brief selling of the dollar .

  11. 与现货外汇市场不同,本公司的原油合约是基于ICE期货价格(基于下月的现货价格)。这种期货价格是目前世界原油工业最大的价格基准。

    Unlike Spot foreign exchange , the oil contract is based the ICE futures price ( Front-Spot Month ) . This futures price is the largest price benchmark for the oil industry worldwide .

  12. 本文首先通过建立模型来测算中国外汇市场压力,然后采用VAR模型研究外汇市场压力与货币政策(国内信贷、国内外利率)的关系。

    This paper measures the exchange market pressure ( EMP ) on RMB / USD , and analyzes the relationship between EMP and domestic monetary policy via VAR model .

  13. 英国央行(BOE)在外汇市场有自己的交易员;他们似乎未能注意到此类模式。

    The BoE has its own dealers operating in forex markets ; it appears that they failed to notice such patterns .

  14. 在完全外汇市场环境下讨论了外汇汇率过程受Brown运动和Possion过程共同驱动时外汇重置期权的定价问题。

    This paper discusses the pricing of foreign exchange reset options when exchange rates are driven by Brown motions and Possion processes in the complete foreign exchange markets .

  15. 与中国的情况不同的是,主要的国际外汇市场均是以外汇交易商为中心的场外交易(或称柜台交易,OTC)市场。

    In contrast to China , major international FX markets are OTC ones , with FX dealers playing a key role in transactions and the decision of exchange rate .

  16. 监管机构对涉嫌操纵外汇市场行为的调查,正导致传统交易模式发生重大变革,促使包括瑞银(UBS)在内的多家银行将更多外汇业务转移至电子交易平台。

    Banks including UBS are moving more foreign exchange business on to their electronic trading platforms as regulatory probes into alleged forex market manipulation prompt a shake-out on traditional trading floors .

  17. 国际清算银行(BIS)今年9月发布的最新的三年一度调查显示,伦敦占全球外汇市场日交易额的34.1%。

    London accounts for 34.1 per cent of daily volume on the global foreign exchange market , according to the latest triennial survey by the Bank for International Settlements , released in September .

  18. 亚洲开发银行(adb)本周警告说,亚洲国家在外汇市场广泛干预,试图保持相对于中国的竞争力,这种做法可能引发新的金融危机。

    The Asian Development Bank warned this week that widespread intervention in foreign exchange markets by Asian countries seeking to maintain competitiveness with China risked sparking a new financial crisis .

  19. 在今年10月下旬的一周里,香港金管局(HKMA)两天干预外汇市场以维持港元汇率。

    On two days within a week late in October the Hong Kong Monetary Authority intervened in the currency markets to contain the value of the local currency .

  20. 首先分析了外汇市场的EMH,指出了其线性范式与现实市场状况并不相符;

    First , we analyse the efficiency of the foreign exchange market , pointing out that the linear paradigm of EMH is not an appropriate description of the true market .

  21. 按照新的机制,使用swift网络处理衍生品交易和外汇市场及货币市场交易的银行,可订立相关条款,指定它们的离岸人民币交易须遵守一项特别的“中断事件协定”。

    Under the new mechanism , banks using the swift network to process transactions in foreign exchange markets , money markets , and derivatives can specify that their offshore renminbi trades are subject to a special " disruption event agreement " .

  22. 如果欧洲央行(ecb)购买西班牙的所有债券,在外汇市场上压低欧元,刺激莱茵河以东的通胀,从而重铸西班牙相对于欧元区其他国家的竞争力,西班牙或许也可得救。

    Spain might also be saved if the European central bank bought up all its bonds , drove down the euro in the foreign exchanges and stimulated inflation east of the Rhine , thereby restoring competitiveness to the rest of the eurozone .

  23. 标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)估值与风险策略主管迈克尔汤普森(MichaelThompson)表示:货币稀释或许是促使投机者在全球外汇市场上卖出美元的最有力的因素。

    Currency dilution , perhaps more than any other single factor has provided speculators with a convincing reason to sell the dollar on the global foreign exchange market , says Michael Thompson , head of valuation and risk strategy at Standard & Poor ' s.

  24. 与此同时,今年早些时候,中国央行行长在全球外汇市场引发一阵波动。他提议,用IMF的货币单位特别提款权(SDR)取代美元,作为世界储备货币。

    Meanwhile , earlier this year , China 's central bank governor caused a stir in global currency markets when he proposed replacing the US dollar as the world 's reserve currency with Special Drawing Rights , the IMF 's unit of account .

  25. 欧洲央行(ECB)自3月以来首次购入政府债券,日本央行(BoJ)干预外汇市场以阻止日元继续走高,土耳其央行则将利率下调到历史最低水平。

    The European Central Bank bought government bonds for the first time since March , the Bank of Japan intervened in currency markets to halt the rise of the yen and the Turkish central bank cut rates to an all-time low .

  26. 大型联邦机构会把罚款上交美国财政部,比如美国货币监理署(OCC)和商品期货交易委员会(CFTC),这两家机构都曾以操纵外汇市场为由对银行开过罚单。

    The large federal agencies , such as the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ( both of which fined the banks for forex abuses ) hand money from penalties over to the Treasury .

  27. 尽管日本财务大臣野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)警告称,日本政府准备在外汇市场上采取“大胆的行动”,但他同时强调,日本不会采取持续积极干预、以获取竞争优势的路线。

    Yoshihiko Noda , Japanese finance minister , despite issuing a warning that Tokyo was prepared to take " bold action " on the currency markets , stressed that Japan was not going down the route of sustained aggressive intervention to gain a competitive edge .

  28. 外汇市场的分形分析

    The Efficiency of the Foreign Exchange Market and Fractal Market Analysis

  29. 货币危机中的远期外汇市场参与者行为分析

    Analysis on the Behavior of Participants of Forward Foreign Exchange Market

  30. 我国外汇市场改革与现状研究

    Study on reformation and current situation of China foreign exchange market