
  • 网络External Validity
  1. 本文是关于HSK外部效度的一次实证性研究。

    This paper is an experimental study on the external validity of HSK .

  2. 第二,本研究注重测量消费者的实际购买行为,从而使研究结果具有良好的外部效度。

    Secondly , it measures the actural purchase behavior of consumers in order to have a nice external validity .

  3. 内部效度与所得结果的唯一解释性有关,外部效度与结果的可推广性有关。

    Internal validity concerns the only explanation of the results , and the external validity concerns the generalizability of the results .

  4. 单一被试实验是特殊儿童心理与教育研究中的一种常用方法,但其外部效度往往受到质疑。2实验结果的外部效度需要进一步验证。

    The single subject research is one of the useful methods in the research of special children 's psychology and education , but its external validity often receives challenges .

  5. 本文分析和归纳了影响内部效度和外部效度的各种因素,并在此基础上提出了一些提高研究效度的方法和建议。

    In this paper , the factors influencing the validity of researches are analyzed in terms of internal and external validity , and suggestions for promoting research validity are made .

  6. 同时,研究采用的实验范式忽略了对实际的人际互动情境的操纵,对人际选择行为的测量带有明显的人为性质,难以保证实验结果的外部效度。

    In addition , neglecting the operation of real interaction situation , the experiment paradigm created the artificial assessment of social interaction behavior , as a result , the external validity of the experiment was questioned .

  7. 文章介绍了西方目击辨认研究的范式,估计变量和系统变量对辨认的影响,并分析目击辨认研究存在的理论缺乏和外部效度问题,从而为今后研究提供参考。

    This article introduces the development of eyewitness identification in the west , analyzes estimator variables and system variables that influence the performance of eyewitness identification , and then discusses the problems of theory relevant and external validity .

  8. 该量表各气质维度的内部一致性用克龙巴赫系数(α系数)来表示,均大于0.6.另外,家长反馈该量表评价结果的准确率较高,揭示该量表的外部效度亦良好。

    Interior consistence was indicated by Cronbach 's a coefficients which were all greater than 0.6 . What 's more , the feedback by parents showed that the accuracy of the test results was high , and the CPTS had a good exterior validity .

  9. 研究还采纳个案组合研究方式,在这种方式中每一个案既显示自己独特之处,又可与其它个案结合一起以检验共同趋势,这样来获得更佳的外部效度。

    It also uses a method of a group of cases , in which each case may present its individual characters , as well as show the common trend when combined with other cases , so the better external validity of the study could be obtained .

  10. 最后本文指出了研究中存在的不足,包括外部效度相较于内部效度而言偏低、样本选取具有地域局限、调查问卷负激励题项不足、非物质激励欠缺定量测量等方面。

    Finally , the paper pointed out the shortcomings in the study , including the external validity compared to the low side in terms of internal validity , the sample selected geographical limitations , the survey questionnaire negative incentive items less than non-material incentives lack of quantitative measurement .