
wài zhài
  • external debt;foreign debt;foreign loans;foreign borrowing;external loan;loans from foreign countries;loan from foreign powers
外债 [wài zhài]
  • [external debt;loans from foreign countries;foreign loans] 国家向外国借的债

  • 偿还外债

外债[wài zhài]
  1. 他对该国外债的偿还作出了限制。

    He limited payments on the country 's foreign debt

  2. 部长已经说服银行减轻外债负担。

    The minister has persuaded the banks to lighten the burden of the foreign debt

  3. 发展中国家背负着巨额外债。

    The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt

  4. 尼加拉瓜背负着110亿美元的沉重外债。

    Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $ 11 billion

  5. 战争拖垮了经济,使该国欠下了巨额外债。

    The war devastated the economy and saddled the country with a huge foreign debt .

  6. 该国几乎1/4的出口收入都用来支付290亿美元外债的利息了。

    Almost a quarter of the country 's export earnings go to service a foreign debt of $ 29 billion .

  7. 拉丁美洲的民主运动和困扰该地区的外债问题已经淡出人们的视线。

    The movement towards democracy in Latin America and the foreign debt problems that have plagued it have gone out of focus .

  8. 而韩国在1997年时,外债占该国GDP的约三分之一。

    South Korea 's was roughly one-third of GDP back in 1997 .

  9. 假设美国积累的外债占GDP的比重为50%。

    Assume the US accumulates a foreign debt to gross domestic product ratio of 50 per cent .

  10. 根据瑞信(creditsuisse)的资料,从1300年到1800年,共有6个欧洲国家拖欠过外债(其中一些国家不止一次)。

    Six European countries defaulted on external debt between 1300 and 1800 some of them several times according to Credit Suisse .

  11. 据中国外汇监管部门的数据,中国全部外债仅占GDP的9%左右。

    China 's total foreign debt amounts to only about 9 % of its GDP , according to the country 's foreign-exchange regulator .

  12. 利用FDI(外商直接投资)相对于利用外债和各种短期国际资本来说,产生经济主权风险的概率较小,但随着FDI规模的扩大,风险会随之累积。

    Compared with foreign loans and short-term international capital flows , Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) poses less risk on the sovereignty of the host country .

  13. 自1998年经济危机来,俄罗斯也在加强国际金融地位,它的外债从过去gdp的90%降到了大约28%。

    Russia has also improved its international financial position since the 1998 financial crisis , with its foreign debt declining from 90 % of GDP to around 28 % .

  14. 净外债逼近国内生产总值(gdp)的100%,劳动力相对缺乏竞争力,这样的西班牙能产生足够的经常账户盈余来偿还外债吗?

    With net foreign liabilities approaching 100 per cent of GDP and a relatively uncompetitive workforce could Spain ever generate a current account surplus large enough to service its foreign debts ?

  15. 它是长期公共债务、公共担保债务和私人非担保长期债务、IMF货款和短期外债的总和。

    Total external debt is the sum of public , publicly guaranteed , and private no guaranteed long-term debt , use of IMF credit , and short-term debt .

  16. 但上世纪80年初,希腊的劳动力成本和外债规模开始大幅上升&1979年至1985年,希腊总债务相对国内生产总值(GDP)的比率从8%升至42%。

    But in the early 1980s labour costs and foreign indebtedness started to rise sharply – between 1979-85 , total indebtedness rose from 8 to 42 per cent of gross national product .

  17. 事情已经到了此种地步,就连德意志银行CEO约瑟夫。阿克曼也说,如果将外债进行市场计价的话,欧洲的许多主要银行都将面临破产。

    It has got to the point where even Deutschebank CEO Josef Ackerman is saying that many major European banks would become insolvent if they had to mark their sovereign debt to market .

  18. 外国贷款机构在为这种繁荣融资方面发挥了巨大的作用:国内银行净外债与GDP的比率从2003年的20%,上升至2008年初的逾70%。

    Foreign lenders played a huge role in funding this boom : the net foreign liabilities of domestic banks went from 20 per cent of GDP in 2003 to over 70 per cent in early 2008 .

  19. jp摩根(jpmorgan)称,新兴市场主权外债与美国国债的利差,已经从9月份的不足200个基点扩大至254个基点。

    Spreads on emerging market sovereign external debt have widened to 254 basis points over US Treasuries from less than 200bp in September , according to JP Morgan .

  20. SAUR是一个购买股票的好理想工具&它有稳定的现金流也几乎没有外债。

    SAUR was the ideal vehicle for buying shares & it had a stable cashflow and almost no debt .

  21. 麦肯锡估计,到2012年,美国外债占GDP的比例将为46%,与今天的墨西哥大致相当,支付给外国债权人的净利息仍将不到GDP的1%。

    By 2012 the US would have an external debt-GDP ratio of 46 per cent – roughly similar to that of Mexico today – and net interest payments to foreign creditors would still be less than 1 per cent of GDP , McKinsey estimates .

  22. 2011年,在所有5国中,外债超过国内拥有的外国资产的规模达到gdp的80%到100%,他们已经在欧元区独树一帜,自成一队(见表2)。

    In each of the five countries , external liabilities exceeded domestically owned foreign assets by between 80 % and 100 % of GDP in 2011 , putting them in a League of their own within the euro area ( see chart 2 ) .

  23. 布鲁塞尔智库Bruegel提出,欧元债券规模应占到欧元区成员国未偿付外债余额的60%。

    Bruegel , the Brussels-based think-tank , has proposed that eurobonds constitute 60 per cent of eurozone members ' outstanding external debt .

  24. EBRD表示,总体而言,产出下降的幅度与危机前的信贷繁荣和外债有关。

    In general , notes the EBRD , the size of the output declines correlates with pre-crisis credit booms and external indebtedness .

  25. 文章Probit模型对90年代发生过货币危机的发展中国家在危机阶段的资本逆流与短期外债之间的关系进行了经验分析,找到了在危机阶段资本逆流与短期外债比例显著相关的证据。

    In addition , Probit Model is used in the empirical analysis of developing countries ' currency crises in 1990s , and it is showed that the capital inflows in the countries of high short-term foreign debt ratio are inclined to reverse .

  26. 通胀飙升、本币长期贬值以及国有造船厂越南工业轮船总公司(vinashin)事实上的外债违约,动摇了投资者对越南的信心。

    Soaring inflation , regular currency devaluations and a de facto foreign debt default by vinashin , a state-owned shipbuilder , have shaken investor confidence in Vietnam .

  27. 非洲结构调整、外债和增长问题专题讨论会

    Symposium on Structural Adjustment , External Debt and Growth in Africa

  28. 不结盟和发展中国家外债问题专家协商会议

    Expert Consultative Meeting of Non-Aligned and Developing Countries on External Debt

  29. 有违反外债管理的其他行为的。

    And4.other activities in violation of the regulations on external debt .

  30. 20世纪70年代以后拉美国家大量举借外债的原因

    The reasons for Latin American Countries ' Massive Raising Loan After 1970s