
  1. 企业外债风险管理问题研究

    A Study of Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Foreign Debt

  2. 试论我国企业外债风险管理

    Foreign Liability Risk Management of Chinese Enterprises

  3. 开放经济条件下企业外债风险管理研究

    In the Conditions of Opening Economy , Study on the Risk Management of Foreign Debts of Enterprises

  4. 由于我国企业外债风险管理研究还处在初始阶段,几乎没有系统的研究理论。

    Because the foreign debt management is just beginning in our country , nearly no systematic research is made .

  5. 然后,探析企业外债风险管理的两个重要目标选择问题,即成本控制目标与盈利目标的选择以及现金流目标与净现值目标的选择。

    Then , the problem of two important target choices is discussed : the choice of the cost control target or the profit target and the choice of cash flow or present value target .

  6. 二是首次系统分析了山东省政府外债风险管理工作存在的主要问题,包括外债利用缺乏统一规划,监管体制不顺,贷款违规使用,历史积欠沉重等。

    Secondly , analyses systematically the main problems in Shandong foreign loan risk management , including no plan as a whole in using foreign loans , supervising system is imperfect , using loans illegally , heavy historical debts and so on .

  7. 在项目融资中,项目风险分担是项目融资的核心问题,同时项目外债风险的管理是项目融资成功的重要保证。

    To supervise the risk management of project . The risk management of project is the key to a successful project financing and the major concern is the share of project risk .

  8. 本文初次探讨研究了山东省政府外债的风险性及管理对策,对于全面认识政府外债风险,有效防范化解债务危机具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    This paper originally investigates the foreign loan risk and countermeasures of Shandong province , it 's important to realize government foreign loan risk as a whole and prevent debt crisis both in theory and in reality .