
  • 网络foreign debt structure
  1. 第二章是加蓬的演变和外债结构。

    The second chapter claims the evolution and structure of external debt .

  2. 亚洲金融危机是由于经济结构不合理、外债结构不合理以及“泡沫经济”等各种直接原因和深层原因引起的。

    Analysis of their internal cause reveals that banking crises take place with the coming and going of financial bubbles .

  3. 适当借用期限较长的国际商业贷款,优化外债结构、条件,提高借用国外贷款的质量和效益。

    They can and to properlyalso borrow long-term international commercial loanbanks to optimize their foreign debts structure and conditions and improve the quality and benefit of foreign debts .

  4. 在币种结构选择上,多会考虑本国的外贸结构、外债结构、外商直接投资、储备的货币在国际货币体系的地位。

    Design the currency structure of foreign exchange reserves ; it should consider foreign trade structure , foreign direct investment and reserve currency status in the international monetary system .

  5. 外债结构不尽合理,短期外债占比过高,整个经济容易受到短期游资冲击等等。

    The structure of foreign debt is far from reasonable , the ratio for short-term foreign debt is still high , the whole economy is fragile to the shock of hot money so on and so forth .

  6. 中国外债最优结构研究:人工神经网络方法

    Optimal structure of China external debts : An artificial neural network approach

  7. 先前的研究一直表明,由于资本控制,一国的外债到期结构可以延续较长的时间。

    Prior research has shown that the maturity structure of a country 's external liabilities gets longer as a result of capital controls .

  8. 外债的期限结构与外债的动态控制

    The term structure and dynamic control of foreign debt

  9. 我国外债规模与结构的最优控制模型研究

    Optimal Controlling Model in the Scale and Structure of Foreign Debts in China

  10. 讨论了我国外债规模与结构最优控制的目标及一些约束条件的确定,进而建立了我国外债规模与结构最优控制的非线性目标规划模型。

    This paper discusses the goal of optimal control of foreign debts ' scale and structure , and the determination of the constraints . Then the non linear goal programming model of the optimal control is set up .

  11. 中国外债的最佳币种结构与期限结构

    Optimum currency structure and term structure of Chinese foreign debt

  12. 对国有企业负债率悖论的思考并运用实际统计数据,用这种方法计算了中国外债的最佳币种结构和期限结构。

    Thinking about the SOEs ' Debt Ratio Paradox The result agrees with the actual foreign debt in China .

  13. 也门已经开始实施受国际货币基金支持的结构调整计划以加速经济的现代化和提高效率,使外债负担减轻和结构重组。

    Yemen has embarked on an IMF-supported structural adjustment program designed to modernize and streamline the economy , which has led to substantial foreign debt relief and restructuring .

  14. 适度借入主权外债,合理调整主权外债结构;

    Borrow proper sovereign debt , improve the structure of sovereign debt ;

  15. 随着外债规模的不断扩大,我国在外债结构优化和风险防范等外债管理方面暴露出了许多问题。

    With the enlarging scale of foreign debt , many problems have emerged in the structural optimization and the risk management of foreign debt .