
  • 网络theory of personality trait;trait theory;personality trait theory;Theory of Personality Trait,Personality Trait Theory
  1. 本文旨在介绍人格特质理论的因素分析方法,其代表人物是卡特尔和艾森克。

    The aim of this article was to present personality analysis method and its application theory of Cattell and Eysenck , who were the representatives in trait theory of personality .

  2. 在对其人格特质理论进行简要分析的基础上,文章着重讨论了因素分析方法在人格特质研究中的应用。

    Based on a brief introduction of personality theory , the author emphasized on factor analysis method which was first used by Cattell and its applicationin trait theory of personality .

  3. 第三,积极心理学提出的积极情绪体验理论、积极人格特质理论、乐观解释风格理论、社会环境系统理论等,为培养大学生自我教育能力提供了理论指导。

    Thirdly , positive psychology such as positive emotional experience , the theory of positive traits of personality theory , optimistic explanatory style theory , social environment system theory , provide basic theory to cultivate the college students ' self education ability .