
  1. FDI技术溢出、人力资本与经济增长

    Technology Spillover of FDI 、 Human Capital and Economic Growth

  2. 上海市FDI和人力资本对经济增长影响的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Affects that Shanghai FDI and Human Capital have on Economic Growth

  3. 研究结论表明,山东省人力资本与经济增长存在长期均衡关系,人力资本对GDP的增长有促进作用。

    Conclusion indicates that the human capital of Shandong Province and the existence of long-term economic growth have a balanced relationship between human capital for the promotion of growth of GDP in Shandong Province .

  4. 论人力资本在经济发展中的作用

    Comment on the Significance of Labor Capital in the Economic Development

  5. 第三部分人力资本和经济增长的基本概念和人力资本投资的分类;

    Third : conceptions and division of human capital and economic growth ;

  6. 人力资本是经济增长与发展的决定性因素。

    Human capital is the decisive factors of economic growth and development .

  7. 人力资本与经济增长&兼论经济增长贫困陷阱

    Human Capital and Economic Growth-A Discussion about Poverty Trap of Economic Growth

  8. 人力资本、经济发展和教育制度变迁

    Human capital , economic development and transformation of education institution

  9. 不同类型人力资本对经济增长的影响分析

    Effects of Different Types of Human Capitals on Economic Growth

  10. 人力资本教育经济效益理论的比较研究

    Comparable Study of Economic Benefits from Personnel Capital Education Theories

  11. 从人力资本与经济的发展关系看贵州教育

    Regarding Guizhou Education from the Catch - up of Manpower Capital and Economy

  12. 第四章是人口、人力资本与经济可持续发展。

    The fourth chapter is population , human capital and economic sustainable development .

  13. 中国人力资本对经济增长影响的实证分析

    The empirical study of the China human capital 's influence on the economic growth

  14. 随后利用改进的有效劳动模型分析人力资本对经济增长的影响。

    Using effective labor model to get the affection of human capital on economic growth .

  15. 现代经济发展理论表明,人力资本对经济发展有着重要作用。

    Modern economic development theory that human capital plays an important role in economic development .

  16. 本文将技术创新、交易成本和人力资本引入经济增长模型,求出最优人力资本投入,并结合交易成本分析电子商务对经济增长和人力资本的影响。

    We develope an economic growth model with technical innovation , transaction cost and human capital .

  17. 人类社会进入了21世纪,人力资本对经济发展的作用越来越大。

    In the 21st century , human capital plays a more important role in every economic development .

  18. 健康的人力资本是经济生产力的基础,并能够加快恢复使经济走向稳定。

    Healthy human capital is the foundation of economic productivity and can accelerate recovery towards economic stability .

  19. 贸易溢出、人力资本与经济增长&基于中国数据的经验分析

    Trade Spillover , Human Capital and Economic Growth : An Empirical Analysis Based on China 's Data

  20. 目前,河南省农村人力资本与经济水平的相关性在逐步增强,随着劳动者受教育年限的增加,劳均纯收入也在不断增加,劳均纯收入的抗干扰力和抗波动力也越强。

    Nowadays , the correlation of human capital level and earning is strengthening in Henan rural areas .

  21. 人力资本对经济增长绩效的实证研究&基于浙江省的分析

    An Empirical Research on the Impacts of Human Capital on Economy Growth Performance : Evidences from Zhejiang Province

  22. 根据丹尼森、库兹涅茨、舒尔茨等著名经济学家时经济增长原因的分析,发现人力资本对经济增长的贡献率高达30%以上。

    According to the analysis of the reason of economic development by these famous economists such as Denison .

  23. 在知识经济时代,创新型人力资本对经济增长具有关键作用。

    In the era of knowledge economy , creative human capital plays a crucial role in economic growth .

  24. 得到的启示主要有:一是人力资本是经济增长的必要条件。

    It reaches the following revelations : firstly , human capital is the necessary condition of economic growth .

  25. 通过两组样本的比较研究,能够得到人力资本和经济发展水平之间的关系。

    Through comparing to two different swatches , we get the relation between economic development and human capital .

  26. 在国内的文献中,论述人力资本对经济增长贡献的文章已经很多,而考虑人力资本分布情况与经济增长关系的文章却很鲜见。

    In the internal documents , many scholars have discussed the positive relation between human capital and economic growth .

  27. 那么从教育投资角度来看我国人力资本对经济增长的贡献如何?

    Concerning invest in education , what contribution has the human capital to the economy increase in our country .

  28. 特别是随着知识经济、信息化时代的发展,人力资本对经济增长的影响将更为深刻。

    Especially with the development of the knowledge economy and the informatization time , such impact will be greater .

  29. 本文将人力资本对经济增长的影响理论应用在我国产业层次进行研究。通过对我国人力资本及经济增长的现状描述,分析人力资本与经济增长的大致关系;

    Secondly , analyses the internal effort and external effort of human capital influence of economic growth in industrial economic ;

  30. 运用计量分析方法,论证了人力资本与经济增长之间存在着长期协整关系;

    Through the econometric analysis , the paper argue that it exists cointegration relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth .