
  • 网络Authority Design
  1. 公司治理结构在公司内部是通过公司组织机构分权制衡的职权设计来实现的,主要受《公司法》的规范。

    The corporate governance is realized by a division and definition supervision of power inside corporate that is bound by corporate law .

  2. 董事会的职权究竟应该如何设计、其人员构成究竟如何配置、评估机制该如何构建、激励机制与约束机制又该如何完善,这一系列问题,现有制度并未给出令人满意的答案。

    There are no satisfactory answers to a series of questions , such as how to design the authority of the board of directors , allocate personnel , build assessment mechanism , and perfect incentive and restraint mechanism .