
  • 网络long-term mechanism;long-acting
  1. 构建后WTO时代金融稳定的长效机制

    Towards the Long-term Mechanism for Post-WTO Financial Stability

  2. 构建发展大学生党员的长效机制

    On Building Long-term Mechanism of Developing Party Members Among College Students

  3. 民营化后的Y公司曾经一度扭亏为盈,但由于MBO政策工具的选择不当,引致Y公司缺乏可持续发展的长效机制。

    Y Corporation once turned profitable after privatization , but it lacked a slow-release mechanism for sustained development due to the inappropriate selection of policy instrument for MBO .

  4. 构筑安全长效机制促进矿区和谐发展

    Establishing Persistent Security Mechanism to Promote Harmonious Development in Mining Area

  5. 潜江市创建农村水利长效机制的探索

    Establishing water management long-term solution of rural areas in Qianjiang city

  6. 示范岗:大学生党员教育的长效机制

    Demonstration Post as a Long-term Mechanism for Educating Student Party Members

  7. 构建监管安全长效机制的探讨

    Discussion on Constructing Long Effective Mechanism for Safe Detention and Administration

  8. 构建医院管理长效机制的实践和思考

    Practice and thinking on developing a long-term mechanism of hospital management

  9. 三是着眼长远,建立预防工作的长效机制。

    The third is to establish the long-term mechanism of prevention .

  10. 高校构建校务公开长效机制探析

    Probing into effective mechanism in giving publicity to collegiate affairs

  11. 浅议合伙律师事务所长效机制的构建

    How to Establish the Effective Mechanism for Partnership Law Firm

  12. 中国建设节约型农业呼唤长效机制

    The Necessity to Establish a Longacting Mechanism for Economized Agriculture in China

  13. 加强安全宣传教育构建安全长效机制

    Strengthen the propaganda and education to constitute the long-lasting system

  14. 探索建立高等学校和谐校园建设长效机制

    On establishing long-term mechanism of harmonious campus construction of higher learning institutions

  15. 构建监管安全长效机制之我见

    On Constructing the Long - term Security Mechanism of Supervision and Management

  16. 试论如何建立煤矿安全生产的长效机制

    How to Establish Long-efficiency System of Coal Mine Safety Production

  17. 建立解决农村医疗人才缺乏问题的长效机制

    Establishing a long efficiency mechanism on health personnel in scarcity rural areas

  18. 高校建立教学评估长效机制的思考

    Thinking on Setting up Enduring Effect System of Teaching Evaluation in Colleges

  19. 科学构建高校毕业生就业工作长效机制

    On Establishing the Long-lasting Mechanism of Employment Work Scientifically for University Graduates

  20. 大学生参与志愿服务活动长效机制建设的思考

    Thoughts on the Long-Term Mechanism Construction of College Students'Participation in Volunteering Activities

  21. 构建金融支持新农村建设的长效机制研究

    The Persistent-effect Mechanism on Constructing Finance Supporting New Rural Construction

  22. 从相对集中评估透视高校图书馆的长效机制

    Long Effective Mechanism of University Library through Relatively Concentrated Evaluation

  23. 构建高校师德建设长效机制的对策建议

    The Suggestion of Constructing a Long-term Mechanism of College Teachers ' Morality

  24. 从制度建设入手构建农民增收的长效机制

    The Institutional Approach for A Long Effective Income Increasing Mechanism for Farmers

  25. 国家电网公司营销工作会议部署全年工作建立需求侧管理长效机制作为8方面重点工作之一

    Annual work disposed on State Grid Corporation marketing work meeting

  26. 建立防止农民负担反弹的长效机制初探

    On Establishing Efficient Mechanism to Prevent the Rebounding of Peasants ' pressure

  27. 探索渡口安全管理长效机制

    Explores the ferry spot safety control persistent effect mechanism

  28. 港口水域通航安全管理长效机制建设的探讨

    Probe into the Establishment of the Long-term Effective Safety Mechanism of Harbour Navigation

  29. 如何科学构建图书馆的学术繁荣长效机制

    How to create the effective mechanism of academic prosperity in the library circles

  30. 构建农村基层干部作风建设长效机制的思考

    Towards a long-effect mechanism to construct the managerial style of rural grassroots cadres