
  • 网络long-term loan;Long-term Borrowing
  1. 长期借款包括向金融机构借款和向其他单位借款。

    Long-term loans payable include the loans borrowed from financial institutions and other units .

  2. 所以,房地产开发企业在很大程度上依赖于金融机构提供的长期借款。

    Therefore , the real estate development companies rely heavily on financial institutions to provide long-term loans .

  3. 对两类企业负债结构进一步发现:3C行业短期借款比例呈下降趋势,长期借款比例呈上升趋势;而生物医药行业与之相反。

    Furthermore , we compare the debt structure between 3C industry and biology industry , and find out that the short-term debt ratio of 3C has an upward trend , while the long-term debt ratio has a downward trend . However , the situation of biology industry is reverse .

  4. 企业长期借款应计利息核算浅议

    On Calculating Methods of Accrued Interest of Long - term Loan

  5. 在银行借款中,主要是短期借款,长期借款比例很小。

    Short-term borrowing is the main section of bank loan .

  6. 长期借款资本成本计算的关键是确立税前资本成本。

    The long-term loan costing of key is fix on capital pre-ratepaying cost .

  7. 长期借款比例对会计稳健性有显著的负向的影响,长期借款比例越高,会计稳健性越差。

    The higher proportion of long-term borrowing , the accounting conservatism is worse .

  8. 将从海外分行融资的长期借款从流动负债中予以扣减;

    Remove the net of long-term borrowings from overseas branches from the current liabilities ;

  9. 长期借款利息费用和债券投资利息收益的核算

    The Accounting of the Cost of Long-term Loan Interest and the Profits of Bond Investment Interest

  10. 其次,只有政府可以办理长期借款,而且不是提供给每个人。

    Second , only the government will lend for long periods , and not to everyone .

  11. 外界认为这一举措旨在安抚金融市场,并无限期地将长期借款利率保持在低位。

    It 's seen as a step intended to reassure financial markets and keep long-term borrowing rates low indefinitely .

  12. 尽管由于政府长期借款导致了这次危机,希腊还是希望能够获得更多的国际援助。

    Greece is expected to seek more international help , even though years of government borrowing led to the crisis .

  13. 长期借款应当分别借款性质按实际发生的数额记帐。

    They shall be accounted independently according to the different characters of the loans and at the amount actually incurred .

  14. 在缺少零售客户大笔存款的情况下,外国银行所依靠的是海外的集团内融资,包括长期借款在内。

    In the absence of large retail customer deposits , foreign banks rely on overseas intra-group funding , including long-term borrowings .

  15. 从而表明,银行能够根据公司的盈余质量高低调整其长期借款利率。

    This means that the banks have abilities to adjust the interest of the long-term loans in accordance to the earnings quality .

  16. 首先,法国银行特别依赖浮动的短期大规模集资,而不是更固定的存款或长期借款。

    First , French banks are particularly reliant on potentially flighty short-term wholesale funding , rather than on stickier deposits or long-term debt .

  17. 而长期借款融资现金流、民间融资现金流、政府补贴现金流支持中小企业增长的作用不够。

    Long-term loan financing cash flow , non-governmental financing cash flow , cash flow of government subsidies is not enough to support SMEs growth .

  18. 随着资本市场发展和完善,我国上市公司财务资源的取得涵盖了商业信用、短期借款、长期借款、发行债券和股权融资(包括配股、增发)等全面的融资方式。

    With the development of capital market , companies can finance with commercial credit , short-term loan , long-term loan , bonds and stock equity .

  19. 公共部门投资所需的部分资金,应当来自由未来的专项收入流(比如公共部门的收费和逐步提高的碳排放税)支持的长期借款。

    The public investments should be financed in part through long-term borrowing backed by dedicated future revenue streams ( e.g. public-sector tariffs and gradually rising carbon taxes ) .

  20. 本文以中国A股上市公司为研究对象,分析了企业盈余质量与总借款债务成本,长期借款债务成本和信用借款债务成本之间的关系,以检验我国银行是否能够识别借款企业的盈余质量。

    We examine the relation of earnings quality and cost of debt in Chinese A-share stock markets in order to test whether banks in China can see through firms'earnings quality .

  21. 基本结论是:在大企业内部融资对投资的影响最大,而在中小企业长期借款对投资的影响最大。

    The basic conclusion is that in large firms it is the internal financing , while in small firms it is the long-term loan that has the strongest influence on investment .

  22. 然而,从海外分行融资的长期借款在中国被当作流动负债,因此这降低了流动性比率,虽然这时并没有立即偿债的需求。

    However , in China the net of long-term borrowings from overseas branches are treated as current liability , thus reducing the liquidity ratio although no immediate demand for repayment is given .

  23. 金融市场发育程度和公司债务期限水平显著负相关,说明在金融市场化程度高的省份,对银行资金管理的监管力度更大,对长期借款标准的收紧更加严格。

    The financial market development is negatively correlated with debt maturity level . It shows that the supervision of bank capital management is better and the tightening of long-term loan standard is stricter .

  24. 实证结果证明:公允价值变动损益与企业长期借款显著正相关;计入资本公积的公允价值变动与企业短期借款正相关。

    Empirical results show that : the correlation between changes in fair value and long-term loans was significant positive ; change in fair value included in capital reserve and short-term loans are related .

  25. 奥林巴斯的长期借款已经膨胀到527亿日元在过去的五年中,前董事长菊川刚收购回集团包括耗资2.1亿美元收购。

    Olympus 's long-term borrowings have swelled to527 billion yen in the past five years , when former Chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa made acquisitions including the $ 2.1 billion takeover of Gyrus Group Plc .

  26. 当内源融资、短期借款上升到超过某个范围时,会引起治理绩效的下降;股权融资、长期借款的影响也呈现出曲线形式,先下降后上升;长期债券反向影响公司的治理绩效。

    The effect of equity financing and long-term borrowing to governance performance is also shown a form of curve , first fall and then promote . The long-term bond is reverse impact of performance .

  27. 由于银行借款和债券是我国企业目前最主要的债务资金来源,因此本文讨论的债务融资主要是银行借款(包括短期、中长期借款)和债券融资。

    As the bank loans and corporate bonds in China is currently the main source of debt financing , the article discusses the debt financing is the main bank borrowings ( including short-term , medium and long-term loans ) and bond financing .

  28. 结合我国的制度背景,国有控股会削弱会计信息稳健性,短期借款比例高的私有企业会计政策更加稳健,而长期借款比例高的国有企业会计稳健性较低。

    Combined with the special background of China , the state-owned holding undermines the accounting conservatism . The private enterprise with a high proportion of short-term loans shows higher accounting conservatism while the state-owned enterprise with a high long-term proportion shows lower accounting conservatism .

  29. 结果表明,上市公司偏好内源融资,在外源融资中更偏好股权融资,其次为发行债券,再次为短期借款,最后为长期借款。

    The results show that the listed companies prefer endogenous financing , and in the external financing the listed companies are more preferred equity financing , followed by the issuance of bonds , again for short-term borrowing , the last for the long-term borrowing .

  30. 当长期借款后,对方需要一次性还清债务时,你需要在最后期限的前一个月发邮件提醒对方,展现出你严格遵守条款的一面,这么做一点也不为过。

    In the scenario where one lump-sum payment is being paid back after a long-term loan , it never hurts to send a reminder email a month in advance of the due date to show her that you 're sticking firm to the terms .