
  1. 我国优秀运动员长效激励机制的建立

    Establishment of a long term stimulation mechanism for excellent athletes in China

  2. 管理层持股是一种长效激励机制,降低代理成本,从而增进了企业经营绩效。

    The managerial stockholding is a long-term incentive mechanism , and reduces agency cost . Thus it promotes enterprise operation performance .

  3. 内部瓶颈问题分别从战略管理、建立现代企业制度、企业家素质、危机管理及长效激励机制几方面做对策分析。

    They are divided into strategic management , building modern enterprise policy , enterpriser capacity , danger management and long-time effected motivate systems .

  4. 激励和长期留住优秀员工的11条秘笈我国优秀运动员长效激励机制的建立

    The Study of the Eleven Key Methods which can Motive and Keep the Excellent Performance Staff ; Establishment of a long term stimulation mechanism for excellent athletes in China

  5. 建立长效激励约束机制,强化国有企业经营投资责任追究,探索推进国有企业财务预算等重大信息公开。

    Establish long-term incentive and restraint mechanisms , strengthen SOE 's investment accountability and explore ways to publicize important information , including SOEs ' financial budgets .

  6. 为加强国有商业银行薪酬市场竞争力,国有商业银行应改革现行工资总额分配体系,构建以业绩为导向的考评指标体系,并建立长效分配激励机制。

    In order to strength the market competitive power of domestic commercial banks , these banks should reform the present remuneration allocation system , establish a evolution system base on performance , and set up a long term effective allocation motivation system .

  7. 为建设高素质的护理团队,营造和谐发展的工作氛围,建立长效的激励机制,树立护理服务创新发展观,是护理管理者落实以人为本、科学发展观的核心和关键。

    In order to construct the nursing team with high-quality , it is necessary to develop harmonious atmosphere , establish long-term prompting system and pursue innovative development of nursing service , which are the key points for the nursing administrators to realize the concept of person-centered principle and scientific development .

  8. 而在所有保障高校辅导员职业化发展的长效机制之中,激励机制是最主要,也是最重要的一个。

    However , Incentive Mechanism is the most important among all the long-term mechanisms that secure the Professional development of the university counselor .