
  • 网络long-term debt;Long Term Debt;funded debt
  1. 上周四,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsService)将菲亚特列入了可能下调其短期和长期债务评级的观察名单。

    Last Thursday , Moody 's Investors Service placed Fiat under observation for a possible downgrade on short-and long-term debt .

  2. 两周前,美联储(fed)宣布延长“扭转操作”(operationtwist),即出售短期国债、买入长期债务,以求通过压低长期利率来扶持美国经济。

    Two weeks ago , the Federal Reserve extended " operation twist " selling short-term government bonds while buying long-term debt in an effort to support the economy by lowering long-term interest rates .

  3. 政府正在设法解决这个地区的长期债务问题。6.boostv.推进,提高,捧场,促进

    The government is trying to tackle the region 's chronic debt problem .

  4. 尽管白宫却一再恐吓如果短时间内不能通过长期债务解决方案,今年圣诞必将愁云惨淡,但似乎茶党(TeaParty)并未因此转而与博纳同舟共济。

    It seems the tea party is not on his political side , despite fear mongering from the White House that Christmas will be ruined if a long term debt deal is not passed in short order .

  5. 该市的应急财务经理奥尔(KevynOrr)估计,该市的长期债务将达到180亿美元。

    The city 's emergency manager , Kevyn Orr , estimates long-term debt at $ 18 billion .

  6. YellowBrickRoad的女发言人LyndseyDouglas表示,全国信用卡债务飙升与不断增大的家庭支出压力有直接的关系。她说:“信用卡是一种很方便的工具,但是不应该用作长期债务或者用于生活支出。”

    Yellow Brick Road spokeswoman Lyndsey Douglas said the soaring national credit card debt was directly " linked to growing household spending pressures . " " Credit cards are a convenient tool but they shouldn 't be used as long-term debt or for living expenses . " she said .

  7. 这表明:随着整个3C行业的成熟,其风险的可预测性与可控性增强,企业向银行借贷的融资环境得到改善,逐渐转向对长期债务的依赖。

    It means that with the development of 3C industry , the risk is becoming more predictable and controllable , and at the same time the financing environment is improved . All of these make the 3C companies rely more heavily on long-term debt .

  8. 实证结果表明,衡量公司资本结构的主要指标,例如总债务比例、长期债务比例、短期债务比例和公司绩效指标,如ROA和市值面值比附相关。

    The empirical results indicate that all measures of capital structure ( i.e. , the total debt ratio , the long-term debt ratio , and the short-term debt ratio ) are negatively related to the firm performance ( i.e. , the return on assets and the market-to-book ratio ) .

  9. 长期债务/总资本比率

    Aggregate indebtedness to capital ratio Long Term Debt / Capitalization

  10. 长期债务问题无法单单依靠削减支出解决。

    The long-term borrowing problem cannot be solved by cutting spending alone .

  11. 几个月来他似乎表示,长期债务并不是大问题。

    For months he suggested that long-term borrowing was no great problem .

  12. 长期债务变量对模型的改善较为明显。

    Long-term debt variable is the improvement of the model are obvious .

  13. 营运资金管理与长期债务间相关性的实证研究

    The Empirical Research of the Relationship between Working Capital Management and Long-term Debt

  14. 我们应该如何偿还我们的长期债务以达平衡;

    How we should pay down our long-term debt in a balanced way ;

  15. 企业的债务期限结构是指企业的总负债中长期债务和短期债务的构成结构与所占比重。

    The debt maturity structure of firm is composing structure and proportion with different term debt .

  16. 这种短期的临时性支出,不会增加中长期债务负担。

    Such short-term , temporary spending does not add to medium - or long-term debt burdens .

  17. 长期债务的折价摊销

    Amortization of Discount on Funded Debt

  18. 任何一个理性的商界领导人都会利用这种时机,把短期债务变成长期债务。

    Any rational business leader would use a moment like this to term out its debt .

  19. 货币市场从事的是短期债务而资本市场从事的是长期债务和股票的交易。

    Money markets deal in short-term debts whereas capital markets deal in long-term debts and stocks .

  20. 债务期限结构指公司债务中长期债务和短期负债之间的比例关系。

    The debt maturity structure refers to the relationship between long-term , midterm liabilities and short term ones .

  21. 众所周知,鉴于资产和长期债务的复杂性,保险公司很难估值。

    Insurance companies are notoriously difficult to value , given their complex mix of assets and long-term liabilities .

  22. 狭义的资本结构则是指公司长期债务资本和长期权益资本的构成比例。

    The capital structure of the narrow sense means the ratio of long-term debt capital and long-term equity capital .

  23. 研究结果显示,中小板上市公司融资效率的影响因素主要是资金成本因素和长期债务资本化程度。

    Results show that the main factors of financing efficiency were capital costs and capitalization levels of long-term debt .

  24. 在外源融资中,股权融资所占比重又远远高于债权融资,即中国上市公司的融资顺序依次为股权融资、短期债务融资、长期债务融资和内源融资。

    Further more , the proportion of stock financing in external financing is even higher than that of debt financing .

  25. 2009年美国的平均债务期限跌至3.2年,不到长期债务平均期限的一半。

    Average debt maturity in the US sank to 3.2 years in 2009 , less than half the long-term average .

  26. 长期债务企业或政府以未偿还债券和其他长期票据形式承担的债务。

    Funded debt the debt of a business or government in the form of outstanding bonds and other long-term notes .

  27. 90年代后期利率衍生品的扩散增殖意味着银行可以规避持有长期债务的风险。

    The proliferation of interest-rate derivatives since the late 1990s means banks can hedge the risks of holding long-term debt .

  28. 增长停滞和围绕某些国家较长期债务格局的挥之不去的担忧,将会挑战此类国家的经济基线。

    Their economic baseline will be challenged by stagnant growth and recurrent concerns about some countries ' longer-term debt dynamics .

  29. 养老基金是一种长期债务性资产,应进行必要的谨慎投资,研究表明,谨慎的投资政策往往伴随着较高的再保险水平。

    The pension fund is an asset with the nature of liability ; so , an investment policy should be required .

  30. 是的,目前推动我们长期债务最大的推手是,养老医疗保障费用的增加。

    Yes , the biggest driver of our long-term debt is the rising cost of health care for an aging population .