
  • 网络long-term interest rate;long term interest rate;long-term rate
  1. 美联储(Fed)11月份会议纪要显示,该央行曾在10月中旬的一次特别电视会议上考虑是否应该确立某个长期利率目标。若那样做,其货币政策将彻底改变。

    The US Federal Reserve considered whether it should target a long-term interest rate at a special video conference meeting in mid-October in what would have been a radical change to its monetary policy , according to the minutes of its November meeting , writes Robin Harding .

  2. 货币政策是通过影响短期利率进而对长期利率产生影响,从而影响实体经济。

    The monetary policy through influencing short-term interest rate to influence long-term interest rate , thus has an impact upon the entity economy .

  3. 为了降低长期利率,英国央行(bankofengland)一直在购买政府债券。

    To lower long-term interest rates , the Bank of England has been buying government bonds .

  4. 法国有较高的名义增长率,较低的债务与GDP比率和较低的长期利率。

    France has higher nominal growth , a lower debt-to-GDP ratio and lower long-term interest rates .

  5. 周三,美联储宣布实施“扭转操作”(operationtwist),这是一项进一步放松货币政策的措施,旨在降低长期利率。

    On Wednesday , the Fed announced a further loosening of monetary policy through " operation twist " , aimed at reducing long-term interest rates .

  6. 这么做可以降低长期利率,而无需美联储(fed)主席本伯南克(benbernanke)实施有风险的第三次量化宽松战略。

    Such a move can reduce long-term interest rates without a risky quantitative easing three gambit by Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve .

  7. IMF提出,通胀风险降低没有起到助力长期利率降低的作用,因为“期限利差”——指短期利率与长期利率之间的差值——并未下降。

    The IMF argues that declining inflation risk has not contributed to the fall in long-term rates , since the " term spread " - the gap between short and longer-term rates - has not fallen .

  8. 本文是国际清算银行总裁马尔科姆·奈特(MalcolmDKnight)先生在2006年5月12日的一次演讲,阐述了全球金融市场长期利率走低的原因以及对全球经济带来的影响。

    Mr. Malcolm D Knight , the president of Bank for International Settlements , expatiates the reasons of such declined and the influence to global economy in this article .

  9. 为了阻止美元下跌和长期利率急剧上升,美联储(fed)将不得不考虑提高美国联邦基金利率,财政部也需要考虑限制财政赤字。

    To counter the fall in the dollar and the spike in long-term interest rates , the Fed would have to consider lifting the Fed funds rate from zero , while the Treasury would need to consider reining in its fiscal deficits .

  10. 美联储负责设定利率的公开市场委员会(fomc)一些委员指出,这“可能是降低较长期利率的一种有效方式”。

    Some members of the rate-setting Open Market Committee noted that this " could be an effective way to reduce longer-term interest rates " .

  11. 的确,OFR计算,美国长期利率上调仅100个基点,就会对美国债券共同基金和交易所交易基金(ETF)带来2140亿美元的未对冲损失。

    Indeed , the OFR calculates that a mere 100bp rise in long-term US rates could generate unhedged losses of $ 214bn for US-based bond mutual funds and exchange traded funds .

  12. 他没把短期利率和长期利率区分开,前者很大程度上受英国央行(boe)影响,后者则是市场的产物。

    He did not distinguish between short term rates , which are heavily influenced by the Bank of England , and long term rates , which are a market phenomenon .

  13. 眼下,尽管长期利率很低,日本央行(boj)也煞费苦心地鼓励银行放贷,市场对信贷的需求依然不振。

    Now , in spite of very low long-term rates and extraordinary efforts from the Bank of Japan to stimulate lending , the appetite for credit is still just not there .

  14. 假如美联储真的决定出台进一步的宽松政策,那么可能性最大的选择便是进一步购买资产,也就是启动qe3,以求压低长期利率。

    If the Fed does choose to ease further the most likely option is more asset purchases , qe3 , aimed at driving down long-term interest rates .

  15. 财务总监安德鲁里德(andrewreid)称,剑桥本可以直接资助这些开发项目,但“鉴于长期利率处于低位,现在似乎是借款的大好时机”。

    Andrew Reid , finance director , said Cambridge could have funded the developments directly , but that with " long-term interest rates at historic lows , now seemed like a good time to borrow " .

  16. 文章通过估计和检验结构VAR模型,发现货币冲击、供给冲击和价格冲击都对短期利率产生了持续显著的影响,而对长期利率则没有显著作用效果。

    By estimating and testing the structural VAR model , we find that the monetary shock , supply shock and price shock have significant and persistent effects on the short term interest rates , but have no significant effects on long term interest rates .

  17. 美联储也未推出新一轮的定量宽松政策(即qe3)在该政策下,美联储将购买更多的证券以压低长期利率。

    The Fed also held off a further round of quantitative easing or qe3 under which it would buy more securities in an effort to drive down long-term interest rates .

  18. 假如这些详细的预测表明,fomc官员预计施行低利率的时间比市场目前所预期的更长,那么,这些预测可能推低长期利率,并帮助美联储提振经济。

    If the detailed forecasts reveal that FOMC officials expect to keep interest rates lower for longer than the market currently expects , they may drive down longer-term interest rates and help the Fed boost the economy .

  19. 然而,目前长期利率正在上升,给营收带来了压力。

    But long-term rates are rising , imposing pressures on revenues .

  20. 最后,长期利率取决于债券市场。

    Finally , long-term rates are set by the bond market .

  21. 这可能导致美国长期利率急剧飙升。

    That could cause US long-term interest rates to rise sharply .

  22. 美元长期利率的现状分析与趋势预测&揭开美元长期利率背离之谜

    A Study of the Actuality and Trend of USD Long-term Interest Rate

  23. 很多华尔街人士事实上更乐于看到长期利率上升。

    Many wall Streeters would actually love to see long-term rates rise .

  24. 降低长期利率起码会有一些好处。

    Lowering long-term interest rates would surely provide at least some benefit .

  25. 此外,央行不可能随心所欲地制定长期利率。

    Moreover , central banks cannot set long-term rates wherever they wish .

  26. 欧元的长期利率也低于美元。

    Long-term interest rates are also lower in euros than in dollars .

  27. 美元可能会重挫,长期利率可能会飙升。

    The dollar could tumble and long-term interest rates soar .

  28. 长期利率有可能进一步上升吗?

    Are long-term interest rates likely to rise still further ?

  29. 长期利率由金融市场设定。

    Long-term rates are set in the financial markets .

  30. 此外,欧洲央行应该考虑针对更长期利率采取措施。

    In addition , the ECB should consider acting on longer-term interest rates .