
  • 网络Financial net present value;fnpv;npv
  1. 税后财务净现值(NPV)都大于零,认为项目在财务上是可以接受的,项目运营收入能保障运营成本支出和银行贷款本息偿还。

    Since the after-tax financial net present value ( NPV ) are greater than zero , the essay thinks that the project is financially acceptable and the project operation income can guarantee both the operation cost and repay of principal and interest of the bank loan .

  2. 研究结果表明,重庆NGC公司发展天然气化工产业并投资新建乙炔化工项目优势明显,风险较小,经济效益良好,财务净现值高并具有投资价值。

    The evident advantage of the development of the natural gas and chemical industry and investment on the gas-based-acetylene project , low risk , outstanding economic benefits and high financial net value with investment value are detailed in the report .

  3. 财务净现值所得税前为2151万元,所得税后为1182万元。

    Financial NPV before income tax for 2151 million yuan , after the income tax for 1182 million yuan .

  4. 本文运用数学模型,分析计算出财务净现值最大时的投标方案。

    The mathematics model is applied to analyze bidding scheme through calculating finance net present value in this paper .

  5. 其财务净现值和内部收益率分别为8220.18元、82.52%,动态回收期为2.4年。

    Its net financial value and domestic net earnings rate are 8220.18 yuan , 82.52 % respectively , dynamic payout period is 2.4 years .

  6. 经测算项目财务净现值1188.41万元,项目财务内部收益率22.14%,因此项目在经济上具有较强的可行性。

    The project financial NPV will be 11,884,100 yuan , the project financial internal rate of return will be 22.14 % , so the project has a strong economic feasibility .

  7. 在油气田对天然气储量经济性评价中,主要是对天然气储量经济性评价指标如内部收益率、财务净现值、投资回收期的计算。

    In the economic evaluation to the natural gas reserves , we mainly calculate the economic index of gas reserves such as inside earning ratio , financial net present value , investment pay-off period .

  8. 采用多目标规划方法,从全投资现金流量表出发,构造以全投资的财务净现值最大为主要目标函数的投资项目决策优选模型;

    Starting with the table of cash flow of the whole investment , it adopts multi purpose programming method and sets up optimal model of investment project decision targeting the maximum of net present value of the whole investment .

  9. 同时,通过对财务净现值、财务内部收益率、投资回收期、投资利润率、投资利税率等财务指标的分析,得出了鸳鸯港建设的安全性、可行性和财务合理性的重要结论。

    Meanwhile , analyzed the finance index ( financial net present value , financial internal rate of return , investment payback time , profit margin of investigate and so on ) I got the safety , feasibility and economic reasonableness .

  10. 本文运用财务的净现值理论建立了企业并购的财务模型,并利用该模型对并购的不同支付方式进行成本分析。

    It establishes a financial model carrying on cost analysis towards different kind of payments during M & A.

  11. 产品更新的财务特点及其净现值法的优化

    The Financial Properties and Optimization for the NPV of the Products ' Renewing Process

  12. 财务内部收益率为6.51%,财务净现值为38万元,投资回收期为12.96a,满足行业基本要求。

    Its financial internal rate of return is 6.51 % , the net present value is 380 000 RMB yuan , and the payback period is 12.96 a , satisfying the basic industrial requirements .

  13. 下坝址方案全部投资税前财务内部收益率大于基准收益率,财务净现值大于零,说明财务上基本可行,但盈利能力一般。

    IRR of new plan is greater than the benchmark rate of return ; NPV is greater than zero , indicating the financial feasibility .