
cái zhènɡ yù suàn
  • Financial budget;budgetary outlays
  1. 德国政府已经为明年制定了紧缩的财政预算。

    The German government has set a tight budget for next year

  2. 印度的国防开支占了其财政预算的1/5强。

    India spends over a fifth of its budget on defence .

  3. 今年联邦财政预算辩论中的一个重要问题就是:哪些人的纳税额应该提高?

    The burning question in this year 's debate over the federal budget is : whose taxes should be raised ?

  4. 2.Financialforecast财务预算A:你能给我们看看下个季度的财政预算吗?

    A : Could you show the financial forecast for the next quarter ?

  5. 全国计算机等级考试(二级C语言)笔试试题分析(二)根据政府的提案,审核、通过财政预算;

    An analysis about national computer rank paper examination ( C Language Band 2 ); To examine and approve budgets introduced by the Government ;

  6. 鉴于2012年的财政预算出现高达400万美元的赤字,雷鸟全球管理学院(ThunderbirdSchoolofGlobalManagement)已同意抓住一条亟需的救生索。

    With its 2012 fiscal budget $ 4 million in the red , the Thunderbird School of global management has agreed to grasp a sorely needed lifeline .

  7. 有些校园网站与银行合作发放有编码的信用卡或者ID卡,有借记卡的双重作用。有些学校为自己辩护说,这种合作关系可以使学校有一些进项,可以弥补财政预算的减少。

    Many colleges ' webs , actually partner with the banks to issue code-branded credit cards or ID cards that double as debit cards . Some schools defend these partnerships as a way to offset cuts in state funding , Reggie .

  8. 德梅内塞斯在国家电视台TVS上说,台北给圣普提供了150万美元用于改善其国家财政预算。

    The president , speaking on state television station , TVS , said that Taipei had offered Sao Tome and Principe US $ 1.5 million to boost the country 's state budget .

  9. 文章选取固定资产投资总额、劳动力作为投入变量,地区生产总值、地方财政预算内收入、职工工资总额作为产出变量,运用DEA分析法对中国城市经济效率进行了研究。

    In this paper DEA method is applied to estimate economic efficiencies of Chinese cities , taking fixed asset investment and labor force as input factors , and GDP , local government budgetary income and total wages of workers and staff as output variables .

  10. 自1982年到1984年,LEST基金会完成了可行性研究、方案设计,做了镜筒充氦和风洞试验,并提出了一个总额为2500万美元的财政预算。

    During 1982 to 1984 , the LEST Foundation finished the possibility research , made a conceptional telescope design , carried out the experiments of helium filling and wind tunnel testing for the telescope tube and suggested a detailed financial budget with a total amount of 25 million US dollars .

  11. 总统办公室发布了2004年财政预算

    The office of management and budget released the president 's 2004

  12. 财政预算制度就是为这一界限而设立的。

    Financial budget system is set . up for the boundaries .

  13. 维持适度平衡的国家财政预算的老目标又被人们重新提了出来。

    The old goal of reasonably balanced state budgets was rehabilitated .

  14. 请提供您最新,最详尽的财政预算案。

    Please supply us with your most current and detailed budget .

  15. 他们薪水不是由通常的财政预算提供。

    His salary is not provided for in the annual estimates .

  16. 关于加强人大对财政预算审查监督的法律思考

    Thinking on the Reinforcement of Fiscal Budget Examination of Congresses

  17. 对收费实行规范化的财政预算管理。

    Regulate the budget management on fee and charge items .

  18. 财政预算案将迫使60万名公共部门雇员失业。

    The budget will force 6 00000 public sector workers into unemployment .

  19. (四)编制并提出财政预算、决算;

    To draw up and introduce budgets and final accounts ;

  20. 根据政府的提案,审核、通过财政预算;

    To examine and approve budgets introduced by the Government ;

  21. 应加强高等教育财政预算管理

    Fiscal Budget Management of Higher Education Should Be Strengthened

  22. 财政预算支出管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Financial Capital Budgeting System

  23. 财政预算关乎城中每一个人。

    The financial budget concerns everyone in the city .

  24. 以天津为例,建立了天津地方财政预算内支出的经济计量模型,具体诊断、识别出国家财政税收政策行为变迁发生的年份、影响程度和运行机制。

    We have established the econometric model for Tianjin local government budgetary expenditures .

  25. 财政预算执行审计风险问题研究

    Research on Risk in Public Finance Budget Executive Audit

  26. 国外财政预算支出管理中的内部控制与审计监督

    Inside Control and Auditing Supervision in the Management of Foreign Financial Expenditure Budget

  27. 我国财政预算的动态均衡分析

    Dynamic State The Dynamic Equilibrium Analysis of Financial Budget

  28. 财政预算执行的权力相对集中;

    Power ; ( 2 ) authority of public financial budget is concentrated ;

  29. 固定资产投资审计对象主要是财政预算中安排的建设资金在建设工程中的管理、使用、效益和与财政资金有关的工程建设项目。

    Capital asserts investment audit focuses on the funds management of the construction projects .

  30. 三是增加财政预算支出。

    Third , increasing fiscal budget and expenditure .