
cái zhènɡ xué
  • finance;science of finance
  1. 财政学:对国家行为进行经济分析的科学临界导电模式PFC电路的稳态特性

    Public Finance : A Science of Economic Analysis on the state Behaviour Steady state behaviour of critical conduction mode power factor correction circuits

  2. 浅谈财政学教学中的辐射效应

    On the Radiative Effect in the Teaching of Science of Finance

  3. 能否应付财政学这门课我没有把握。

    I wasn 't sure I could hack the finance course .

  4. 分化与综合:中国财政学发展趋势

    Differentiation and Integration : Developments of Public Finance in China

  5. 关于高校《财政学》教学改革若干问题的思考

    Problems Considerations on the Teaching Reform of Public Finance Course

  6. 《财政学》案例教学课堂设计研究

    Study on Class Design of Case Teaching in " Public Finance "

  7. 提高财政学课程教学质量的几点思考

    Some Thinking about Improving the Teaching Quality of the Public Finance Courses

  8. 财政学专业人才培养面临的机遇与挑战

    The Opportunity and Challenge of Talent Training of Finance Specialty

  9. 土地出让金的财政学分析

    Analysis of Land Transfer Rent on the Base of Finance

  10. 财政学学科基础的多元化与课程体系的拓展

    On Expanding the Diversification of the Disciplinary Foundation of Finance

  11. 现代财政学的发展历史、现状和趋势

    Modern Public Finance : History , Status and Trend

  12. 财政学规范研究的使命是建构理念层面的公共财政,告诉我们应去往何方;

    Normative study on public finance is to construct an ideal fiscal system .

  13. 国际财政学界普遍认为地方政府间税收竞争是一把双刃剑:一方面,适度的税收竞争有助于发展经济、限制政府规模无限制扩大等;

    International fiscal communities believes that interlocal tax competition is a double-edged sword .

  14. 公共财政学论属于公共经济学的研究范畴。

    The study of common finance belongs to the field of common economics .

  15. 适应不同专业特点要求建立不同层次的《财政学》课程

    Establishing Finance Courses at Different Levels to Meet Requirements from Different Specialized Subjects

  16. 公共财政学涉及,税收和我们的福利体系。

    Public finance relates to the tax and welfare system that we have .

  17. 优化教学方法以提高《财政学》课程教学效果

    Optimizing Teaching Methods and Improving Teaching Effect of the Course " Finance "

  18. 案例教学法在《财政学》教学中的运用研究

    On the Application of Case Teaching in the Teaching of the Course Finance

  19. 来说一说公共财政学。

    Let me say something about public finance here .

  20. 这门课不是公共财政学。

    This is not a course in public finance .

  21. 关于财政学的研究对象和方法

    On Public Economics : Research Subjects & Methods

  22. 财政学的教材体系结构探讨

    Researching in the field of finance textbook structure

  23. 新形势下地方高等院校财政学专业课程体系建设的思考

    The thought of discipline construction of public finance in local institute under new circumstances

  24. 中国国有企业治理方略:一个财政学问题的理论与实证研究

    Strategies on China 's SOEs Governance : Theoretical and Positive Research of a Fiscal Issue

  25. 关于财政学课程设计的探讨

    Discussion on Course Designing of Public Finance

  26. 农村养老保险制度的财政学反思

    A Reflection on Endowment Insurance in Rural Areas : From a Perspective of Public Economy

  27. 在大学里,他专修财政学、政治经济学和科学农业。

    At college , he had specialized in finance , political economy , and scientific agriculture .

  28. 新比较财政学导论:结合市场化实践的研究

    An Introduction of New Comparative Public Finance : A Study Integrated with Market Reform Practice COMPARE

  29. 其次,就各层次财政学设置的必要性进行了分析。

    Then , he analyzes the necessity for setting up all levels of the finance science .

  30. 从地方财政学视野看新城规划实施的可行性

    The Feasibility of the Implementation of New Town Planning : From the Perspective of Local Public Finance