
The government budget public is not only necessary but also has already become the world trend .
We will more quickly release government budgets to the people to keep them informed about how much the government spends and what it spends money on .
Governments at all levels need to work hard to accomplish practical results for the people ; and all public servants should genuinely become servants of the people .
The research for the problems of local government financial budget open is not merely to improve the monitoring dynamics of the public to the government budget . It can also strongly advance the government budget towards reasonable , true and scientific .
The legal system of government budget information disclosure refers to the legal system which established by law to protect the community enjoying the right of access to government budget information .
Government budget information disclosure is that government body disclose the basis of government budget and the process of budget preparation , approval , implementation , final accounts and contents to the citizens , legal persons and other organizations through legal ways and means .
Fortunately , along with the " the Regulation on Governmental Information Disclosure " took effect , Chinese governmental budget information disclosure has taken a substantial step , gradually from secret to disclosure .