
  • 网络function design;functional design
  1. 论文还从实践角度进行了服务行政模式的职能设计,指出政府职能设计的方向应当是服务。

    It also designs the function of service administration model from the practical angle , and points out that the direction of government function design should be serving .

  2. 关于我国政府部门直属信息机构职能设计的构想

    An Idea of Functional Design for Information Institutions Directly Affiliated to the Government Department in China

  3. 论质量职能设计的经济绩效原则

    Study on the Principle of Performance in Designing Quality Function

  4. 每一系列还分别按照托盘员、颁奖嘉宾引导员和运动员引导员的不同职能设计了三个不同款式。

    Each series of the costumes feature three styles of suits-each for tray holders , medal presenter and athlete escorts .

  5. 为了实现组织变革的目标,英祥集团需要进行关键管理职能设计,把人力资源管理和市场营销管理作为关键的管理职能,在设计管理层次时选择高层结构,并合理配置决策权。

    To achieve its targets , Yingxiang Group should adopt human resource management and marketing management as its key management functions .

  6. 醒目的图案让人在玩的时候毛骨悚然,并且这个游戏的职能设计使得它涉及不同的系统。

    Striking graphics make this title as thrilling to look at as it is to play , and the game 's brilliant design allows it to run on a variety of systems .

  7. 公共福利是现代政府职能设计的不可回避的内容,特别是二次世界大战之后福利国家的兴起,更是将社会福利保障与政府的公共行政牢牢地捆绑在一起。

    Public welfare is unavoidable matter of the modern design of the public administration , and particularly through the spring-up the welfare countries after the word-war-two , it tied social welfare tightly with the public administration .

  8. 在耶鲁大学,方法是围绕高管可能承担的不同责任(无论是面对客户还是运营方面)、而不是致力于职能设计核心课程。

    At Yale , the approach has been to design core courses that , rather than focusing on functions , are built around the different responsibilities executives might take up , whether customer facing or operational .

  9. 文中既涉及突破于传统企业门户网站建设的网站定位策略,还涵盖了互联网营销实施环节的组织架构和岗位职能设计以及互联网营销的流程优化方面的可行性建议。

    Break in the text involves both the construction of traditional enterprise portal site targeting strategy also covers the implementation of aspects of Internet marketing organizational structure and job functions of the design process optimization and Internet marketing aspects of feasibility proposal .

  10. BPR过程中企业职能部门设计的研究

    A study on the design of section of enterprises in the course of BPR

  11. 发挥图书馆职能培养设计专业创新人才

    Functions of Library and Cultivation of Talents in the Artistic Designing

  12. 战略性人力资源管理职能系统设计

    Strategic Human Resource Management Function System Plan

  13. 首先,介绍了契约型基金治理中基金托管职能不同的设计模式。

    First , introduce the different patterns of the fund trustee system .

  14. 技术服务或相当的职能部门负有设计文档的基本责任。

    Technical services or an equivalent functional group has primary responsibility for documenting the design .

  15. 公司下辖十六个职能部门从事设计,施工,咨询等服务。

    Junction consists of sixteen departments and sub company : providing design , construction , consulting services .

  16. 目标、机构与职能的组合设计:俄罗斯中央银行监管的实证分析

    The Consistency of the Target , Institution and Function : An Empirical Study on the Regulation of Russian Central Bank

  17. 论述了企业管理的基本职能及其与设计的关系,得出了设计和管理的内涵正逐步走向一致的结论。

    To discussing the essential function of Enterprise Management and the relationship with design , concludes that the connotation of design and management is becoming consistent gradually .

  18. 本文就建立我国的存款保险制度从资金来源和职能、结构设计以及道德风险和逆向选择的防范等几个方面进行了有意义的探索。

    This essay probes into various aspects of the system such as its source of fund , its function , its structural design , its risks , and its prevention of reverse selection .

  19. 说白了,一个解决岗位的问题,一个是解决人的问题,在形成这种基础和依据的前提下,企业才能进行人力资源管理系统内在各职能模块的设计。

    The spoken lines were , one solves post question , the other solves human 's problem . In formed this kind of foundation and under the basis premise , the enterprise could carry on the human resources management system management system intrinsic various functions module the design .

  20. 经营管理上采用直线职能制的组织设计,以方便进行管理。

    The organization design of linear function of the management , management to facilitate .

  21. 有跨职能团队来完成设计验证计划吗?

    Is a cross-functional team used in the completion of the Design Verification Plan ?

  22. 承包商应计划、建立、记载和派遣胜任人员担任的职能部门审核该设计。

    The Contractor shall plan , establish , document and assign to competent personnel functions for verifying the design .

  23. 第四部分,重点研究长春净月经济开发区项目招投标管理职能及制度体系设计,分析实际工作中的做法、存在的优势及不足,以推动项目招投标管理规范化的进程。

    The forth part , emphasized the function and system designed of tender bidding management of Jingyue , analyzed the advantages and disadvantages during the work to improve the standardization program of bidding-tender management .

  24. 本文以学习路线图的方式,结合领导者的角色和相关的职能,有的放矢地设计了为期一年的高潜质人才领导力提升项目,并制定具体解决方案。

    In the way of training road map , given role and functions for leaders , work out specific solutions in view to develop high potential talent for leadership , to carry out a one-year leadership promotion project .

  25. 本文设计实现了基于自动机的工作流引擎,设计了该系统的实体模型、控制模型并以此实现了权限设计、系统范围设计、各职能模块的初始化设计以及消息模块的设计。

    The paper designs and implements the automata-based workflow engine , and designs the object model of the system , the control module , the permission module , the system scope module and initialization model as well as the message exchange module .

  26. 这一切无不要求医院必须尽快改变现行的以方便管理为出发点、面向内部职能的就诊流程设计,进行以病人为中心、面向服务对象的业务流程再造。

    All of these ask the hospitals to change the present design of diagnosis process that starts from the convenience of management and faces the internal function as soon as possible , and implement Business Process Re-engineering ( BPR ) that is patient-oriented and facing the service target .

  27. 第四部份在陈述了企业的战略目标和战略重点后,对该企业的价值观、整体战略、竞争战略及职能战略进行了设计。

    The forth part is presentation of the company 's strategy target and pivot , the company 's view of merits , general strategy , competition strategy and function strategy are designed , The firth part is about specific measures are executed to ensure the implementation of the strategy .

  28. 组织架构存在包括直线制、职能制等多种模式,组织架构的设计包括部门和职能设计、关键岗位设计、制度流程设计等,对组织绩效产生长期影响。

    Organizational structure have line structure , functional structure and so on . Design of organizational structure is including the departments and function design , key position design , system process design , etc. , which affect on organizational performance in long-term impact .