
  • 网络Allocation of funds;TAAS;MERGAAI LX
  1. 在此基础上,着重对契约不完全风险、道德风险以及开放式基金流动性风险进行了深入研究,并提出了完善基金治理结构、合理配置基金资产、设计适当的融资制度等相应的防范措施。

    Such measures as to improve government of fund , to reasonably allocate asset , to design appropriate financing system etc.

  2. 振荡周期内配置型基金与中小板ETF基金业绩差异不大。最后结合实证研究的结果和相关原因的分析,分别从投资者角度和管理层角度给出相关建议。

    There is no significant difference in performance between asset-allocation fund and SME ETF during the Oscillation cycle . Finally , combined with empirical research results and related analysis , the dissertation put forward some proposal from investor point of view and financial regulator point of view .

  3. 配置型基金资产配置管理研究

    Research on the Asset Allocation Management of the Asset Allocation Fund

  4. 资产配置对基金收益影响程度的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis : How Asset Allocation Affects Mutual Fund Revenue

  5. 配置型基金具有一定的选股能力但无显著的择时能力。

    Sample asset-allocation fund has certain stock-selection ability but no significant timing ability .

  6. (四)根据特别基金的使用协定,配置特别基金的资源;

    ( iv ) by deploying Special Funds resources in accordance with the agreements determining their use ;

  7. 最后,选取二十只配置型基金,提取近一年的相关数据进行了实证分析。

    Finally , the allocation of only 20 investments funds data from the past year is related to the empirical analysis .

  8. 最后得出的结论如下:(1)配置型基金风险调整后收益率的排名与净值收益率排名差异不大。

    The conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) there is little difference between rankings based on risk-adjusted return and rankings based on pure return .

  9. 一个运转良好的股票市场的主要好处是储蓄的动员、投资资源合理配置与基金的长期匹配、及经济的加速增长。

    The primary benefits of a well functioning stock market are , mobilization of savings , fund term matching with efficient allocation of investment resources , and acceleration of economic growth .

  10. 你将为财富管理支出多少成本?例如资产配置、基金选择或税务建议等,同时你为各个领域投资专业技能的支出是多少?

    How much are you paying for wealth management such as asset allocation , fund selection or tax advice and how much are you paying for the investment expertise in each area ?

  11. 但就整个行业来说,亚洲对冲基金要想获得切实发展,并吸引稳定的资金配置,基金经理必须证明,自己能够提供始终跑赢市场的回报率。

    But if the Asian industry as a whole is to grow meaningfully and attract stable allocations of capital from investors , fund managers will need to prove they can provide returns that consistently outperform the market .

  12. 美林(merrilllynch)对204名资产配置者和基金经理的调查发现,随着滞胀担忧上升,投资者减持了股票和债券,转为持有现金。

    Investors have cut their exposure to both equities and bonds and are moving into cash as fears of stagflation mount , the Merrill Lynch survey of 204 asset allocators and fund managers found .

  13. 首先要加强开放式基金的流动性管理,制定合理的流动性计划,对基金资产进行合理优化配置,加强基金的资金来源管理。

    First , we shall strengthen the liquid management of funds ;

  14. 如今,投资者开始将大笔资金配置给新创基金。

    Now investors are beginning to allocate large tickets to start-ups .

  15. 所以我们可能会将一部分资金配置给对冲基金和结构性产品。

    So we 'd probably allocate some of that through hedge funds and structured products .

  16. 资产配置可以帮助基金经理降低资产价格波动对投资组合的负面影响,通过适应不同类型基金投资者的风险偏好来实现其长期投资目标。

    It helps fund managers to reduce negative effects from asset price volatility and reach their investment objective .

  17. 资产配置策略作为基金操作的基本原则,可以解释91.5%的基金回报率波动。

    As funds ' basic operation principle , asset allocation strategy can interpret 91.5 % of their return .

  18. 资产配置政策对基金收益的决定&对中国封闭式基金的实证研究

    The Determination of the Asset Allocation Policy of the Fund Return & Authentic Proof of the Chinese Close-ended Fund Return

  19. 证券投资基金资产配置是指基金管理人决定如何在可投资的资产类别之间进行分配资金的过程。

    The asset allocation of security investment fund is the process that the fund managers decide on how to allocate fund among various asset class .

  20. 另外,主权财富基金风险资产配置比例与其基金绝对规模(控制变量)正相关。

    In addition , the proportion of SWFs ' holdings of risky assets has a positive correlation with the size of SWFs which is a control variable in the model .

  21. 尽管美国一些州的养老基金正慢慢将更多资金配置给对冲基金(在这个低利率盛行的世界里,除了对冲基金,还有谁能为它们提供诱人的回报率?)

    While the state pension funds in the US are slowly increasing their allocation to hedge funds ( because where else can they get interesting returns in this universe of low interest rates ?)

  22. 随着这些债券基金受到保持竞争性收益率和定期支付股息的压力,如果亚洲各地股市年底强劲上涨,国际资本很可能重新配置到股票基金。

    As these bond funds come under pressure to maintain competitive yields and pay regular dividends there could well be a reallocation to equity funds if stock markets across Asia finish the year strongly .

  23. 一方面,判定基金的实际投资风格,以便于投资者结合自身风险收益偏好和资产配置需要进行基金品种选择;

    The first aspect of evaluation is to judge the fund 's factual investment style , so that investors can choose the right one by combining their risk-return preference and their asset allocation with the fund 's style .

  24. 前者主要集中于对基金资产组合中配置的资产对基金的业绩可能产生的影响进行分析。

    The former mainly focused on the how fund portfolio affect performance of it .

  25. 国外学者的研究表明资产配置对证券投资基金的业绩起着决定性的作用。

    Foreign experts made such conclusion that asset allocation plays a critical important role to the fund performance .

  26. 资产配置趋势显示,基金经理正撤出中国和印度,转而投资于东南亚、俄罗斯和巴西。

    Trends in asset allocation suggest managers are moving away from China and India and investing instead in South-East Asia , Russia and Brazil .

  27. 基金投资风格是现代基金绩效评价研究的核心内容之一。主要研究基金在既定期限内的资产配置情况,是基金投资策略或投资目标的体现。

    Fund investment style involves fund investment strategies and embodies investment objectives . It is the core of the research on modern fund investment performance evaluation , which primarily studies the asset allocation within a given period of time .

  28. 证券投资基金资产配置过程是指基金管理人如何在可投资资产之间进行长期资金分配,以及如何根据市场短期变化动态调整组合资产比例的过程,资产配置是证券投资基金资产运作过程中的核心环节。

    The asset allocation of security investment fund is the process how the fund managers decide to allocate fund among various asset classes , and how to dynamically adjust the proportion of each basic investing asset according to short market opportunity .

  29. 三是需要进一步扩大基金的供给,加强中国证券投资基金业的竞争程度,促使基金管理人不断改善资产配置结构、提高基金运作效率。

    In order to encourage fund managers to improve the structure of assets allocation and the efficiency of fund operation , it is needed to magnify the funds supply and enhance the competition at a high degree in the fields of China , s securities investment funds industry .

  30. 证券投资基金资产配置效率研究,旨在度量资产配置对证券投资基金业绩的贡献程度。

    The study on the asset allocation efficiency focus on the contribution degree of asset allocation to securities investment fund performance .