
  • 网络commercial paper financing
  1. 那时,我们许多依赖商业票据融资的最大企业距离用尽它们的现金资源只有几周时间。

    Many of our largest industrial companies , dependent on commercial paper financing that had disappeared , were weeks away from exhausting their cash resources .

  2. 而商业票据融资计划目前确定的期限是到2009年4月。

    The commercial-paper facility is currently scheduled to remain in place until April 2009 .

  3. 这种情况使货币市场基金对投资手上的现金十分谨慎,导致企业和银行难以在商业票据市场融资。

    This has left them wary of investing any cash they have , making it difficult for companies and banks trying to raise funds in the commercial paper market .

  4. 在新疆票据融资业务快速增长的过程中存在着许多问题,如票据市场产品单一、融资性票据量大等,因此应增加票据品种,完善票据法规制度,促进新疆商业银行票据融资业务的发展。

    There are still many problems , however , such as unitary product in the bill market , large amount of financing instruments . So a variety of instruments should be offered , laws and regulations should be perfected in order to promote bill financing of commercial banks in Xinjiang .

  5. 商业票据市场的融资成本也大幅下降。

    The cost of funding in the commercial paper market also tumbled .

  6. 这对使用商业票据进行短期融资的银行来说是个头疼的问题。

    This becomes a problem for banks that use commercial paper to finance their short term liquidity need .

  7. 近年来,新疆商业银行的票据融资业务增长迅速,这其中既有新疆中小企业资本需求增加的因素,也有新疆商业银行拓宽中间业务的影响。

    In recent years , bill financing of commercial banks in Xinjiang has grown rapidly , which result from both capital increase in the demand for both small and medium-sized enterprises , and widening intermediate business among commercial banks in Xinjiang .

  8. 资产支持商业票据:中小企业融资新渠道

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