
  • 网络rent dissipation;the dissipation of rent
  1. 决定胜负要有准则,在无数可以采用的准则中,只有市价不会导致租值消散。

    Of the numerous criteria that can be applied , only market price entails no dissipation of rent . 5 The argument considered various alternatives , such as allocation through queuing , seniority , etc.

  2. 价格管制与租值消散:以劳动合同法为例

    Price Control and Rent Dissipation with Labor Contract Law as an Example

  3. 租值消散意味着本来有价值的资源或财产由于一些原因而价值下降或价值消失。

    Rent dissipation means the value of the valuable resource or property reduces , even vanishs for some reasons .

  4. 租值消散理论对于我们理解产权安排对资源配置的重大作用具有重要的启发意义。

    The theory of rent dissipation is very important for us to understand the implications of property rights for the allocation of resources .

  5. 介绍了科斯定理、租值消散理论和产权的公共领域、产权与价格关系等理论,作为本文研究的理论基础,后续章节也都是基于本章阐述的相关理论进行研究和分析。

    Otherwise , the author introduces the Coase Theorem , rent dissipation theory and properly in the public domain , the theory of relationship between property and price .

  6. 的黎波里的例子,同样的看法比较困难,但在两方面土地的租值消散真的是交易或制度费用。

    In the Tripolitania example the same conclusion is more difficult to draw , but on two counts the land rents dissipated would indeed be transaction / institution costs .

  7. 我的看法,是资源使用的竞争一定要受到约束,人类才可以生存,因为没有约束的竞争必然带来的租值消散,会灭绝人类。

    In my view , competition for the use of scarce resources must be restrained for social survival , because rent dissipation under unrestrained competition would result in starvation for all .

  8. 有价值的资源毫无约束地让公众使用的现象曾否出现过,我历来怀疑,但假设真有其事,租值消散是效果。

    I have always been doubtful that there have ever existed valuable resources subjected to unrestrained common exploitation , but assuming this to be true , dissipation of land rent is implied .

  9. 定义说,把草原转作种植杏仁树的用途的总交易或制度费用,一定不会低于租值的消散,否则这用途的转变会出现了。

    By definition , the transaction / institution costs of converting pastures to almond cultivation , must , in total , not be less than the rent dissipated , for otherwise the conversion would have occurred .