
jīnɡ jì chénɡ běn
  • economic cost
  1. 折旧是根据大部分这些资产进行计算并扣除,表示这些资产在其使用年限内的经济成本。

    Depreciation is calculated and deducted from most of these assets , which represents the economic cost of the asset over its useful life .

  2. 2014年全球糖尿病经济成本约6120亿美元。

    The global economic cost of diabetes in 2014 was around 612 billion USD .

  3. 综合重金属去除效果和经济成本两方面考虑,调节底泥的起始pH值为6是合适的。

    Taking heavy metals removal and economic costs into account , the initial pH 6 is optimal .

  4. 然而,基于网页(Web)的电子商务系统也存在着一些问题,如退货时间过长、经济成本过大等。

    However , there are still some questions in Web-based e-commerce systems . Such as return time is too long , economic costs are too large .

  5. 如果把这些损失转化为经济成本,将占据各城市GDP相当大的比重。

    If transforms these losses into the economic cost , it will occupy quite great proportion in every city 's GDP .

  6. 基于LCA的稻秸合成甲醇的环境-经济成本分析

    Environmental and economic analysis of rice straw methanol synthesis system based on life cycle assessment

  7. 在刀具材料中,从综合性能、经济成本和资源利用等角度考虑,Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷都比WC基硬质合金具有优势。

    Ti ( C , N ) - based cermets has more advantages than WC cemented carbide in tool materials , such as comprehensive properties , economic cost , and resource utilization .

  8. 介绍了改性烷基烯酮二聚体(AKD)中性施胶剂应用于书写纸的施胶工艺及其经济成本核算;

    The sizing technology of the transform AKD sizing agent in writhing paper was introduced , and its cost was calculated .

  9. 在眼下的困难时期,很多职场人士都陷入了这样一个困境:他们需要一个MBA学位来推进职业发展,却负担不起脱产学习的经济成本和时间。

    In these tough times , lots of workers are stuck in a bind : They need an M.B.A.to boost their career , but they can 't afford the cost or the time out of the work force .

  10. 技术合同的范式、内容及其经济成本打量

    The Pattern and Content of Technique Contract And Their Economic Analysis

  11. 然而,规定这项权利将带来不一致的经济成本。

    Establishing such a right would , however , impose uneven economic costs .

  12. 这里的成本和效用包括非经济成本和效用。

    There costs and utilities include the noneconomic costs and utilities of children .

  13. 战争经济成本浅析

    Preliminary Research on the Economic Costs of War

  14. 社会和经济成本巨大,并在整个社会产生涟漪效应。

    The social and economic costs are enormous and have ripple effects throughout society .

  15. 当然,放弃核能或许会牵涉到经济成本。

    Certainly , there may be economic costs associated with a switch from nuclear .

  16. 从经济成本和经济的附加值来发掘其经济价值。

    To tap the economic value from the economic costs and economic value - added .

  17. 对法律运行的成本&经济成本和社会成本的衡量是建设社会主义法治的必要准备。

    Counting economic and social costs of legal operation is prerequisite for socialist nomocracy construction .

  18. 环境保护的宏观经济成本分析

    The Macroeconomic Cost Analysis of Environment Protection

  19. 巴西已经认识到,环境破坏具有很高的社会和经济成本。

    Brazil has recognized that the social and economic costs of environmental destruction are high .

  20. 随着收入的升高,税收带来的经济成本不相称地增加,达到相当高的水平。

    The economic costs of taxes rise disproportionately , as they reach very high levels .

  21. 富人的经济成本可以忽略不计,而社会收益将是巨大的。

    The economic cost to the rich would be negligible and the social gains enormous .

  22. 无论是对债权国还是债务国而言,欧元解体的经济成本都将高得惊人。

    The economic costs of a breakup would be staggering for creditor and debtor nations .

  23. 为了快速降低经济成本,很多企业采用经济性裁员的管理模式。

    In order to lower costs , many companies adopted the method of economic layoff .

  24. 质量与初始设计相当,没有增加经济成本。

    The quality is equivalent to the initial design does not increase the economic costs .

  25. 经济成本是巨大的。

    The economic costs are huge .

  26. 建立信任关系是需要一定的经济成本的,但是,当客观地建立起信任之后,信任方将从中获得明显的收益。

    It needs some costs to build trust , but it will benefit the principal more .

  27. 蒂拜朱卡表示,城市居民间的严重不平等既会产生经济成本,也会带来社会成本。

    MS Tibaijuka said severe inqualities among city residents carried economic as well as social costs .

  28. 多参数测控的温室智能化控制设备,经济成本较高,影响了推广使用。

    As the high economic cost , the multi-parameter intelligent control device is not widely used .

  29. 中医药在预防和治疗该疾病方面有一定优势,且经济成本较低。

    TCM has the preponderance over western medicine on preventing and treating constipation with low cost .

  30. 目前,环境会计采用的是微观财务成本观念,而忽视微观经济成本;

    At present , environment accounting system adopts micro-financial cost but neglects external costs of the business .