
  1. 研究了基于WEB技术的餐饮企业连锁经营信息系统,采用B?

    This paper has studied the chain restaurant management information system based on WEB mode .

  2. 基于ECA扩展企业经营信息主动服务机制

    An Extensible Mechanism of Active Business Information Service Based on ECA

  3. 但在年底之前,投资者给了该行业第二次机会:partygaming发布了一条乐观的经营信息,使得该公司股价回升至发行价水平。

    But by the end of the year investors gave the sector a second chance after PartyGaming released a bullish trading update that restored the share price to listing levels .

  4. 商业秘密主要包括两种表现形式,一种是技术信息,另一种是经营信息。

    Trade Secrets compose mainly by technology and operation information .

  5. 本系统是对森林分类经营信息的全自动管理,实现了从基础数据的输入、校对、档案管理、统计、计算打印查询、按地点查询、按存档号查询和关键字查询等体形式。

    This system is full automatic processing for data of classification management .

  6. 配电网生产经营信息管理全面解决方案

    Comprehensive Solution for Power Distribution Network Operational Information Management

  7. 经营信息:尼龙、钢、属系列拉链产品的专业研发、造、售商。

    Nylon , resin , metals series zipper the product 's occupation manufactory .

  8. 汽车经营信息系统的开发

    The Development of a Auto Marketing Information System

  9. 通过现金流量信息人们可以获取公司更多的经营信息和财务状况。

    Through cash flow information , people may get more management information and financial situation .

  10. 三是经营信息的分析与挖掘。

    Thirdly analyze business information and mining .

  11. 本钢第一机修厂生产经营信息系统的核心部分是生产管理。

    The producing management is the hardcore of producing information systems in machinery manufacture industry .

  12. 内部控制对企业实现经营信息正确记录和处理、财产安全、运行有序均有重要意义。

    The internal control can keep enterprise operate safely , well-regulated and accounting record correct .

  13. 然而,这一规定只是概要式地对商业秘密做出界定,对商业秘密组成部分的技术信息和经营信息的实质未做出具体规定。

    However , it has not regulate the meaning of technology information or trade information particularly .

  14. 在中国现行法律中,将商业秘密分为两类:技术信息;经营信息。

    Existing laws in China , the trade secrets into twocategories : technical information ; management information .

  15. 商业秘密包括技术信息和经营信息,这些信息应符合秘密性、价值性和新颖性的商业秘密构成要件。

    Trade secret includes technology information and management information that should be secret , valuable and original .

  16. 现行法律规定的商业秘密主要包括两大类:一类是技术信息;另一类是经营信息。

    Business privacy mainly includes two kinds : one is technical secret information ; the other managing secret information .

  17. 本系统建设目标是建立起以业务为核心的经营信息中心。

    The originally systematic construction object is to set up the information centre of management taking business as the core .

  18. 这些明细项目从不同角度反映企业经济业务活动的现金流入与流出的具体情况,因此从这点上看,现金流量表弥补了资产负债表和利润表提供的企业经营信息的缺陷。

    These items reflect cash flow in and cash flow out of company business activities from different angle of view .

  19. 商业秘密可分为组织机构信息、财务信息、人事信息、经营信息、技术信息。

    Business secret can be divided into agency information , financial affairs information , personnel information , management information and technology information .

  20. 本文认为,凡是能够体现股东对公司经营信息进行了解的内容都可以涵盖在股东知情权的范畴当中。

    The article explicates that this concept covers all the regulations reflecting the stockholders ' right to learn the information of the corporation .

  21. 分析型客户关系管理是近年兴起的对企业经营信息资源进行管理的有效思想和工具。

    Analysis Customer Relationship Management ( ACRM ) is effectively idea and tool which used to manage the information flowing in the enterprise .

  22. 在侵犯经营信息的案件中,应当以侵权人因侵犯商业秘密所获得的实际利润来计算。

    In the case of infringing operational information , the tort compensation should be identified by actual profit from infringer infringing commercial secret .

  23. 结构,可以有效实现餐饮企业连锁经营信息管理,有一定先进性、实用性、可靠性和安全性。

    We adopted the B ? S techniques to achieve information management of chain restaurant , and this techniques are advanced , practical , reliable and safety .

  24. 该系统通过对个体纳税户生产经营信息、社会经济管理信息的采集和分析,由计算机自动生成应纳税额;

    The software gathers or analyses the information of production and management of individual tax and the information of economy management . Decided tax by computer automation .

  25. 目前,上市公司一般被定义为公众公司,其资本的来源以及经营信息的去向,都与社会公众的利益密切相关。

    Nowadays , listed companies are generally called " companies for the public ", whose source of capital and business information are closely related to the public interest .

  26. 第二章论述了特许经营信息披露义务,具体包括披露主体、客体、基本原则、时间、方式、披露义务的豁免。

    The second chapter discussed the franchise disclosure obligations , including the specific subject , object , basic principles , time , manner and exemption of the disclosure obligations .

  27. 组建信息网络系统是为了及时准确地掌握企业的经营信息,为企业进一步经营决策提供依据。

    It 's necessary to build a communication network for enterprise to master its own management information in time and properly , and provide the foundation to further management decision making .

  28. 包括两部分:“兆生”公司非专利技术和经营信息:如管理方法,产销策略,客户名单、货源情报等经营信息;

    It is composed of two kinds information , one means non-technology and business information including the management mode , production and marketing strategy , clients information , supply resouces , etc.

  29. 本文首先探讨了股权出资的评估制度和验资制度,接着探讨了股权出资制度中的公司资本充实问题、公司经营信息的披露问题和公司的关联交易问题。

    At first , it analyses the evaluating and capital inspection system . Then , it discusses the adequacy of capital , disclosure of managing information of the company and the associated exchange of company .

  30. 商业秘密是指不为该行业的人所普遍知悉,权利人采取了保密措施并能为权利人带来经济利益的技术信息与经营信息。

    Trade secret is defined as technical information or business information that is not widely known to people in the same industry , that obligees take measures to keep secret , and that bring obligees profit .