
  • 网络Safety manager
  1. 该公司最高级别的安全负责人斯科特·库斯曼(ScottKunselman)承认,他们在召回方面存在“错误和失误”。

    The company 's top safety executive , Scott Kunselman , admitted the automaker had made " mistakes and missteps " in conducting recalls .

  2. 国际足联安全负责人克里斯-伊顿(ChrisEaton)称,这些球员将来会被用来操纵比赛。

    Fifa 's head of security , Chris Eaton , said they were groomed to help fix matches in the future .

  3. 我是你在这里的安全负责人。

    I 'm the head of your security down here .

  4. 事故预防皇家学会的道路安全负责人凯文·克林顿表示:

    Kevin Clinton , head of road safety at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents , said :

  5. “这就是为什么管理条例必须如此严格,”实验场地安全负责人凯旦先生解释说。

    " This is why the regulations have to be so strict ," explains Mr Caidan , the head of safety for the site .

  6. 墨西哥莫雷洛斯州公共安全负责人因两周前7名年轻人被谋杀一案被撤职。

    The head of public security in the Mexican state of Morelos has been removed from his post following the murder two weeks ago of seven young people .

  7. 迪亚兹曾出演过影片《危情谍战》。迈克菲实验室网络安全负责人戴夫•马克斯说,恶意软件开发者用名人作为诱饵,引诱粉丝和崇拜者点击下载看似无害的内容,而这些内容包含着会盗取密码和其他私人信息以牟利的程序。

    Creators of malicious software use celebrities as lures , fans and followers to click on and download seemingly content containing programs designed to steal passwords and other private information for profit , said Dave Marcus , director of security research at McAfee Labs .

  8. 这些邮件据称来自NDS公司一名前安全事务负责人的硬盘,该公司曾是新闻集团子公司,专注于机顶盒技术。邮件似乎表明,NDS公司曾花钱雇用电脑黑客与其营运安全部合作。

    The emails , said to be from the hard drive of an ex-head of security at NDS , a former News Corp subsidiary specialising in set-top box technology , appear to show that the company paid computer hackers to work with its operational security unit .

  9. 为帮助那些尽力保证托儿所质量和安全的负责人,倡导者认为明尼苏达州需要设定更高的标准和增强执行力度。

    To aid providers who are struggling with safety and quality , advocates believe Minnesota needs tougher standards and enforcement .

  10. 伊朗国家安全事务负责人拉里贾尼星期一表示,他认为有可能通过外交途径迅速解决问题。

    Iran 's national security chief , ail larijani , said Monday he believed diplomacy could quickly resolve the issue .

  11. 施莱辛格在离开政坛以后曾做过企业经理人、以及国家安全事务负责人及议员的顾问。

    After leaving government Schlesinger was a business executive and consultant with presidents and lawmakers on a range of national security issues .

  12. 欧盟航空安全局负责人表示,在对设计进行修改后,飞机可以安全飞行。

    The head of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency says the plane is safe to fly after changes to the design .

  13. 香港安全部门负责人黎栋国告诉媒体,双方已经建立一个团队,来制定打击此类活动的策略。

    Hong Kong Secretary for Security Lai Tung-kwok told media that the two sides have set up a team to formulate strategy in combating such activities .

  14. 伊斯兰堡研究及安全中心负责人艾米提亚兹·古尔同意肖卡特警官的在卡拉奇的暴力是多方面的看法。

    Imtiaz Gul , head of the Islamabad-based Center for Research and Security Studies , agrees with police officer Shaukat that the violence in Karachi is multi-dimensional .

  15. 哥伦比亚国家警察局民事安全部门负责人奥兰多·派斯·巴伦表示,失事飞机曾一度失控,但飞行员凭借高超的技术成功避免了飞机冲出跑道。

    Orlando Paez Baron , director of civil security from Colombia 's national police , said the pilot had briefly lost control of the aircraft but showed skill in keeping the plane on the runway .

  16. 这家澳大利亚报纸表示,上述邮件来自雷亚当斯(rayadams)的电脑,此人曾是伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)的一名官员,1996至2002年期间担任nds欧洲营运安全业务的负责人。

    The Australian newspaper said the emails had originated from the computer of ray Adams , a former commander in the Metropolitan Police in London , who served as head of operational security for NDS in Europe from 1996 to 2002 .

  17. 《纽约时报》前不久刊登了一篇文章,介绍去欧洲旅行的相关事宜。克罗尔的安全风险管理负责人蒂姆·霍纳(TimHorner)在文中建议避开拥挤的地方,如音乐厅和体育场,要去的话也要制定好逃生策略。

    And , in a recent New York Times article on travel to Europe , Tim Horner , the head of Kroll 's security risk management practice , advised avoiding crowded areas such as concert halls and stadiums and having an exit strategy in place if you do go .

  18. 他哥哥被任命为安全力量的负责人。

    His brother is appointed superintendent of the security force .

  19. 我是国家运输安全司的负责人。

    I 'm with the national transportation safety board .

  20. 韩国总理办公室表示,希望能查出盗取信息的人,并查明要为这起安全故障负责的人。

    The prime minister office says it wants to find out who got the information and who is blamed for the security failure .

  21. 他在电视节目中连线了最近一次事件中牺牲者的父母和当地警察以及安全服务的负责人。

    After one recent incident he called in the parents of a victim along with the local heads of the police and security services .

  22. 大卫•戈是新成立的网络安全机构的负责人。他说政府官员们意识到有太多的数据需要保护而威胁也“真实存在”。

    David Koh , chief executive of the newly formed Cyber Security Agency , said officials realised there was too much data to secure and the threat " is too real . "

  23. 市消防安全联系单位负责人、各县区主管消防工作的负责同志和消防安全重点单位负责人共140多人参加了会议。

    City liaison unit in charge of fire safety , county district director in charge of fire prevention and fire safety Comrade key units responsible for a total of140 people who attended the meeting .

  24. 质检总局进出口食品安全局有关负责人强调,这些上了“黑名单”的食品、化妆品洋货均已做退货、销毁或改作他用处理,未进入国内市场销售。

    Officials at the AQSIQ stressed that all these foreign foods and cosmetics on the " blacklist " have been returned , destroyed or converted to other use and did not enter the domestic market .

  25. 亚历山大将军也是国家安全机构的负责人。他说,自那次网络拦截以来,黑客活动,对私人和敏感信息的探索成为关键问题。

    General Alexander , who also serves as the director of the National Security Agency , said that since the of the Internet , the key problems have been activity by hackers , and exploitation of private and sensitive information .

  26. 而在最后,我们将听到美国国家公路交通安全管理局前负责人的言论。

    At the bottom of the hour , we 're going to hear from the former head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration .

  27. 她说美国人必须为绿区内的安全负责,但是没有人敢为这个袭击承担责任。

    He said the Americans are in charge of the security in the green zone , but no one dares to hold the responsible for the attack .

  28. 贝克斯特罗姆先生是前美国国土安全部网络电子安全强力负责人,上任伊始,他一直在为中性立场进行努力,但他的言论对平息公司担忧于事无补。

    A former cyber-security tsar at the US Department for Homeland Security , Mr Beckstrom has been striving for a neutral stance in his first days in office though his comments have done little to calm the worries of corporations .

  29. 制定现场健康安全计划和在有害废物现场调查和补救项目中担当安全负责人。

    Develop site health and safety plans and act as site safety officer during hazardous waste site investigations and remediation projects .