
jiǎnɡ huà ɡǎo
  • speaking script
  1. 据斯特劳斯-卡恩事先准备好的讲话稿显示,这位IMF总裁说道:若想扩大特别提款权的作用,显然需要在国际政策协调方面实现重大飞跃。

    Increasing the role of the SDR would clearly require a major leap in international policy coordination , Strauss-Kahn said , according to a prepared text of his speech .

  2. 他还在准备讲话稿,所以用的是自动档。

    He was on auto-pilot as he was still preparing his speech .

  3. 我找不到讲话稿了。

    I can 't find the notes for my speech .

  4. 那时她一直在考虑女王讲话稿的内容。

    In that time she worked on the contents of the Queen 's Speech .

  5. 他给我起草了一篇讲话稿。

    He drafted a speech for me .

  6. 同往常一样,他为了起草讲话稿,接连数日拒绝接电话。

    As usual when drafting speeches , he refused to answer the telephone for days on end .

  7. 因此,有必要对体育赛事讲话稿的汉英翻译进行研究。

    However , the existing studies on the C-E translation of Chinese sports event speeches are insufficient .

  8. 然而,我把讲话稿用大号字体打印了出来,不用戴眼镜就能阅读。

    However , I printed my remarks out in large type so I could read them without my specs .

  9. 然而,你也许会说讲话稿也这么感人,的确,因为它简明而直接。

    Yet one might say that the short tale is perhaps so much more touching because of its simplicity and directness .

  10. 讲话稿的副本将于星期一上午在联合国I号新闻发布室向传媒提供,但在发言之前禁止发稿,有待根据发言进行核对。

    Copies of his speech will be available for the media in UN Press Room I on Monday morning , embargoed until and to be checked against delivery .

  11. 卡梅伦首相被迫更改了讲话稿中的一段原文,这段话原本似乎在呼吁人们偿还债务,而非花钱。

    The prime minister was forced to change a passage in his original speech which appeared to call on people to pay off their debts instead of spending money .

  12. 最后根据讲话稿写作中体现的四大思维类型将写作主体与讲话稿写作具体实践相结合,进行综合研究。

    In the end , it make a comprehensive research to the combination of writing subject and concrete practice of writing speech according to the four types of thinking types used in writing .

  13. 我国高等中医药教育发展探讨&在全国高等中医教育首届研讨会上的讲话修改稿

    On the Development of Higher Traditional Chinese Medical and Pharmaceutical Education

  14. 他讲话不用稿并告之大批听众他是如何看待将来。

    He spoke without notes and told the crowd of listeners how he saw the future .

  15. 根据2月的一份讲话记录稿记载,他罕见地坦言自己随时会人头落地。

    In a rare candid note , written that February , he admitted that he thought he might be beheaded at any time .