
jiǎng dào
  • preach;sermons
讲道 [jiǎng dào]
  • [preach] 宣讲宗教教义

  • 向广大会众讲关于恩典的道理

讲道[jiǎng dào]
  1. 牧师向众人讲道。

    The vicar began to preach to the crowd .

  2. 那位教区牧师向会众讲道半个小时。

    The vicar preach to the congregation for half an hour .

  3. 牧师讲道时用了亡羊的比喻。

    The minister preached a sermon on the parable of the lost sheep .

  4. 在教堂做礼拜时,我听讲道。

    In church I listen to sermon .

  5. 牧师不时地讲道。

    The minister preaches a sermon now and then .

  6. 所有牧师都讲道反对不道德的行为。

    All the churchmen have preached against immorality .

  7. 以发人深省的讲道出名的传道者

    a preacher famous for her inspiring sermons

  8. 第一个月王七每天跟着众人去山上坎柴,认真地听师傅讲道。

    Wang Qi became one his pupils . During the first month , Wang Qi went to the hills for woods with others every day and listened to the instructions of his teacher patiently .

  9. 在早期基督教时代:ST段的讲道词。

    In early Christian times : the Homilies of ST.

  10. 那是一种让人惊奇、有些疯狂同时也很棒的体验,戴维森对《韩国先驱报》(TheKoreaHerald)讲道。

    It 's been an amazing , crazy and wonderful experience , Davidson told The Korea Herald .

  11. 然而,负责该计划的国家能源部的分支国家核安全局(nationalnuclearsecurityadministration)本周讲道,该计划的报告将有望在2008年8月就绪。

    However the national nuclear security administration , the part of the Department of energy responsible for the programme , said this week that the report is now expected by August 2008 .

  12. preacher:说教者,讲道�传教士站在市镇中心慷慨陈词。

    eg : A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre .

  13. 有天我在和一个同事交谈时,他讲道,我宁愿和X组一起合作项目花两个星期,也不愿意和Y组一起合作在一个星期内完成。

    I was talking with a colleague the other day who said , I would rather work with Team X on a project and take two weeks , than work on Team Y and get it done in one week .

  14. 还有这个,通用电气(GeneralElectric)董事长杰夫•伊梅尔特(JeffImmelt)在康涅狄格大学(UniversityofConnecticut)讲道:“毕业生应该乐观,应该相信世界会变得更美好。世界在等待着你们的领导。”

    And then this , from Jeff Immelt , head of General Electric , at the University of Connecticut : " Graduates should be optimistic ; believe in better . The world awaits your leadership . "

  15. 尽管零售商认为他们直到如何摆放货品以获得最大销量,店内营销机构的彼特赫伊特(peterhoyt)讲道,“相邻物品摆放的科学并不是科学。”

    Although retailers think they know how to position products in a way that will maximise sales , says Peter Hoyt of the in-store marketing institute , " the science of adjacency is not a science . "

  16. 馆长雷切尔•哈桑(RachelHasson)讲道:我们接到一个律师的电话,他说一位匿名客户手中有部分丢失的钟表,希望将它们归还。

    Curator Rachel Hasson takes up the story : We received a call from the lawyer who said that an anonymous client had some of the missing watches and wanted to give them back .

  17. 乌干达总统约韦里穆塞韦尼(yowerimuseveni)需要肯尼亚部队来保护原油能安全地被护送到乌干达边境,他还讲道,乌干达必须建造自己的原油枢纽来减少乌干达对蒙巴萨海港的依赖性。

    Its president , Yoweri Museveni , wants Kenyan troops to protect oil en route to the Ugandan border and says Uganda must build its own oil terminal to lessen its dependency on Mombasa .

  18. 影片一开始,厨师长古斯多(Gusteau)就在电视上讲道,‘你不能让你出生的地方限制了你的创造力’,后来我想起了这句话,明白了事实确实如此。

    In the beginning , the head chef , Gusteau , is on TV and he says , ' You cannot limit your creativity because of the place that you were born , ' and I remembered that later and figured it was true .

  19. 斯利姆在他的索马亚艺术博物馆(MuseoSoumaya)讲道:我们希望把握新技术的脉搏,我也知道以色列在这方面处于全球领先地位。他补充称,希望加大在以色列的投资。

    We like to have our finger on the pulse of everything regarding new technologies , and I know that in this Israel is a world leader , Mr Slim said in a speech at his Museo Soumaya art museum , adding that he hoped to invest more in Israel .

  20. 该公司在一则声明中讲道:“Waze让你圆总统梦。2月22号星期一起,在美国的限定时间内,摩根·费里曼将(以《伦敦陷落》里副总统特兰伯尔的身份)为Waze用户导航。”

    In a statement the company said : ' Waze is prepared to make you the President . Starting Monday , February 22 , and for a limited time in the United States , Morgan Freeman ( in character as Vice President Trumbull from London Has Fallen ) will be the voice of Waze .

  21. 金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。

    The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness .

  22. 布道作为教学服务的一部分而发表的宗教讲道。

    A religious discourse delivered as part of a church service .

  23. 他们不向别人讲道,只向犹太人讲。

    And they spoke the word to no one but Jews .

  24. 那位神父讲道有幽默感。

    The priest preached a sermon with a trait of humor .

  25. 林大卫牧师讲道,周子良牧师翻译。

    Pastor David Lin shares message and Pastor Leon Chow translates .

  26. 他父母和朋友筹备了丧礼,我讲道。

    His parents , friends put the funeral on , I spoke .

  27. 讲道女士们先生们今天请各位来到这里

    And he said , ladies and gentlemen I brought you here today

  28. 海伦长长地舒了一口气,继续讲道。

    Helen took a deep breath and continued her story .

  29. 多数选民讲道,选举结果肯定会作假。

    Most voters say the results will be rigged anyway .

  30. 人们都到麦仓那边听人讲道去了。

    They be all gone to hear the preaching in yonder barn .