
  • 网络Interactive marketing
  1. 基于IIPP的个性化互动营销决策支持系统设计方案

    IIPP-Based Personalization Interactive Marketing Decision-support System Design Plan

  2. 互动营销中柔性销售与业务绩效研究&基于台湾保险业实证

    The adaptive selling , selling behavior and sales performance , while insurance interactive marketing

  3. 中国中小企业EC战略中的在线互动营销方法研究

    The Online Interactive Marketing Methods in the EC Strategies of Chinese SMEs

  4. 优赞(中国)是国内领先的多渠道在线互动营销服务提供商(ASP)。

    Yourzine China is a leading service and software provider in the field of multi-channel online marketing ( ASP ) .

  5. 依托计算机技术的网络平台,将企业资源计划ERP和客户关系管理CRM进行整合和系统化,实现企业数据畅通和与客户的互动营销,以形成国际性工程公司的竞争优势。

    It is integrated and systematized with Enterprise Resource Plan and Customer Relationship Management based on the computer network for accomplishing the corporation with the smooth data flow and the interactive sales of clients , to form international engineering corporation competitive advantages .

  6. 杜邦莱卡:化纤产业互动营销的经典案例

    Dupont Lycra : Typical Case on Mutual-Effort Marketing of Chemical Fiber

  7. 在新的评估标准之下如何更好评估媒介对于互动营销的价值。

    How to evaluate the media in digital marketing in IMC environment ?

  8. 文化差异对于品牌推广和互动营销有着怎样的影响和机遇?

    What 's influence of differences on brand promotion and digital marketing ?

  9. 持续体育互动营销打造新网络广告模式

    Keep on the Interactive Marketing of Sports , Build the New Pattern of Web AD

  10. 从超级女声看互动营销

    " Super Girls " and Interactive Marketing

  11. “企图联姻”实际是互动营销理念指导下的一种营销策略。

    " Qi-Tu allied " is in fact the market strategy under the mutual-market conception .

  12. 互动营销方法的有效运用将有助于中小企业能在投入小的基础上丰富企业的营销手段和策略。

    The effective interactive methods can enrich SMEs the way to do marketing with low cost .

  13. 论短信互动营销

    The Message Interaction Marketing

  14. 商业银行整体营销运作由内部营销、传统营销、互动营销三大战略要素共同构建而成,并分别详细论述了这三大战略要素。

    It includes interior marketing , traditional marketing , and mutual marketing . The paper discusses them in detail .

  15. 互动营销模式下客户识别方法及其属性差异分析经济因素、心理因素、政治导向与示范是导致这种裂变的主要原因。

    Analyzing the customer 's recognition and the difference of the attributes under the interactive marketing analyzing the reasons of it .

  16. 本文就中小企业在其电子商务战略的实施过程中如何运用在线互动营销手段和方法进行了研究和讨论。

    We research and discuss how to use online interactive marketing methods in the EC strategies of Chinese SMEs in this essay .

  17. 试图通过对互动营销方法的研究和整合为中小企业提供开展营销问题的新思路。

    We strive to find a new way to do marketing work through the research and integration for interactive methods of Chinese SMEs .

  18. 增加互动营销,如发展在线预约挂号服务,提供基于网络的健康宣教。

    Add interactive marketing , such as development online , make an appointment service , provided health propaganda and education based on network .

  19. 互动营销可以是直接面对面的,也可以利用现代发达的信息技术,借助各种互动媒体,特别是以互联网为平台进行互动式营销。

    Interactive marketing can be implemented face to face , or through all kinds of interactive media , especially Internet , utilizing modern information technology .

  20. 优赞早在2006年就荣幸地成为欧洲第2的在线互动营销公司,欧盟领先网络服务供应商排名第4。

    In2006 , Yourzine won the second place award in the category as'Online Marketing Service Provider'and ranked no.4 in online service provider within the EU .

  21. 活动策划执行:专业从事开业庆典、奠基典礼、展览会开幕、新闻发布会、品牌展览展示、品牌互动营销等活动的策划及执行。

    Event Planning and Execution : We are professional at opening ceremony , foundation ceremony , exhibition opening , press conference , brand exhibition and brand marketing planning and execution .

  22. 经济变局下,国际、亚太和中国网络广告市场格局发生了怎样的变化?各个互动营销参与者通过了解网络广告发展与趋势,如何更好地参与到互动营销活动中去?

    Under the economic transition , what 's the change of online advertising market pattern in China , Asia-Pacific and the world ? How to attend the process of digital marketing better ?

  23. 互动营销,特别是网上互动营销具有双向性、一对一、个性化、即时性、全程性等五个方面的特性或趋势。

    Interactive marketing , especially online interactive marketing can meets such need with the following characteristics and trends : two ways , one to one , individualization , real time , full course .

  24. 方法采用外部营销、内部营销及互动营销方式,培训护理人员营销理念,推行六西格玛质量标准及“五星级”服务。

    Method Using the approach of internal marketing , exterior marketing and interact marketing to train the nurses with marketing principle , and carried out6 σ quality standard and " five-star " service .

  25. 第三:品牌关系质量正向影响消费者购买意愿。最后,根据实证研究的结果,对微博互动营销提出了一些比较有意义的建议。

    Thirdly : brand relationship quality positively influence on consumer purchase intention . Finally , according to the result of empirical study , the microblogging marketing some more meaningful Suggestions are put forward .

  26. 主要获致的研究结果为:于保险互动营销中,业务员柔性销售对业务绩效间有显着的关系,而销售态度对此显着关系无中介历程效果的间接影响存在。

    The result finds that : in the life insurance interactive marketing , the salespeople adaptive selling is significantly related to sales performance , but this significant relationship has not intermediary effect of sales attitude .

  27. 基于微博这一特殊的平台特性,越来越多的企业将互动营销与微博结合起来,利用微博向消费者传播广告产品信息,能够取得良好的广告效果。

    Based on the micro blogging platform features , more and more enterprises combine interactive marketing and micro blogging . Micro blogging spreading advertising product information to consumers is able to achieve a good advertising effect .

  28. 本文最后对互动营销的发展趋势进行了前瞻,并对中小企业开展互动营销提出了实施计划和方案,希望能在现实中为中小企业开展互动营销提供帮助。

    We look forward the trends of the interactive marketing , and give some suggestion for implement plan and proposal at the end of this essay , and hope it will be helpful for SMEs to run online interactive marketing .

  29. 文章分析了短信互动营销的优势和局限性,讨论了短信互动营销的模式、适合短信互动营销的商务领域和企业运用短信互动营销的方式,并指出企业开展短信互动营销应注意的问题。

    This article analyses the advantages and disadvantages of Interactive Marketing , discusses the modes of Interactive Marketing , business scope of Interactive Marketing and means of applying to Interactive Marketing for enterprises , indicates the problems arising in the process of Interactive Marketing .

  30. 我们是你在亚太地区的互动媒体营销推广的主要合作伙伴。

    We are your partner for premier interactive media sales and advertising solutions in the Asia Pacific region .