
  • 网络Exchanger;barter clan
  1. 现在,一种新的交换方式&“技能交换”正逐渐在“换客”中间流行起来。

    Now , a new way of exchange & " skill exchange " is getting popular among this " barter clan " .

  2. 南京交换网的换客们通过这次爱心交换活动,告诉社会爱心真的可以交换。

    The love-exchanging fans show the society , through this love-exchanging activity , that love can be exchanged .

  3. 最受换客们欢迎的是商场打折卡,蛋糕店抵金券和戏票这类有明确价值的物件。

    The most popular items are discount shopping cards , bakery coupons and show tickets that have a precise value .

  4. 换客们利用自己技能特长为他人提供方便,也为自己积累走向成功的铺路石。

    The Exchanging Fans help others with their knowledge and skills and , meanwhile , pave their own way to success .

  5. 据孙玉敏说,70%的换客是年轻白领,剩下的则是喜爱上网的中年以及退休人士。

    According to Sun , 70 percent of the website 's members are young white-collar workers , with retired or middle-aged computer literate people comprising the rest .

  6. 通过南京交换网,换客们互相学习想要的技能,如英语口语,摄影,乐器,绘画,网络知识等;

    Through Nanjing Exchanging Net , the Exchanging Fans exchange knowledge and skills in various fields , including English Speaking , photo-taking , instrument-playing , painting , net-building , and so on .

  7. 前些年,一位加拿大青年用小小的曲别针换了一栋别墅,引起网络上的一片沸腾,也让无数“换客”争相仿效。

    A few years ago , a young Canadian exchanged a villa with a paper clip which created much of a stir on the internet , and numerous people followed his suit afterwards .

  8. 南京交换网的换客们作为爱心义工给孩子们带去了爱心,更收获了无限的对生命的爱,对生活的爱,对社会的爱,还有对自己的爱。

    The Exchanging Fans from Nanjing Exchanging Net worked as volunteers for the kindergarten , showing the deaf kids their love and care , and generating more love toward life , society and their own lives .

  9. 小宋见过好几个换客了,其中一个是住在北京通州区的女生,她擅长英语,想跟小松学画画,但是他们只见了一次面。

    Song has met several exchange partners , one of which was a woman living in Tongzhou district . She wanted to trade her English to learn drawing from Song , but they only met once .