
  1. 上上周,共享出行企业滴滴收购了巴西的网约车企业99,势必影响竞争对手优步(Uber)在该国的发展前景。

    The week before last week , ride-sharing business Didi acquired 99 in Brazil , crimping fellow group Uber 's prospects in the country .

  2. 2017年全球最大的5笔风险投资交易中,有3家都是投的中国公司:滴滴(共享出行app)、美团点评(电商平台)以及头条(新闻资讯阅读器)。

    Of the top five global VC deals in 2017 , three were Chinese companies : Didi ( a ride-sharing app ) , Meituan-Dianping ( an e-commerce platform ) , and Toutiao ( a news feed reader ) .

  3. 腾讯还有为数众多的大手笔投资,持有中国最大驾乘共享公司滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)的股份,也参股了多家初创企业。

    Tencent also has a huge multibillion investment portfolio , ranging from stakes in Didi Chuxing , China 's biggest ride-sharing company , through to start-ups .

  4. 最后,对绕城高速公路基础服务设施共享技术、便民出行客运系统建设与管理技术做了进一步研究建议。

    Finally , on the Belt Highway infrastructure is sharing technology , convenient travel passenger management system construction and make recommendations for further research .

  5. 团队出行时炊具可以拿出来共享,所以在出行前沟通好怎样安排正餐将是很重要的。

    When travelling in groups and this equipment is to be shared , good communication prior to the trip about how dinner will be prepared is important .