
  • 网络Shared feelings;consensual beta press
  1. 今晚带着您的朋友共同感受DJDiamon的极简主义节拍是您体验至HIGH的最佳选择。

    With your friends tonight common feeling DJ Diamon minimalist beat is your best choice to experience to HIGH .

  2. 让我们共同感受设计的快乐吧!

    Let we common feel design de happy !

  3. 我相信这是所有华裔人士的共同感受。

    I am sure this is exactly how ethnic Chinese all over the world feel .

  4. “政府温情,公司通情”是绝大部分司机的共同感受。

    " Government tender , company understands matters ", the major drivers felt in common like this .

  5. 当被问及关于国会时,许多选民都和得克萨斯州休斯敦的这位男子有着共同感受。

    Many voters share the feelings of this man in Houston , Texas , when asked about Congress .

  6. 我们欢迎更多的家长和孩子加入邦合的大家庭,共同感受夏令营的独特魅力!

    We hope more parents and kids are joining the family of BH , feeling the unique glamour of summer camps !

  7. 这项研究用具体的数字证实了安全专家、政府和企业的共同感受:他们的网络总是不断地遭到攻击。

    The research gives concrete numbers to what security researchers , governments and enterprises have known for a while-their networks are persistently under attack .

  8. 古城的老建筑被柔和的月光笼罩着,一种神秘的感觉充斥了我们的心,我们共同感受到了自然的伟大和洛阳的美。

    When we saw this , a mysterious feeling was filled with our hearts and we realized the greatness of nature and the beauty of Luoyang .

  9. 从1997年的全球金融危机到2008年的全球金融风暴,整个世界都在共同感受着金融对于现代经济社会的重要性。

    From the global financial crisis between 1997 and 2008 , the whole world shared the common feelings of the importance of finance to modern financial economy .

  10. 第三部分,主要从学困生的学业成绩、精神面貌、以及师生的共同感受等方面来阐述我们对学困生实施转化策略的实践成果。

    The third part mainly expounds the practice results of our tacticses in light of the students'achievements , the students spirit situation , the teachers and the students'feelings .

  11. 对股票价格波动的不理解、对股票内在价值决定因素的不确定性,是当时绝大多数法官和律师的共同感受。

    The uncertainty of stock price fluctuation and not familiar with the intrinsic value of the stock is a common feeling of the vast majority of judges and lawyers .

  12. 动漫交易会进入倒计时阶段,要进一步动员全社会都来关心交易会,支持交易会,共同感受创新、创意、动漫带来的快乐。

    Animation Fair entered the countdown stage to further mobilize the whole society to care about fair , support fair , the common feeling of innovation , creativity , animation bring happiness .

  13. 尽管双方委员多为初次相见,但经过两天来的会议,已经成为心灵相通的朋友,我想这也是全体委员的共同感受。

    Most of the members only met for the first time , but in a matter of two days , they have become friends sharing empathy . I believe the empathy is also shared by the entire membership of this Committee .

  14. 我请教了一些同事男女都有他们怎样看待女性老板,以下是他们的共同感受:让这样的女性们感受踢球的乐趣,也就是普及足球运动才是现在香港女子足球所追求的目标。

    I asked a few colleagues men and women what they thought of female bosses and this was the consensus : What is needed now to promote women ` s football in Hong Kong-China is to convince them that it is just as fun to kick the ball themselves .

  15. 他补充说,对普京的政策感到很满意,认为这些政策是有序的。包罗丁说,大部分俄罗斯公民都有共同的感受。

    Borodin says most Russian citizens feel the same .

  16. 我们俩从一种共同的感受交谈起来,那就是,待在一个开放而团结的社区里是最重要的事,安德森说。

    We were both speaking from a common unspoken understanding that the most important thing was to be in an open and affirming neighborhood , Mr. Anderson said .

  17. 人类在普遍共同的心理感受和情感体验中完成了对孤独的精神接力。

    The mankind accomplishes the spiritual relay of loneliness in common psychological taste and experience .

  18. 言为心声,通过黛安的语言,可以知道我们在很多方面有很多共同的人生感受。

    The words are the voice from people 's heart , through Diane 's words , I can know we have many common experience for our life in many way .

  19. 原因在于他们可能有共同的境遇,并会分享共同的感受。

    The main reasons may involve the recognition that they have common condition , probably sharing a feeling .