
  1. 另外一种形式是分时共有房产。

    Another arrangement is known as a time share .

  2. 共有房产的继承亦同。

    The same shall apply to the inheritance of jointly owned building property .

  3. 共有房产预售款的支取,必须由共有人会签或由共同指定的代理人代签。

    The withdrawal of the money obtained from the sale of building property in advance must be signed collectively by the joint owners or by an agent designated jointly by the joint owners .

  4. 共有房产的房产权登记,可由房产共有人之一进行,但须有其他共有人出具的委托书和有关的证明文件。

    The registration of jointly owned building property rights may be carried out by one of the joint owners who , however , must have a power of attorney issued by the other joint owners and relevant certifying documents .

  5. 共有财产的全部占有共有房产的预售,必须有共有人的书面协议。

    Tenancy by the entirety The sale in advance of jointly owned building property must be by a written agreement of the joint owners .

  6. 房产共有人对一致同意的共有房产的买卖、交换负有连带责任。

    The joint owners of the building property shall be jointly and severally liable for the purchase and sale or exchange of the jointly owned building property to which they unanimously agreed .