
  • 网络Joint decision;codetermination;co-determination;Mitbestimmung;shared decision-making
  1. 部队应该何时撤离的问题将由大家共同决定。

    The question of when the troops should leave would be decided by consensus .

  2. 关于他们将住哪里是杰姬和本共同决定的。

    Jackie and Ben came to a joint decision as to where they would live .

  3. 吸附容量由M和n共同决定。

    The adsorption capacity is determined by both M and n concurrently .

  4. 光功率的波形是由反馈水平因子C和线宽展宽因数α共同决定的。

    The waveform of the optical power is determined by the feedback factor C and the linewidth enhancement factor α .

  5. 由于融合系统的检测性能由N部传感器的判决规则共同决定,故为了使系统性能达到最优,需要联合设计各部传感器的最优判决规则。

    In order to optimize the system performance , the optimal sensor decision rules must be designed jointly .

  6. 分析认为脑血肿复杂的MRI表现是由其病理变化和血红蛋白演变共同决定的。

    It 's suggested that the complicated MRI manifestations of ICH were determined by both pathologic changes and hemoglobins in it .

  7. 同一压缩系统发生一维喘振的工作点轴向速度系数由B参数及压气机轴对称特性共同决定,与特性线斜率无关;

    The onset flow rate of pure one-dimensional surge depends on the value of B and axisymmetric compressor characteristic , except for the slope of the compressor characteristic .

  8. 剪应力、对流和扩散效应、ATP的水解作用共同决定了细胞外表面附近ATP的浓度。

    Shear stress , convection and diffusion , ATP hydrolysis synergistically determine the ATP concentration at the endothelial surface .

  9. 开式谐振腔的Q值由衍射损耗,反射损耗,耦合引入的外部损耗共同决定。

    Q factor of an open resonator is determined by the diffraction loss , reflection loss and external loss introduced by coupling as a whole .

  10. 电喷雾离子化效率和离子传输效率共同决定了电喷雾离子化质谱(ESI-MS)分析的灵敏度。

    The sensitivity of ESI-MS is determined by the electrospray ionization efficiency and ion transport efficiency .

  11. 采用CIS方法研究体系的激发态情况,发现给体的给电子能力和分子平面性共同决定激发能的大小。

    The excited states were also investigated by using CIS method , the transition energy was determined by the ability of donor giving electrons and the molecular plain .

  12. 目标帧比特数最终由帧编码复杂度、帧间PSNR波动程度以及缓冲区状况共同决定。

    The frame bit budget is finally decided by the frame coding complexity and inter-frame PSNR fluctuation , combined with the buffer status .

  13. 另外,ABS系统的性能是由系统多个因素共同决定的,开发ABS系统必须充分考虑各个因素,才能开发出较好的产品。

    In addition , the performance of ABS is determined by multiple factors . So , in order to get the better ABS products , we must fully taken into account various factors .

  14. 宣美,WonderGirls其他成员,她的家人,以及JYP已经共同决定暂时停止她的演艺事业。

    Mimi , the rest of the Wonder Girls members , her family , and JYP Entertainment have collectively decided to postpone her musical career for the time being .

  15. 频率成形脉冲是连续相位调制(CPM)信号解调所必需的调制参数,由脉冲形状和脉冲长度两个参数共同决定。

    Frequency-shaping pulse is one of the essential modulation parameters for the demodulation of Continuous Phase Modulation ( CPM ), and it is determined by the pulse shape and pulse length .

  16. 采用本文所提出的说话人识别策略,与单HMM识别方式相比可以减少前端量化误差,提高HMM的识别精度,由VQ识别结果与HMM识别结果共同决定最终识别结果,提高了系统的可靠性。

    Comparing with the signal HMM recognition , this strategy may decrease the error of vector quantization and increase recognition precision of HMM. The recognition result is credible for decided by VQ and HMM.

  17. TDR设计要素、分区规划规则、潜在住房和土地市场共同决定了发展权的供给和需求。

    All of the design elements work together , and in the conjunction with zoning rules and potential housing and land market conditions , to determine TDR supply and demand .

  18. 推导并分析了DS-UWB信号的功率谱,指出DS-UWB信号的功率谱是由发送脉冲信号的频谱和编码频谱共同决定。

    Power spectral density deduction and analysis were made to show that the power spectrum of DS-UWB signal was governed by pulse spectrum and code spectrum .

  19. 我们提出并讨论了在X射线波段与传统菲涅尔波带片的比较,并通过数值模拟指出聚光镜的衍射效率是由波带片结构和材料以及X射线的能量共同决定。

    We present and discuss the comparison in the X-ray region with a normal condenser zone plate and a numerical simulation that points out that the efficiency of the condenser depends by the structure and the material of the zone plate , and by the energy . 5 .

  20. 本文以2-D高斯函数作为核函数,明确给出了角点图像的尺度空间检测边缘是一个由角边界的斜率和分析尺度共同决定的椭圆。

    With the 2-D Gaussian function as the kernel , the detected edge of an acute corner in scale-space , that is an ellipse determined by the slope of the corner boundary and the analysis scale , is given out clearly in this paper .

  21. 在对合资企业一定的稳定性预期下,跨国公司的技术转移可行集由IJV的技术转移受益系数、合资伙伴的技术转移受益系数共同决定。

    Under a stable expectation of the IJV , the feasibility aggregation of technology transmission are decided by the technology transmission benefit coefficient of IJV and its partner .

  22. Romer(1990)在《内生技术变迁》的研究中指出新技术的产生是由新技术的市场供给和市场需求共同决定的。

    Romer ( 1990 ) pointed out in the study of " endogenous technological change " that the generation of new technology is jointly determined by market supply and demand for new technologies .

  23. 之前Isaacs在制片人的选拔中为Zadan和Meron两位制片人背书,她表示她的首要工作就是和他们共同决定一位颁奖主持。

    She promptly endorsed the selection of the two producers and said her first order of business was meeting with them to decide on a host .

  24. 这是由FeNi和Cu之间的相互配比、相互扩散、FeNi合金的特别性质以及FeNi、Cu在复合材料中的分布状态共同决定的。

    It is considered that , all properties above are determined by the ratio of Cu content to FeNi content , the diffusion between FeNi and Cu , the special properties of FeNi and the distrubution of FeNi and Cu in this composite .

  25. AMCS和AGCS还符合准二级动力学方程学,说明了它们的吸附速率由膜扩散和颗粒内扩散的速率共同决定的,是与驱动力的平方成正比关系。

    AMCS and AGCS met the pseudo-second-order kinetics , describing that the adsorption rate was relation with square driving force . And film diffusion and particle diffusion rate controlled mainly the adsorption rate . 3 .

  26. 研究表明,部分相干ChG光束通过湍流大气传输其光谱特性由源光谱、光束相干参数、光束离心参数、大气折射率结构常数和观察点位置等因素共同决定。

    It is shown that the spectrum of partially coherent ChG beams depends on the source spectrum , the beam coherent parameter , the beam decentered parameter , the structure constant of the refractive index , and the observation point .

  27. 与高级汽车网络经理共同决定目标区域。

    Jointly agree network development targets with Senior Automotive Network Manager .

  28. 论结构、秩序和牵制共同决定系统功能

    Joint Determination of System Function by Structure , Order and Check

  29. 它们通过异常复杂的机制共同决定食品价格的走势。

    They determine food price level collectively through an extraordinarily complicated mechanism .

  30. 含油率、油酸含量又共同决定油用品种等级。

    It is a decisive factor in the oil quality .