
  1. 职责一:协助部门经理组织制定健全公司财务管理工作标准、办法的规程。

    Responsibility 1 : Assist dept. manager to make work standard & instruction related to financial management .

  2. 对地震科技档案管理工作标准化和规范化的认识

    Thoughts on both cataloguing of seismological scientific & technological files and the standardization and normalization of archives

  3. 必须预防为主,常抓不懈,使疾控实验室安全管理工作标准化、制度化和规范化。

    We must give priority to safety prevention , and never slackening , in order to standardize and systematize .

  4. 提出了管理工作标准化制度,专业搭接制度,联合办公制度及现场调查制度等新的管理制度和规范。

    Management work standardization systems , specialty lap systems , union job on-the-spot survey systems are put forward about management systems norms .

  5. 使传统的路面性能评价可视化,使公路养护管理工作标准化,推动了路面性能分析评价技术的发展。

    The paper make the pavement performance evaluation visualized , and make the maintain standard , and all these promote the development of pavement performance evaluation .

  6. 该项研究成果使复杂的工程项目管理工作标准化、具体化、程序化、定量化,具有很强的可操作性,对项目经理如何提高工程项目管理效率有较高的参考价值。

    This research achievement enables the complicated engineering project administration work to be standardized , concrete , programmed , quantitative analysis and have quite real application . Also they have quite higher reference value for project managers to raise engineering project administration efficiency .

  7. 浅谈地勘单位管理基础工作标准化

    Standardization of Basic Management Work of Geological and Prospecting Units

  8. 在实行管理基础工作标准化过程中,首先要强化执行规章制度的主观意识;

    In process of implementing standardization of basic management work , at first subjective consciousness of following rules and regulations should be reinforced ;

  9. 海洋功能区划是发展海洋经济、保护海洋环境、保障海洋权益的重要依据,是开展海域使用管理工作的标准。

    Marine Functional Zoning is an important basis for developing marine economy , protecting marine environment and protecting marine rights and interests , it is also the standard of carrying out management of sea use .

  10. 企业需要通过建立技术标准、管理标准和工作标准,利用管理体系的运行去理顺和实施。

    The enterprise implements its management need by setting up technology standards , management standards and job standards and the application of its management system .

  11. 探讨了我国计量器具管理工作与国际标准接轨的问题,以及《计量法》有调整范围。

    This paper discusses the problems of chinese measuring instrument and device management work approaching the international standard and adjustable range of " The Measurement Law of the People 's Republic of China " .

  12. 北京电力建设公司在企业标准体系建立过程中,不断总结经验,从技术标准体系、管理标准体系和工作标准体系入手,做了大量工作,最终获得了4A级标准化良好行为证书。

    During establishment of the enterprise standard system Beijing Electric Power Construction Company has summarized experiences continuously and started from the technical , management and working standard systems . They have done a lot of work and finally won the " Certificate of good standardization activity " of 4A class .

  13. 刍议档案管理工作规范化、标准化

    The Disputation of Standard Management With File

  14. 简述了现行企业计量管理工作在宣贯ISO10012标准中,遇到的主要问题及处理方法。

    The main problems met by present enterprises during propagating and implementing standard ISO 100012 and its treating method are presented briefly .

  15. 通过贯彻标准,将质量管理工作规范化、标准化、文件化,建立高效运行的项目质量管理体系。

    By implementing the standard , procedure-formatting , standardization and documentation will be realized the about the QA system management so as to establish efficient QA system .

  16. 如何在保证良好服务质量的前提下,最大限度地降低库存总成本,成为衡量存货管理工作质量的重要标准。

    How to restrict the gross cost to a maximum low level while maintaining good service quality is a crucial criteria for judging how the stock management runs .

  17. 而促进电信事业快速健康发展正是《电信条例》的立法目的和电信管理工作的最终衡量标准。

    Stimulating the rapid and healthy development of the telecom industry is the legislative objective of the Telecommunications Regulations and the yardstick of measuring the telecom management work .

  18. 试卷的命题与管理工作是自学考试标准工作体系的重要组成部分,也是自学考试质量保证体系的核心环节。

    Making and management of the examination papers plays a major part in standardization of the Self-taught Examinations , and it is a core part of Self-taught Examination quality assurance system .

  19. 但是在企业建立以技术标准体系为主体,包含管理标准体系和工作标准体系在内的企业标准体系的过程中却遇到了一些特殊的情形和困难。

    But in the enterprise to establish a technical standard system as the main body , including administrative standard system and duty standard system , enterprise standard system in the process have met some specific circumstances and difficulties .

  20. 其次,要建立严密科学的管理工作监控体系,完善管理基础工作的监控标准;

    Secondly strict and scientific monitoring system of management work should be built and improve the monitoring standards of basic management work ;

  21. 1993年6月,ISO/TC207(国际标准化组织环境管理标准化技术委员会)着手进行将环境管理工作标准化的工作。

    ISO / TC 207 , in June 1993 , began to be engaged in International Standardization for environmental management .

  22. 结合山西高速公路养护管理工作的实践,探讨了养护管理工作质量检查评定标准的看法和意见。

    Compared with work experience of Shanxi provincial freeway maintenance management , the paper discussed the idea and advice of quality evaluation standard of maintenance management work .

  23. 零缺陷管理则认为预防产生质量,坚持诚信的原则,体现人性化管理,工作标准是零缺陷。

    Zero deficiency management thinks that prevention creates quality , adhering to principle of honesty and trust , embodying the management of humane . The criterion of word is zero deficiency .

  24. 一套与企业相适应的质量管理体系,能充分发挥体系的作用,使公司的质量管理工作规范化、标准化,使企业的工作服务质量得到全面提高。

    A suitable management system can bring the system into full play and make the quality management been standardized .

  25. 结论:卫生行政部门和环保部门要加强对医疗废物的监督管理,尽快建立和完善医疗废物集中处置机构,使医疗废物管理工作走上标准化、规范化的轨道。

    Conclusion : It is important for Medical Administrative Department and Environmental Protection Department to strengthen medical waste supervision and management , establish and perfect the central disposition institution of medical waste to make the medical waste management standardization .

  26. 基于本文描述的相关技术规范和管理规范进行的数据服务设计开发,使得江门移动的数据交换、数据共享等管理工作流程化、标准化,提高了管理水平。

    Thirdly , the design and development of data service conducted upon related technology and management criteria depicted in this text enable data exchange and sharing to be in a flow process and more standard , which improves management level .

  27. 本课题实现的内容&传输电路管理是通信企业网络资源管理的一项重要内容,数据准确、调度及时是衡量管理工作优劣的标准。

    The administration of transmission circuit , the realization of this system , is one of important task for communication enterprise 's administration of network resources , accurate data and in time dispatching is the standard to distinguish good or bad for administration work .

  28. 方案中明确了推行TNPM管理模式的实施程序和主要工作,工作重心是建立新的设备管理维修体系――SOON体系,对设备管理的各项工作形成标准、规范;

    In the project explicit promote the implement procedure of the TNPM management mode and main work , work the center of gravity is to build up the new equipments management to maintain the system ― SOON system , to various works formation that equipments manage standard , norm ;