
  • 网络the art of managing;management arts
  1. 他面临的最大挑战,是如何将资源与机遇相匹配,有时候,他会把它比作一个巨大而复杂的数学公式,其中掺杂着人际关系管理艺术。

    And his biggest challenge is to match the opportunities with resources , something he compares with a vast and complex mathematical equation , mixed with the art of managing human chemistry .

  2. 对学校领导激励性管理艺术的探讨

    Exploration on the College Leaders ' Encouraging Management Arts

  3. 从经济资本理念看现代银行管理艺术

    Management Art of Modern Banking from the Perspective of Economic Capital

  4. 浅谈行为科学与现代学校管理艺术

    Tentatively on the Science of Behavior vs. Modern School Management

  5. 职业院校班级管理艺术

    The professional colleges and universities class and grade manages art

  6. 本文将从心理学角度来探讨领导者的管理艺术。

    The article discusses the leader 's management art from mental science .

  7. 新时期图书馆管理艺术研究

    A Research on Library Management Art in New Era

  8. 浅谈护士长的管理艺术

    The Elementary Introduction of Management Art of Head Nurse

  9. 边际效用递减现象与管理艺术

    The Bearing of Diminishing Marginal Utility on Management Art

  10. 管理艺术是与人打交道的艺术。

    Management , in essence , is about people .

  11. 课堂教学管理艺术形成探微

    On the Formation of Art of Classroom Teaching Management

  12. 试论汽车销售者的管理艺术

    Superficial View on Managing Art of Automotive Seller

  13. 唐僧的管理艺术对现代企业人才管理的启示

    Inspiration from TANG Seng 's Management Art to the Modern Enterprises ' Talents Management

  14. 论企业人才管理艺术

    Discussion on the Enterprise 's Talent Management Art

  15. 护士长的人格魅力与管理艺术

    Personality charm and administrant art of head nurses

  16. 公共关系作为一门现代的管理艺术之一,已经被应用到各个领域,在高校图书馆中正在发挥着重要的作用。

    As a modern administrative art public relations has been applied in various fields .

  17. 中小企业信息化管理艺术

    Informationization Management Art of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

  18. 企业管理艺术探析

    A Probe into Art of Business Management

  19. 护士长科学管理艺术浅探

    Exploration on Scientific Management of Head Nurses

  20. 学会和掌握因势利导的管理艺术

    Learning and Grasping the Managerial Art of " Adroitly Guiding Actions According to Circumstances "

  21. 浅析成人高等教育专业的导师管理艺术

    A General Analysis of the Art of the Tutor 's Management For Adult Higher Education

  22. 浅谈工程项目经理部的管理艺术

    The Managerial Arts in Constructive Projects

  23. 管理艺术大师

    The Master of the Art

  24. 政府素质及管理艺术是新加坡现代化的神经中枢。

    The quality and the administrative skill of the government is the nerve center of Singapore economy modernization .

  25. 自从人类社会进入工业化及现代化社会以来,人们对人才管理艺术的探讨就从未停止过。

    Human being has been exploring the art of talents management since the industrialized and the modernized society .

  26. 除了说到令人垂涎的美食,这本书还对餐厅经营者所需哪些管理艺术这个问题进行了深入探讨。

    Opportunities to salivate aside , the book also offers food for thought on the restaurateur 's art .

  27. 探讨护士长的管理艺术,对调动大家积极性,加强科室内聚力,提高护理质量起着重要的作用。

    To probe the important action of head nurse management methods on department cohesive force and raising nursing quality .

  28. 学习和掌握娴熟的沟通技巧与团队管理艺术,在工作上发挥领导力与影响力,建立高效、协作的团队。

    Learn the effective communication skills and team leading skills in order to establish highly efficient and collaborative team .

  29. 我们已经探讨了日本最成功的企业之一所实现的日本管理艺术。

    We have traced the arts of Japanese management as practiced by one of Japan 's most successful enterprises .

  30. 做好成人高等教育的专业导师工作必须依据成人高等教育学生的特点,讲究管理艺术。

    According to the characteristics of adult students , a tutor must pay attention to the management art in his work .