
  1. 通过多年的发展,生命周期评价已经成为国际公认的环境管理方法与标准。

    Through years of development , life cycle assessment has become an internationally recognized environmental management methods and standards .

  2. 从档案保障的软硬件环境、法律法规、安全技术、管理方法、标准建设、人才培养等各方面展开分析,指出每一板块存在的不足。

    Launches the analysis from the aspects of file security hardware and software environment , laws and regulations , security technology , management method , standard construction , talent cultivation , points out the existing problems of every plate .

  3. 一是基于HR-CMM模型的三种师资管理评价方法:标准的HR-CMM评价方法、问卷调查法和差距分析法;

    One is the three types of teachers management assessment method based on HR-CMM : standard HR-CMM assessment method , questionnaire-based assessment and gap analysis ;

  4. 传统的成本管理方法(如标准成本法)很难发挥优势。

    The traditional cost management method ( such as standard costing method ) is hard to have advantages .

  5. 与一般成本管理方法相比,标准成本具有标准性、完整性、灵活性、先进性、实用性、导向性优势。

    Compared with general cost management methods , standard cost has advantage of standard , integrity , flexibility , advanced nature , practicality , oriented sex .

  6. 比较大型、实用的图书馆信息管理系统在国内是不多的,而且由于文献管理方法、目录标准等方面的差异,不可能照搬外国现成的图书馆管理系统。

    Not many practical large scale library information systems are there in our country . Foreign systems can 't be used directly because of different ways in document management and catalog standard .