
  • 网络share economy
  1. 打车应用优步(Uber)和空中食宿(Airbnb)是共享经济的“阴阳”两面,它们是最新两家想碰碰运气的公司。

    Uber and Airbnb , the yin and yang of the sharing economy , are the latest to try their luck .

  2. 这家成立仅6年的公司标榜自己是共享经济的一部分,在过去一年里筹资逾12亿美元,其中半数资金来自摩根大通(JPMorgan)和富达投资(FidelityInvestments)等机构。

    The six-year-old company has branded itself as part of the sharing economy , capturing more than $ 1.2bn in the past year and a half from investors including JPMorgan and Fidelity Investments .

  3. 自诩为CareGuide“首席执行爸爸”的约翰·菲利普·格林表示,他能预见NannyLane将会把共享经济带到儿童保育领域。

    John Philip Green , who calls himself the " chief executive dad " of CareGuide , says he could foresee the site bringing the sharing economy to child care .

  4. 第二点:很多写手谈论起Uber,Airbnb,TaskRabbit,Lyft等企业时,把他们当做了共享经济的一部分。

    Secondly : a lot of writers talk about Uber and Airbnb and TaskRabbit and Lyft and so on as part of the sharing economy .

  5. 5年半前,我都还从没听过“共享经济”,手机上也没有优步或Lyft打车软件。

    Five and a half years ago , I had never heard of the " sharing economy , " nor did I have an Uber or Lyft app on my phone .

  6. 新的共享经济也会限制一些工种。

    The new sharing economy is going to eliminate some jobs .

  7. 三是要共享经济信息,促进金融业务的拓展。

    Three is to share economic information , expand the banking businesses .

  8. 十三亿人口中的大部分人未能共享经济成果。

    The majority of the1.3 billion population has not shared in the benefits .

  9. 在一个理想世界里,他们富足的能力(嗨,共享经济!)

    In an ideal world , their spare capacity ( hey , sharing economy !)

  10. 你一定听说过共享经济吧?

    You 've heard of the sharing economy ?

  11. 非排他的共享经济;

    ( IV ), the non-exclusive shared economy ;

  12. 在一些国家中,“千禧一代”几乎认为“共享经济”是一种理所当然的存在。

    In some countries , Millennials almost take the " sharing economy " for granted .

  13. 这才是新的共享经济。

    This is the new sharing economy .

  14. 全新的共享经济还给充满变数的异地安家提供了根本出路。

    The new home-sharing economy also offers a radical solution to the fraught uncertainties of relocation .

  15. 不过,随着纽约人日益习惯于共享经济,各处楼盘可能最终也不得不接受它。

    Nevertheless , as New Yorkers grow accustomed to a sharing economy , buildings might ultimately have to embrace it .

  16. 优步为共享经济在实践中如何运行提供了许多启示,既有好的经验,也有坏的教训。

    Uber offers plenty of lessons , both good and bad , for how our sharing economy works in practice .

  17. 于是就有了“强势法郎政策”的出台,以及推动德法共享经济决策权的努力。

    The outcome was the " Franc fort " policy and a push to share economic decision-making between Germany and France .

  18. 他们就是被那些参与“创客空间”或“共享经济”的人轻易忽视的群体。

    These are the people that those involved in " maker spaces " or " the sharing economy " conveniently ignore .

  19. 它是我热爱的创新型共享经济的一部分,它简简单单地让世界变得更美好。

    It is part of the innovative sharing economy that I love and it is simply making the world a better place .

  20. 但最重要的是,让更多的工人共享经济繁荣,能够使中国未来社会的免于动荡。

    But most important , by allowing more workers to enjoy the rewards of rapid growth , it could help to prevent future social unrest .

  21. 他们表示,随着经济呈现出好转迹象,他很可能会注意到有必要让所有美国人都能够共享经济成果。

    With the economy showing signs of improvement , they say , he will likely note the need to make economic success available to all Americans .

  22. 各主权国家为了共享经济全球化的成果,不得不在经济管理、治决策和国家管辖权等方面让渡部分主权。

    In order to share the achievement of economic globalization , the country have to transfer part sovereignty in economic management , policy decision and jurisdiction .

  23. 我们中国经济并没有建立起那种发达的经济体所必需的共享经济体,资本部门利益被最大化,可是我们的普普通通的劳动者却被严重剥削了。

    We Chinese economy did not establish the sharing economy required that developed economies , capital department benefit is maximized , but our ordinary workers are serious exploitation .

  24. 今年第二季度,电子商务和共享经济为中国的中西部城市和三线城市带来了更多的就业机会。

    Job opportunities grew during the second quarter in the central and western part of China and in third-tier cities , thanks to e-commerce and the sharing economy .

  25. 发展经济学认为:在经济增长的同时,必须使社会的大多数成员都能共享经济增长的成果。

    According to the development economics : Economic growth must be accompanied by the majority of the members of the society can share the fruits of the economic growth .

  26. 全民共享经济社会发展成果,人人都能品味和享受运动的快乐与幸福,是叙述体育消费分层的本义。

    The joy and happiness created by the economic achievement shall be shared by all people , which is the right original meaning of the sports with different stratum .

  27. 某种程度上,通过评分系统和其他系统科技可帮助我们建立对彼此的信任,开启共享经济。

    Of course , to some degree , technology can help us to build trust in one another with ratings systems and other systems that enable the sharing economy .

  28. 对于个人来说,共享经济正在帮助消费者节省——甚至创造——金钱和时间,对于那些低收入者也许帮助最大。

    For individuals , the sharing economy is helping to save - or even create - money and time for consumers , and may even help those with less money the most .

  29. 从城镇贫困人口基本状况的分析入手,针对城镇贫困群体的特点,城镇贫苦群体的致贫原因等方面问题,提出了解决城镇贫困问题,共享经济社会发展成果的对策和思路。

    The essay from the analysis of poverty population , its characteristics and its causes advances the measure to deal with the problem of poverty and how to share the policy of economic development .

  30. 如果选民只能获得他们认可的观点,如果劳动者在所谓的共享经济中无法获得体面的薪资和社会安全网,欧洲政治领导人不想管也得管。

    It matters to Europe 's political leaders if voters are exposed only to views they agree with , or if workers are denied decent wages and social safety nets in the so-called sharing economy .